RIP George Floyd

Just gonna drop this here.....
TURBO UNO TURBO UNO She talkin to you lil buddy :lol:

I dont disagree with what she said. The Black community as well as several others have come together to help and stand beside Latinos and the struggles we face. You can take your package back but please follow her instructions at the end of the video to heart :emoji_thumbsup:

Edit: Fast forward 2 years later and Sugafree’s goofy *** got banned for racist comments. Good. Hahahaha.
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years and years and years and years and years and years of demanding and protesting and write ups and call ins and sit downs

and all mf had to do all that time was start tearing the city up


they sell them in some gas stations here


From VA being a 2nd home to me most of my life I peeped early that they luv that confederate **** up there early...They gotta have the most by far, every park/street/monument landmark is bout the confederacy :smh: ....Always thought it was weird af all that is still around considering the Deep South states dont look at VA like they one of them :lol:
No cap I think one of the army dudes being yelled at in DC was in tears while being yelled at by a protestor

Military comes from all walks of life. American media just gives this image of "Support the Troops" then shows some yeehaw Ford F-150 dude in a uniform. There's a lot of black/minority servicemen across all branches of the military. And a good percentage of the white military personnel have come from diverse backgrounds where they support the fight against racial inequality. That's why so many black Americans get angry when the Kaep kneeling situation is criticIzed
White people telling black people how they should protest or react to a build up of centuries of oppression bottled up with basically 0 that’s ballsy....Melania Trump go ***** yourself.
White people telling black people how they should protest or react to a build up of centuries of oppression bottled up with basically 0 that’s ballsy....Melania Trump go ***** yourself.
This is what I've learned the most. As nonblack POC we have glimpses but we'll never have the full experience of what they go through.

I love this song

Reading about the boogaloo boys and I thought it was all right wing but apparently it’s just a bunch of white dudes with different ideologies who all hate the government and love guns :lol::lol::lol:

How are you so trash that WS, ex military, civil rights activists, police sympathizers AND haters, and the dudes that figure out glitches in GTA Online all band together in Hawaiian shirts to defeat you

aliens gotta be next up
Man the two things I remember from Chris Dorner. The Chris Dorner Last Stand computer game 4Chan made and that the actor who played the dad in That's So Raven kept being reported on for being Dorner.
bro, he has to be him in the biopic. with his goofy ***
Mega always been one of my favorite MCs.
From VA being a 2nd home to me most of my life I peeped early that they luv that confederate **** up there early...They gotta have the most by far, every park/street/monument landmark is bout the confederacy :smh: ....Always thought it was weird af all that is still around considering the Deep South states dont look at VA like they one of them :lol:
Yo i remember first moving down to VA and not knowing the history behind the flag. Was on road wth my homie and made a wrong turn and he started tripping telling me lets get outta here. I thought some **** was gonna pop off. He said nah you see those flags??

Then he gave me a history lesson.

:smh: :smh:
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