Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Don't understand the riots etc. There are others ways to show how the cops reaction was unacceptable and what should be done in the future to possibly prevent this from happening.
How old are you?

This isn't the first time an unarmed, black teen was murdered.

People are waking up. Out with the opportunistic Reverend coming in for 'peace' to enhance their brand for their bottom line.

Again, I don't agree with looting, but I blame the PD/county for inciting it.

I live in the gray area of life.  Everyone just sees the looting, dismissing the cause. I see a community of people fed up with being preyed upon by police.

I'm not black, I'm Latino, and we face the same institutionalized racism and there just isn't enough of us to graduate college, get jobs, live good lives, to outweigh the racist conditioning that America has on us. 
One of those.. Carry on. 
LOL, which of these photos of Palestinian and Middle Eastern protests is for MB exactly?
Are you so much of a lame that you'd fish for a pointless argument? 
So since you're upset about the way a situation is being handled by law enforcement and the city, steal from the citizens that have nothing to do with it? Seems legit.

That logic makes throwing **** at the police ingenious.
I'm not condoning the looting but how can you blame them?

They were protesting, peacefully, and treated like dogs. What happens in all countries when peaceful protests get the bully treatment from law enforcement?  They riot.

You keep playing with fire, eventually you're gonna get burned.

These people are looking for help and what do they get it? A video of MB being labeled a robber and having his character torn to pieces.
On top of that you have the people that are coming to Ferguson with the sole intention of looting, which is exactly what the protesters are attempting to stop. 

I think the bulk of the protesters present since the beginning have mainly been the ones just seeking a peaceful resolution to the situation and the ones attempting to defend those same stores. It's all the extra people from surrounding cities/neighborhoods that are going wild. 

Especially the random dudes just setting fires for apparently no real reason. You have to remember that all of this has been spur of the moment, there's no protest leader.. They're not really organized as one collective. You can't hold all of them responsible for the people just selfishly trying to profit from the chaos. 
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Are you so much of a lame that you'd fish for a pointless argument? 
On top of that you have the people that are coming to Ferguson with the sole intention of looting, which is exactly what the protesters are attempting to stop. 

I think the bulk of the protesters present since the beginning have mainly been the ones just seeking a peaceful resolution to the situation and the ones attempting to defend those same stores. It's all the extra people from surrounding cities/neighborhoods that are going wild. 

Especially the random dudes just setting fires for apparently no real reason. You have to remember that all of this has been spur of the moment, there's no protest leader.. They're not really organized as one collective. You can't hold all of them responsible for the people just selfishly trying to profit from the chaos. 
Great points. I'm at the point where most people in here are either trolling or inherently racist.

I have to remind myself that most of NT are sheltered, spoiled kids/adults who drive M3s and date models.
That's needs to be out there. The riots and looting WERE NOT part of the protest. Those people took advantage of the situation and did that completely by themselves and not for a cause.
I get the feeling that the youth that are out there now hitting the pavement are sick of the old Civil Rights guard singing Negro spirituals and marching.  Those tactics did a lot for us back in the day but they're not working anymore.  White supremacy evolves and is constantly updating itself, meanwhile we have been using old outdated tactics that no longer work.  It's like trying to run a flip phone versus the newest Android, you're going to get torched every time. 

All that said it's time for us to develop a new Code for black people in order to counteract white supremacy in effective, current ways.  Because 'We Shall Overcome...Some Daaaaay' and praying isn't working anymore.
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What would you propose?

I'm in favor of peaceful protests to express disapproval but not looting cause most likely the owner did not have anything to do with the situation and you're probably destroying a store you or your community patronizes, etc. And I believe a peaceful, organized and persistent approach will be most affective if you want growing support. But I am waiting for more info to roll in about how this possibly went down.
What would you propose?
I'm in favor of peaceful protests to express disapproval but not looting cause most likely the owner did not have anything to do with the situation and you're probably destroying a store you or your community patronizes, etc. And I believe a peaceful, organized and persistent approach will be most affective if you want growing support. But I am waiting for more info to roll in about how this possibly went down.
That's what were trying to say fam.. The protest is not organized. There is no leader. You have a large number of people out there pretty much just doing their own thing, and others just attempting to incite more chaos.

You can't lump the dudes who know they won't get caught trying to rack up some wins at Best Buy with those actually attempting to push for an end to the situation.  

They are not one and the same. 
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That's what were trying to say fam.. The protest is not organized. There is no leader. You have a large number of people out there pretty much just doing their own thing, and others just attempting to incite more chaos.

You can't lump the dudes who know they won't get caught trying to rack up some wins at Best Buy with those actually attempting to push for an end to the situation.  

They are not one and the same. 

Exactly. Then, that's when another problem comes in: A lot of the people who came to help organize and help lead people have their own agendas and are looking for photo ops that they want to push in on the movement :smh: i.e. Jesse Jackson asking for donations and getting boo'd off :lol:

I'm in favor of peaceful protests to express disapproval but not looting cause most likely the owner did not have anything to do with the situation and you're probably destroying a store you or your community patronizes, etc. And I believe a peaceful, organized and persistent approach will be most affective if you want growing support. But I am waiting for more info to roll in about how this possibly went down.

okay, so you don't have an answer because there's no one saying that they disagree with that, or supposing the very few attempts at looting (which were mostly by outside opportunists, a lot of the people in the community went to stand against looters while the cops were too busy tear gassing those peaceful protestors)
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Been out since about Friday morning... Kicking it with the lady friend and famb...

Any updates on the situation?

Public perception on the matter?

Have they found the cop?
Exactly. Then, that's when another problem comes in: A lot of the people who came to help organize and help lead people have their own agendas and are looking for photo ops that they want to push in on the movement :smh: i.e. Jesse Jackson asking for donations and getting boo'd off :lol:
okay, so you don't have an answer because there's no one saying that they disagree with that, or supposing the very few attempts at looting (which were mostly by outside opportunists, a lot of the people in the community went to stand against looters while the cops were too busy tear gassing those peaceful protestors)

Wasn't trying to imply I thought I had the answer(s). Was given my 2cents on how there are other ways to convey a message.
Darren Wilson's recall of events posted to his facebook before he deleted his account:
A Son of Baldwin response:
Officer Darren Wilson apparently released his version of events on Facebook before deleting his account.

Keep in mind a few things when you read this:

1. The cop said Michael bum-rushed him (even after the cop shot him several times prior, once during the confrontation and several more times as Michael was running away). Dozens of witnesses say that Michael had his hands in the air when he turned around and was surrendering and the cop kept shooting anyway.

2. Pay attention to the cop's assertion that they're going to find that Michael was high on something. This is the cop who never called an ambulance to have Michael taken to the hospital. The cop who never called in the shooting. Instead, Michael's body was put into a police vehicle and removed from the scene hours later. They never told Michael's mother where his body was going or where it was. Because there was ZERO oversight, they could have completely tampered with the body and toxicology reports to make them say whatever they need them to say.

3. The cop claims that he got a call about the cigarettes being stolen just as he stopped Michael and his friend, but the chief of police himself said that the officer had no knowledge of the shoplifting until after Michael was dead. 

It is not inconsequential to note that numerous studies have shown that white people often misinterpret the actions of black people, even benign or harmless actions, as dangerous or deadly and respond in kind even when there was really no threat.

Let’s hope someone, anyone, has the video footage that corroborates the story of the dozens of witnesses who say Michael had his hands in the air.

Because we damn sure can’t rely on the system to implicate itself.
Stopped when he said he got a call about the robbery

that's going to be the smoking gun if this ever goes to trial, since chief wiggum said that he knew nothing of the robbery and that it was a traffic stop :smh:
if they change their stories now for the umpteenth time :smh: and we're supposed to trust them?
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