RIP George Floyd

Every bit counts. Magic kingdom alone brings in 8 mil a day..

Could've easily give 50..or more. I'm just saying. But it's a kind gesture.

5 million to them is like when you're checking out at finish line and they ask if you want to donate 3 dollars to help give footwear to the disadvantaged youth.

Waste of a donation. NAACP ain't about ****.
Finally catching up since this afternoon and things move so fast in the world right now. Government doing anything they can right now to stop this and it ain’t gonna happen. Releasing the mug shots of the cops. Fast tracking sports back on TV. I expect the COVID vaccine to magically be ready any minute now.
I disassociate myself with anything sneaker related outside of NT. They’re weird on social media.

Not just on social media. I'm glad SpittaJetLife SpittaJetLife pointed out what was going on in the Jordan 13 thread. Of course there's always been a couple of losers hanging around in General, but damn I didn't know there were so many racists and sellouts on the shoe forums of NT :smh: Nothing but posts about calling looters scum and "let's just talk about shoes and leave politics out of". I'd say maybe 1/10 posts were actually about the reason the protests were happening. No idea how people can just sit back and only talk about shoes at a time like this
Finally catching up since this afternoon and things move so fast in the world right now. Government doing anything they can right now to stop this and it ain’t gonna happen. Releasing the mug shots of the cops. Fast tracking sports back on TV. I expect the COVID vaccine to magically be ready any minute now.
Aight cool.....keep that same energy in future threads regarding BLACK issues and you won't hear from me :wink:

My energy and stance has always been the same. I don’t make racist comments towards ANY race on here as such actions would’ve surely had me thread banned or banned entirely off the site. However, he (you know who) has and Method took action against it. He’s still mad about that but that’s HIS personal problem. Don’t let that dude use you as an extension of his trolling and antagonizing tactics. I‘ve made several posts in this thread and agree with lots of stuff that’s been posted. No crying here about the protests, looting or coming to the defense of the police or president. I understand why it’s happened and why it’s necessary.
Not just on social media. I'm glad SpittaJetLife SpittaJetLife pointed out what was going on in the Jordan 13 thread. Of course there's always been a couple of losers hanging around in General, but damn I didn't know there were so many racists and sellouts on the shoe forums of NT :smh: Nothing but posts about calling looters scum and "let's just talk about shoes and leave politics out of". I'd say maybe 1/10 posts were actually about the reason the protests were happening. No idea how people can just sit back and only talk about shoes at a time like this
This site is quite interestIng. They love Black people, until its time to talk about being Black. They wear Black endorsed footwear, but do not want to understand the struggle off court, field, that went into the athletes becoming.
I am hoping that the Black interest that is shown on this thread, spreads to the rest of this site. I hope that the moderators learn that the let’s keep it about the shoes vibe that the little racist pricks on this site use, Is simply a ploy to censor Black voices against oppression.
so...are the riots over? :frown:

There are still instigators out there. My friend living in San Diego said that a bunch of 13 year olds organized a march at local park, and when people got there, there were piles of bricks and planks just sitting there :stoneface:

I'm all for riots but not if they're setups by police and white supremacists/ anarchists

I spoke on this topic earlier in this thread. The injustice against Black Americans doesn't end at police brutality. There's too many innocent black men in prison, and there's mistreatment of prisoners altogether.

I know poor prison treatment isn't race specific but we know the primary demographic is black due to a terrible justice system. This death is extremely shady and to say pepper spray led to a heart attack is total ******** and clearly a cover up
Hodge Twins have been on my Facebook feed about 10 times today along with Amari King, Candace Owens, and Graham Allen. **** em all.

one of my friends just posted candace owens new video, to denigrate her...but still...i'd much rather ignore that trash bag completely and give her no energy or attention ever. i dont care about her enough to hate her. shes nothing to me. A speck of lint....a bad smell in the air, but its windy out. she's nothing. nobody. and anyone like her. Let their self hate nightmares haunt them.
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