RIP George Floyd

Pac's second verse from 'I Wonder if Heaven Got a Ghetto' unfortunately seems very fitting right now...

Here on Earth, tell me what's a black life worth?
A bottle of juice is no excuse, the truth hurts

And even when you take the ****
Move counties, get a lawyer, you can shake the ****
Ask Rodney, Latasha, and many more
It's been going on for years, there's plenty more

When they ask me, "When will the violence cease?"
When your troops stop shootin' ****** down in the street

****** had enough, time to make a difference
Bear witness, own our own business
**** the guard, ‘cause it's hard tryin' to make ends meet
First we couldn't afford ****, now everything's free
So we loot, please don't shoot when you see

I'm takin' from them ‘cause for years they would take from me
Now the tables have turned around
You didn't listen, until the ****** burned it down, huh
I don't know of any Black owned business that were looted. I know Target was looted and Autozone was damaged. Was there anything else? How do you know they're Black owned businesses?
I don't know which businesses have been looted, but we know that there are some people there that don't give a damn about which store they run up in.

POS is a HS teacher too apparently :smh: :smh:
We need to get these people to commit suicide. From all of these Karen’s and racist police officers, they all need to die. That’s how this will all be fixed.
You really think more people dying will solve anything? In your case, all the so called racist police officers? Please enlighten me on how that will fix anything because I don't see your point of view.
You really think more people dying will solve anything? In your case, all the so called racist police officers? Please enlighten me on how that will fix anything because I don't see your point of view.
Fam, not everyone is down with continuing to try to fix something the ‘right’ way. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In this case, black and brown people have continued to take the high road and not meet ignorance with more ignorance, and it has not improved the situation. It is what it is. Perhaps that change of pace will get a different reaction out of people who generally have nothing to lose in these situations.
You really think more people dying will solve anything? In your case, all the so called racist police officers? Please enlighten me on how that will fix anything because I don't see your point of view.

I don’t want them dead.... at least not right away. I want them in prison in gen pop. Getting abused in every way possible until they grow the pair to end it themselves.
Valid points made by this black cop. My question is: Why aren't these good cops ever around when their colleagues are harassing and killing people?
It’s simple math.

Less racists = less racism
I don’t want them dead.... at least not right away. I want them in prison in gen pop. Getting abused in every way possible until they grow the pair to end it themselves.
man said “how will all the racist police officers being gone fix anything?”


I see y'all point of view. Y'all believe that if you rid the world of racist people or even lower their numbers that will equate to less racism or even eliminating racism? I'm sorry but those so called racist people y'all want to rid the world of, you can kill them physically but their mentality will still be there passed on to the next generation who saw their loved ones slaughtered for being "racist". I'm sorry fam but I just don't get it. Hurt people hurt others lets just put it that way. I just want to live in a world filled with genuine love, real love, where we all look out for one another no matter the skin tone but who am I kidding, killing off the racist people will better the world right?
Valid points made by this black cop. My question is: Why aren't these good cops ever around when their colleagues are harassing and killing people?

A lot of times these racist cops will cause issues for the good guys and get them re-assigned to another partner who is provably not gonna be out there acting like it's the Wild Wild West on a different side of town.
I see y'all point of view. Y'all believe that if you rid the world of racist people or even lower their numbers that will equate to less racism or even eliminating racism? I'm sorry but those so called racist people y'all want to rid the world of, you can kill them physically but their mentality will still be there passed on to the next generation who saw their loved ones slaughtered for being "racist". I'm sorry fam but I just don't get it. Hurt people hurt others lets just put it that way. I just want to live in a world filled with genuine love, real love, where we all look out for one another no matter the skin tone but who am I kidding, killing off the racist people will better the world right?

Some of the Native Americans tried it and you let me know how it worked out for them?

I'm not even talking about what was learned in history books, I'm talking about what's currently going on. The implementation of blood percentages and the fact they get chang all the time. They're trying to eliminate the race.

Why would we wanna think that they won't do that to any other race??

I understand your view also but I think it is highly naive to try and be reasonable with the race that legit has the most violent filled history.
I see y'all point of view. Y'all believe that if you rid the world of racist people or even lower their numbers that will equate to less racism or even eliminating racism? I'm sorry but those so called racist people y'all want to rid the world of, you can kill them physically but their mentality will still be there passed on to the next generation who saw their loved ones slaughtered for being "racist". I'm sorry fam but I just don't get it. Hurt people hurt others lets just put it that way. I just want to live in a world filled with genuine love, real love, where we all look out for one another no matter the skin tone but who am I kidding, killing off the racist people will better the world right?

Racism will never die. Removal of racists from positions of power is manageable.

You are free to be racist but you must face harsh consequences if you use your racist ideology to infringe on others, especially when it’s to the point of being protected after acts of murder. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind if mf don’t learn their lesson.

The less racists in positions of power the better. Thus the less racist cops exercising their inability to function as anything other than a tool of white supremacy, the better.

If your alternative is teach the racists not to hate us, I implore you to look at the last *checks calendar* 4-500 years of history of the treatment of Black people and get back to me with your plan.
I see y'all point of view. Y'all believe that if you rid the world of racist people or even lower their numbers that will equate to less racism or even eliminating racism? I'm sorry but those so called racist people y'all want to rid the world of, you can kill them physically but their mentality will still be there passed on to the next generation who saw their loved ones slaughtered for being "racist". I'm sorry fam but I just don't get it. Hurt people hurt others lets just put it that way. I just want to live in a world filled with genuine love, real love, where we all look out for one another no matter the skin tone but who am I kidding, killing off the racist people will better the world right?

That’s all fine and dandy and I’m glad you still have such a positive outlook on this country...but why do black people always have to be the ones to apologize after we get punched in the face? Peaceful protests simply don’t work. Consequences are needed. Point blank period.
Valid points made by this black cop. My question is: Why aren't these good cops ever around when their colleagues are harassing and killing people?

I'm sure that officer has good intentions but it is always easier to explain what you would have done after the fact. Easy to play 'hero' ball when you already know the outcome.
IMO birds of a feather flock together and even in a scenario like that were you know morally this isn't right a 'good' cop will still protect another cop even if he or she might personally feel different about the actions someone is committing. You also have to remember that cops will generally stick together and if you speak up or out against the action of the force you belong to there is fear of retribution, re-assignment orders, etc.
Also, to us... We need to do a better job of protecting ourselves. We need to not dismiss our jury duty summons, no more throwing it into the trash and showing up and trying to say things to get out of it.

We are eliminating ourselves as jurors. Where do you think they get these people from? I get how the system works. They fish for jury that fits the ethnic and class pool of the defendants, we should all know that at this point. If there are none of us in the pool how are they supposed to select anyone that looks like us. We have to disrupt the systems at power.
My prediction as to what will happen.
The cops that were fired will be charged soon.
Just the pig that had his knee on George's neck will be convicted(not great odds) and the rest will walk(better odds). The conviction will be manslaughter.
Trump will take credit for the charges being made on some "Because of me the charges were made a lot faster"... even though they should have already been made.
Then he'll keep his mouth shut about everything after that cause he knows if the cop is found guilty, he'll lose his supporters if he says anything about a cop murdering a Black man.
Some of the Native Americans tried it and you let me know how it worked out for them?

I'm not even talking about what was learned in history books, I'm talking about what's currently going on. The implementation of blood percentages and the fact they get changed all the time. They're trying to eliminate the race.

Why would be wanna think that they won't do that to any other race??

I understand your view also but I think it is highly naive to try and be reasonable with the race that legit has the most violent filled history.

Valid point fam. I don't think the root of the problem is being attacked though. I'm a spiritual person so I believe before anything manifests physically, there is a spiritual backing that happens first. That's what needs to be addressed but as you stated that has not worked looking at history which is manipulated (ex:some schools don't even teach or mention slavery). All I'm trying to say is, if an individual's spirit was in the right place, he or she would be in a better position to "do good".

In this case, the racist cops lashing out on the colored community because there is a disconnect in their heart/spirit which in turn spews out as racism or any type of negativity imo.

If my spirit was in peace and I did not feel any sense of lack would I need to lash out on others or even take what I think will bring me life from others which in turn could bringing negativity and in this case death?

How can we change those racist people's heart/spirit? Is there no way to change those hardened hearts, that eliminating them is the solution?
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