Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

you get shot down by the police and your mom is going to say, "yeah he has some violence issues" :lol:
I doubt his mom even knew about him roughing up the shop owner, "yeah mom, I bought some swishas to smoke later had some trouble with the owner, roughed him up a bit" (and he couldn't tell her that because he was dead moments later)

Exactly. Whos mom is gonna say their son was a bad person. A small few maybe.

But check this. When mass murderer gets caught and their neighbors say "he was such a a nice guy. Said good morning to me everyday", thats ok right?
and CNN will show the video over and over again

if his family had not tried to paint him as an angel and saint
had his homeboy kept his mouth shut and not called him a 'gentle giant' that couldnt hurt anybody

that tape wouldnt matter to me at all

i say the same about the police department

if they werent trying to paint this officer as some decorated protector of the people

when ive heard conflicting stories from 2 citizens about his conduct (1 business owner)

i wouldnt be curious about his character and background

funny how im free to inquire and question the character of the officer all day long without a word of protest

inquire about MB and the pitchforks come out

grow up

I wonder why fam, one is one paid vacation with his woman and the other is dead and gone :smh:

It's not the same thing and u telling people to grow up, how about you show some sensitivity on the matter....damn
if his family had not tried to paint him as an angel and saint
had his homeboy kept his mouth shut and not called him a 'gentle giant' that couldnt hurt anybody

that tape wouldnt matter to me at all

i say the same about the police department

if they werent trying to paint this officer as some decorated protector of the people

when ive heard conflicting stories from 2 citizens about his conduct (1 business owner)

i wouldnt be curious about his character and background

funny how im free to inquire and question the character of the officer all day long without a word of protest

inquire about MB and the pitchforks come out

grow up

Who speaks ill of the dead? Especially when they've been dead for barely a week. Michael Brown, an 18 year old KID again KID is dead. Anybody who has been 18 before knows how reckless you can be at the age. I'm not absolving Michael Brown of anything because at 18 you know better and have developed common sense but let's face facts nobody deserves to be shot 5-8 times for stealing some swisher sweets. But let's face the even harder fact that the officer didn't approach Michael Brown for the alleged theft. So why did an armed officer feel threaten enough to fire not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 bullets into an unarmed kid??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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No mother is about to say "hey my dead son had a temper problem" get real.

And let's be serious, his mother may not have even known. When I was 18 my mother had no clue about things I did.

I dont Know what y'all are expecting here :lol:
it is something 'official' to go off of

something in black and white
- But the police have changed their stories at least 5 times
- Released the tape despite federal authorities saying it's not a good idea
- Tear gassed peaceful protestors
- Waited a week to release us the killer's name
- Federal authorities have to step in and do the autoposy
- FBI has to interview witnesses since the police refuse to do so
and the list goes on

But we're supposed to trust them, like it's all "in black and white"

No mother is about to say "hey my dead son had a temper problem" get real.

And let's be serious, his mother may not have even known. When I was 18 my mother had no clue about things I did.

I dont Know what y'all are expecting here :lol:

right? what mother is going to say that? like his mother is going to be "objective" :lol: "well he had some behavior problems" what? My mom didn't know half the things I did at 18 or 19 or 20, etc :lol:
This guy... still victim blaming. Questioning the character of a dead teenager when the person that shot him MULTIPLE times is alive, free, and getting paid. We should question the cop, he killed an unarmed teenager. That's fact.
But we're supposed to trust them, like it's all "in black and white" :lol:

you obviously have no idea what "in black and white" means

that ''official' document could work in either parties favor depending on it if was doctored or truthful

i never said trust

but yall are to busy seeing bias in my words to understand that

right? what mother is going to say that? like his mother is going to be "objective" :lol: "well he had some behavior problems" what? My mom didn't know half the things I did at 18 or 19 or 20, etc :lol:

a simple statement of 'he was just a regular kid" would have squashed a of that
you obviously have no idea what "in black and white" means

that ''official' document could work in either parties favor depending on it if was doctored or truthful

i never said trust

but yall are to busy seeing bias in my words to understand that

a simple statement of 'he was just a regular kid" would have squashed a of that
Bruh, log off.

How are YOU the end all, be all, of how one person perceives another human?

-You ask my sister about me, she will paint me in a great light.

-You ask my wife about me, she will paint me in a great light.

-You ask my neighbor about me, the one I don't along with, he will say I'm an ******* who calls the city on him to fix his house.

-You ask my ex, I'm the devil.

You gonna tell another man how to paint his friend?  Man, you're a joke.
:lol: I could go out and stab 10 people right now, get caught, and my mom would still say I was a precious angel.

I know what in black and white means and I know we've been fed crap all week by the police dept. , them having 'documentation' does nothing for me, especially when they were caught in lies as early as this morning.
I could go out and stab 10 people right now, get caught, and my mom would still say I was a precious angel.

I know what in black and white means and I know we've been fed crap all week by the police dept. , them having 'documentation' does nothing for me, especially when they were caught in lies as early as this morning.
I said it when the video released. It appeared, to me, that he paid for the rillos, but had no id, so threw the money at the clerk and bounced. 

The friend with dreads looks oblivious, nothing like a 'robbery'. He isn't pacing, fidgeting or looking around. 
So are we gonna get a statement from the store owner or what?

Ahhhhh that makes sense too

thats not what the police report says though

the police report was talking specifically about a dispute of paying for the cigars

not only that a dispute about his age doesnt sound right if he frequented the store

have any of you actually read the police report?

Yes, some of the responses are filled with hatred and think the solution is to fight back with the same hatred. I don't agree, I'm allowed to not agree.

Had you said I don't agree I would have let it be, thats common sense, you didn't even need to say it. But you didn't say "i don't agree with that response". You insinuated that is the cause of all these black kids being murdered. You have absolutely no proof of that, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, so don't sit here and hold up your opinion as something to be respected. You are smarter than that, you just feel some type of way and your response, while not violent or hateful, is based on the same feelings you are condemning. I'm not gonna argue further with you but you are way out of line for talking like that.
The owner nor an employee weren't the ones that called the police, therefore their wasn't a robbery.

The jig is up for those pigs. Justice BETTER prevail...
I know a black guy who had a sherif put him in a cop car for 20-30 minutes in 95+ degree weather without AC and the windows rolled up.  

He was the only black dude in the car and the only one the officer put in handcuffs prior to searching the vehicle.  The officer finds a bag with under 5 grams of marijuana and 2 hydrocodone pills.  The officer then put the black guy in the cop car.  Left the guy in there while he asked the other two to put full blame on the black friend.  

When the friends wouldn't blame him the officer arrested the driver and let the 3rd passenger leave with the vehicle.  Only because the non black passenger was in the military.

This type of segregation happens everyday in the south. 
Does anyone know if the numbers of protesters have been decreasing nightly since last week?
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It’s been approximately one week since the police shooting of Michael Brown outside a Ferguson, Missouri housing complex on August 9th. Yesterday

the Internet took notice to the overlooked tweets of Twitter user @TheePharoah describing Michael Brown’s shooting immediately after it happened. It

appears that TheePharoah was in his apartment only 20-feet away from the scene at the time of the shooting. Rolling Stone‘s Tim Dickinson collected all

of the tweets, which I’ve compiled below in chronological order:

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