RIP George Floyd

I wish the knicks were better.wish they could stand up to Dolan and boycott the season restarting to really do something.

Love that Lebron called out Brees, just wish he'd be willing to put the league on notice as the best player that we wont play until this is resolved and that steps are taken.
I dont disagree with what she said. The Black community as well as several others have come together to help and stand beside Latinos and the struggles we face. You can take your package back but please follow her instructions at the end of the video to heart :emoji_thumbsup:

Aight cool.....keep that same energy in future threads regarding BLACK issues and you won't hear from me :wink:
Yesterday, while trying to dig out from beneath the avalanche of messages, notifications, and news that await us each morning, and especially Monday mornings, a friend and I paused to catch up with each other. She shared a statement released by the founder of a company she works with - late arriving, but well-intended. Like a disproportionate number of well-off executives in America, the founder of this particular company is a White man. Most of us have, by now, become inured to and skeptical of the insipid and innumerable corporate statements of "solidarity" interspersed throughout not only this weekend, but the preceding weeks in response the global pandemic. What struck both of us, with this all too typical attempt, was how a benign, trite statement like "I stand against racism and violence" feels hostile.

How, some might wonder, could anyone object to that? Do you support violence? And that's precisely the problem. Due to the predictably racist and sensationalized framing of this weekend's largely peaceful and non-violent protests, appeals to "both sides" are now being crafted such that a "respectable" position must denounce both racism and, for some reason, violence in general.

Why must we explicitly denounce violence rather than focus exclusively on what is, in this context, both its root cause and primary means of expression: anti-Black racism?

We shouldn't have to mollify concerns about property damage in the same breath, the same statement, the same day, or the same year that we focus on the murder of Black Americans at the hands of law enforcement.

This is “all lives matter” for inanimate objects.

I don't want to hear about how riots "undermine the message." The message is only unclear for those who refuse to listen - and what is it, if not grotesque privilege, that allows someone to determine the conditions under which they are willing to entertain recognizing the basic humanity of another group?

For centuries now, America has resisted every call to reckon with its brutal and murderous oppression. It's like broaching an uncomfortable subject with a selfish, disinterested relationship partner.

Last time, it was, "I don't want to talk about it now, I'm trying to watch football." Now, it's, "I can't talk to you when you're angry. Maybe if you calm down."

Calls for justice should not wait until White America decides it's a "convenient time," nor should they only count if they are considered uniformly palatable and nonthreatening.

Equality will not be delayed another 400 years because Jake Paul looted a Big Lots.

For the same reason that all lives cannot matter unless and until Black lives matter, generic platitudes about unity, peace, and the abhorrence of violence in general are utterly meaningless if we are to give broken glass the same priority as broken bodies or a broken system.

You will spare the thread this discussion, because you've been removed from it.

If anyone else would like to make the same argument.

1.) Don't.
2.) I've explained this already here and here:

We do not utilize the lay, dictionary definition of "racism" in our content moderation. The academic definition of racism may be simplified as: racism = prejudice + power.
Systemic inequality exists in our societies along axes such as race, gender, sex, class, ability, and spiritual/cultural affiliation. For each, there exists a normative, structural, hierarchical direction that serves to the advantage of certain groups at the detriment of all others. This is what is tacitly acknowledged through phrases like "reverse racism." Prejudice carries far greater heft and consequence when backed by the weight of history, enacted by institutions, and represents prevailing social biases.

This is not to say that prejudice is only hurtful or wrong when aligned with prevailing, structurally enforced biases. It is, of course, wrong if a woman sexually harasses a man - but such incidents do not leverage or contribute to the broader objectification, degradation, and oppression of men as a sex.

In that same vein, it must be acknowledged that men, collectively, are responsible for sexism. If a man's relative success or inaction serve to perpetuate sex or gender inequality, should he be absolved of any and all association with or accountability for sexism by merely maintaining a theoretical opposition to it? That, in essence, is why many, if not most, social justice educators and activists, including White educators like Dr. Robin DiAngelo, seek to maintain a sense of accountability among their peers through the use of phrases like "anti-racist racists." 1 2 3

If this strikes you as a double standard, this is so only because it describes the double standards of racism, sexism, et al.

If this bothers anyone else, don't clutter this thread. Either take it up with me or seek out one of the many, many other websites that are designed around your perspective to the exclusion of all others.

To everyone who wishes to use this thread as intended, please continue to alert our moderation team to such disruptions by tapping the "report" link beneath any offending posts.

The definition of racism, in this case, prejudice and power, as well as the dictionary's definition of superiority of a race above the other all derive from 1 thing, in my opinion, privilege. Inherited or created privileges breed some ignorance and advantages that further expand the differences between race and keeps dividing classes. Racism is a negative ignorant product of privilege. There are those who benefit but don't believe they're racist, and then those that benefit and are racist. I read this dailynews article which made sense to me.

Some Niketalkers that haven't grasped the understanding or experiences of discrimination and racism are simply unaware, where they react with statements that say I shouldn't be told, when the statement could be I don't understand, but I'm learning. To further travel down the hole by denying or not comprehending a serious old issue complictes the correct progress that should allow some closure. But there will always be work to be done.

As for damaging property, the anger and frustration of the underlying issue is added into the fire. Property, for the most part is material, including federal reserve notes. The violence that destroys businesses hurt the smaller stores whose people stand in support of the message. But its sending the wrong message to the wealthier established class or privileged races that misinterpret the main problem. They label these people thugs, that they take their problems out on something they dont own. The 1st issue of racism brutality and inequality are not thought of.

Sure, to loot things and destroy property gives a temporary selfish benefit for a old problem that mainly plagued one race, but the violence is better aimed at the system, the police, the government. The unfortunate effects of Covid-19 became financially crippling especially towards the poor black and brown communities, however some of the same members are begging to rebuild in order to live. Insurance may cover some, but typically its not enough. So the looting that affects larger businesses are trying to send a message to those racial groups who own these businesses, but their business wouldn't suffer a big hit. Instead, by not speaking up against racism and brutality, they could be taking hits.

The government, the people cast votes. Direct the anger, possibly physical, towards them, as they understand such drastic measures. Instead of general or specific looting that is selfish, stop spending money as a certain race or collection of races towards these big corporations. I think both entities would see a common message, and the voice of black Americans suffering injustice is better enhanced by adding the majority of white Americans who support the real cause and aren't ignorant and racist. For once, let white Americans utilize the good parts of their privilege for another fellow human beings cause, and eventually permit or share some balance in the land, where "all men are created equal".
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Sneaker youtube/twitter/Instagram has to be the most vile and opportunistic group of human beings ever created.

using a time like now to protest from the comfort of your privileged household using a hashtag to gain views and likes to keep yourself relevant since ain’t no one care about what you’re fake doing on quarantine.
Sneaker youtube/twitter/Instagram has to be the most vile and opportunistic group of human beings ever created.

using a time like now to protest from the comfort of your privileged household using a hashtag to gain views and likes to keep yourself relevant since ain’t no one care about what you’re fake doing on quarantine.

I disassociate myself with anything sneaker related outside of NT. They’re weird on social media.
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