RIP George Floyd

Sounds like PCP. Makes you strip nekkid (overheating) and gives you super saiyan power. Some of them will even cannibalize their victims.
An old friend of mine told me about the time he did pcp in a basement, started tripping out horrifically, & then an angel ended up gave him a handjob. I'm not looking to try it, but the angelic proposition has made me extremely open-minded to any potential future non payment offers.
He hit son with the Lui Kang fire kick and he just ate that ****. What part of 'police training' is this? What page is this on?


That **** was uncalled for :smh: The only reason they charged everyone (including the victim) could be because it happened in California. I’ve seen fist fights break out here and the police usually take both participants to jail not caring/asking who started it. This is different though as it’s been caught on video and shows who started it. I’m hoping the victim of this hate crime gets justice.
Dude sounds like every other Indian/South Asian person who has that “I made it, why can’t you???” mentality as if his experience is the standard for everyone.
That boomer talk is like from my stupid father. Most millennials have it different today thanks to these boomers and the booming economy :smh:. I know quite a bit of S.A. who have benefited from my own family, but my family has been put down because we helped them succeed in this country. We're so damn competitive sometimes its a shame.

But I think Hank is saying from a non violent Gandhi type pov. Civil disobedience. Just right now, its late for that, the white majority is not budging. So people wanna loot, I can't stop em, but I say loot the police, burn the government. They should get the same fear and violence they hand out.
That boomer talk is like from my stupid father. Most millennials have it different thanks to these boomers and the booming economy :smh:. I know quite a bit of S.A. who have benefited from my own family, but my family has been put down because we helped them succeed in this country. We're so damn competitive sometimes its a shame.

But I think Hank is saying from a non violent Gandhi type pov. Civil disobedience. Just right now, its late for that, the white majority is not budging. So people wanna loot, I can't stop em, but I say loot the police, burn the government. They should get the same fear and violence they hand out.

A lot of my parents' neighbors and a few of my relatives are like that. It's like they completely forgot that they came from a village hut or tiny cramped rundown apartment in the city, and now they look down on other minorities who are poor in the US. Like you said, they were literally able to make it because they arrived in the 80s/early 90s when companies in the US were handing out jobs/banks were handing out business loans liberally to Indian/Asian immigrants.

Having a stereotype as a "smart race" automatically puts us at an advantage whether it's actually true or not. I'm not making this up: I've been told by a boss in the past that he hired me because "you're Asian too, I knew you'd work harder than the other guys I interviewed". People give us unearned opportunities that black people don't get, so it's extremely frustrating to see some people from my background talking about "I don't get why they can't work hard and succeed like I did". All those book smarts but zero critical thinking skills.

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Having a stereotype as a "smart race" automatically puts us at an advantage whether it's actually true or not. I'm not making this up: I've been told by a boss in the past that he hired me because "you're Asian too, I knew you'd work harder than the other guys I interviewed". People give us unearned opportunities that black people don't get, so it's extremely frustrating to see some people from my background talking about "I don't get why they can't work hard and succeed like I did". All those book smarts but zero critical thinking skills.

Might be some truth to that as my parents (Mexican and Guatemalan) had great math skills but could never land a thing other than manual labor jobs. As for me, I had a brief stint working overnight at Target due to needing some extra income. I came in with several other people but I noticed quickly that I was continuously given the harder more labor intensive duties while not even trained for it. Everyone else I came in with had time to laugh and joke as they worked but I was coming out of shifts dirty, bruised (sometimes bleeding) and sweaty. My supervisor told me he chose me because I’m Latino and we work harder than the others. I quit a few days later.
That **** was uncalled for :smh: The only reason they charged everyone (including the victim) could be because it happened in California. I’ve seen fist fights break out here and the police usually take both participants to jail not caring/asking who started it. This is different though as it’s been caught on video and shows who started it. I’m hoping the victim of this hate crime gets justice.
Hope so too. At least Tariq did his thing and got dudes charges dropped
Word is 10k people protested today in Downtown LA. The curfew was pushed back. It’s been 5 or 6 pm for the most part. Today it was 9pm
Hope so too. At least Tariq did his thing and got dudes charges dropped
Good! It’s only fair. He shouldn’t be content with just having his charges dropped though. I think that assault qualifies as a hate crime, especially given that the guy is a white supremacist. I’d pursue further if I was him.
I know its sooo late, but in response to George Floyd's death, can the Democrats choose a black presidential candidate, and the vice president, Abrams or someone. Covid-19 affecting black and brown, George Floyd, the time is right now.
Word is 10k people protested today in Downtown LA. The curfew was pushed back. It’s been 5 or 6 pm for the most part. Today it was 9pm
It was around 12k to 16k over here in San Francisco. It was kind of odd though because there were two big groups. I guess they may have had two different organizing groups. I know the one in the Mission(Hispanic neighborhood) was led by a black/Latina 17y/o girl which was uplifting. From what I was told by the people that attended, she made a good speech in front of a high school around there.

Edit: Article-
The man fatally shot by Vallejo police as the city erupted in chaos Tuesday was kneeling outside a Walgreens and not carrying a firearm when an officer opened fire — sending five bullets through his own windshield.

Sean Monterrosa, 22, of San Francisco died after the shooting at around 12:30 a.m. Tuesday, but police did not tell the public the man was killed — or disclose the circumstances of the shooting — until Wednesday at a news conference outside City Hall, a day after calling in 50 troops from the National Guard to help control protests and rioting sparked by the Minnesota police killing of George Floyd.

In a Wednesday afternoon news conference, Vallejo Police Chief Shawny Williams said the officer believed he saw the butt of a handgun poking out near Monterrosa’s waist, and opened fire “due to this perceived threat.”

Williams did not say how far the officer, who was still in his vehicle, was from Monterrosa.

“Investigations later revealed that the weapon was a long, 15-inch hammer, tucked into the pocket of a sweatshirt,” Williams said.


Out of all cities to do this in, these pigs chose Vallejo? Knowing how dudes get down out there...Good luck :D

Sean was a former student i worked with during his sophomore year. an absolutely sweet, compassionate and curious young man. i'm not sure what conditions lead to him to being at that Walgreens but I'm confident he wasn't there to harm anyone.

this one hurts. damn, they all hurt. RIP Sean.


to any of yall hittin the streets to protest, be safe. i'm out there in solidarity with you.
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