RIP George Floyd

Was encouraging seeing the amount of non-blacks also turning up in Minneapolis last night to stand in solidarity with the community, need more of that energy more often


Agent provocateurs are a pretty commonly used tactic by major city PD's during demonstrations like this.

Legit seen them dress up as black bloc protesters in department issued boots irl and show up to peaceful protests strictly to start trouble and instigate violence even as real protesters try to get them to stop.

They're often the first ones to start chucking objects towards the riot pigs and destroying property all in an effort to justify the eventual violent repression from their boys and shut down the protest :smh:

They always end up getting fake 'arrested' by their boys too towards the end so they can get away scot free.
Rioting isn’t the answer but it is AN answer. Peaceful protests are forgotten. Riots are remembered. That’s facts.

When all other “peaceful methods” of calling for dialogue, reform and resolution have been exhausted and our cries continue to be ignored , and things have been brewing for a long time, what other answers are there to a situation like this? I would like a legitimate answer. If rioting isn’t the answer as people like to say, I would please like to hear a realistic one.

I’m not advocating for it but I’m not condemning people who are angry. You don’t get rational actions out of anger.
Who said rioting isn't the answer? I think it is a time for action. We're literally saying take the riots to the neighborhood of the oppressors though. Don't continue the destruction of the oppressed. Seems simple man.
Broken America, let's see how Trump handles this plus Covid 19. I bet he's going to be like **** this **** I'm out.

My take is that why loot the stores when you're in a pandemic. Alot of ppl rely on them to get their foods plus ppl that work there are without jobs now.
I came into this thread last night and thats the first time I've ever seen a video like that. After reading through the 16 pages of this thread I get the feeling that we share similar thoughts about what happened.

When I woke up this morning and I felt haunted by every act committed in this video as this felt like carnage to me. In my sleep all I could hear was this guy begging for life and for most of this country its business as usual.

America just witnessed a public execution. Protesting, arresting these cops, firing these cops, just don't feel like enough to me and it never will. My spirit will weep forever for victims like Mr. Floyd in this life and the next.

I'm sorry if this post offends anyone but its just how I honestly feel.
Mf'ers worried about businesses as if America didn't just run a genocide on black business behind Covid & offered them no help.

"Violence isn't the answer"......... newsflash all America has is violence. they use violence to secure everything they have ever gained. It's the American way

And they probably just got bailed out by the fed govt in the stimulus anyways...personally I’m over peaceful protest. I don’t care for the signs, cute little hashtags, or chants. We tried that it doesn’t work.
And they probably just got bailed out by the fed govt in the stimulus anyways...personally I’m over peaceful protest. I don’t care for the signs, cute little hashtags, or chants. We tried that it doesn’t work.

Don't work AT ALL, i remember the original Eric Garner protest, go down there peacefully protesting chopping it up with a few people..... same night Cops were using the same EXACT knee tactic on protestors, I saw a cop punch a WHITE LADY square in the face in public & wasn't even reprimanded, Sevaral teens got assaulted by officers & i probably spent more time in a cell for protesting than a cop did for murder..........

Protesting is a good vessel to get around some like minded people & just to express yourself, but it's doing nothing for change.
:rofl: Come on man

This dude is a 'journo' that got famous for lying about being attacked by anti-fascists in portland and was invited on multiple news shows and podcasts only to be discovered as a fraud when footage leaked of him chilling and discussing staging the attack with alt-right groups like the proud boys :lol: :smh:

Basically pulled a Juicy Smoulié

He's become one of the bigger grifters and mouthpieces on the alt-right since getting exposed and is super chummy with them. Like an asian Candace Owens except she's never masquaraded as a 'journalist'
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