***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I understand your sentiment and recognize the frustration of having people with dated views and questionable morality have the ability to potentially decide the fate of others through voting.

But it's one of the beauties of the US. Providing it's people the right to vote.

Maybe one day folks our age and younger will recognize how amazing this abilty is and use it before it's too late....

Now would be a great time to have that epiphany.... 🥺😰

People who are 70+ shouldn't be allowed to vote. These people often have super outdated views. That's why so many of them support Trump. They miss the days of segregation and misogyny and Trump epitomizes all of that.
I understand your sentiment and recognize the frustration of having people with dated views and questionable morality have the ability to potentially decide the fate of others through voting.

But it's one of the beauties of the US. Providing it's people the right to vote.

Maybe one day folks our age and younger will recognize how amazing this abilty is and use it before it's too late....

Now would be a great time to have that epiphany.... 🥺😰

Maybe saying they shouldn't get to vote was a bit drastic. I just feel that there's a large percentage of people in the 70-90 age group who grew up in a time when things were way different and are ok with things going back to that level of ignorance.

People can be a few months from death but get to vote on major things that impact much younger generations. That's why things like Federal Student Loan Forgiveness never gets passed. Because people who are old AF and paid $50 for a college education don't think it's fair
Maybe saying they shouldn't get to vote was a bit drastic. I just feel that there's a large percentage of people in the 70-90 age group who grew up in a time when things were way different and are ok with things going back to that level of ignorance.

People can be a few months from death but get to vote on major things that impact much younger generations. That's why things like Federal Student Loan Forgiveness never gets passed. Because people who are old AF and paid $50 for a college education don't think it's fair

You know my political views are usually don't let magnanimity and norms get in the way of what is right so I could agree with the idea that boomers (especially affluent white boomers) not be allowed to vote. Unearned affluence plus lead poisoning in utero is a bad combination, empathy wise.

That said, disenfranchising people in generally a bad idea and it is not set in stone that old people be right wing reactionaries. World History and American History are not defined by inevitable progress. In our present moment, we do have older voters with regressive views but in the 80's and 90's, the over 70 set was a bulwark against the even more right wing politics we would have had if only the under 70's could vote. New Deal voters restrained the brutal Reaganite boomers back then.

Again, it is true that right now, adjusted for other demographic factors, the olds are more right wing but we could off set that by lower the voting age to 16 and more importantly, making voting much easier and packing the courts with judges who have a confirmed ecosocialistic philosophy.

I know folks aint trying to persuade the ppl who dislike Biden and Kamala to praise them like there some progressive beacons of hope but this kind of turn is

I think there's some more context with the 2nd tweet but still

life comes at you fast...but to be fair to him, he's taking advantage of that 1% of self-doubt he had in 2018.

I was about to say that libbies are toast but then I realized the train is t coal powered so it looks like we’ll be ridin’ with Biden.

This looks like a scene out of Snowpiercer.

It's the dystopian future we're heading towards. Nobody outside, only survivors on a train. But why? Not because the world is frozen. Is it:

a) global warming and it's too hot to go outside
b) worldwide deadly infection so people stay home
c) this is a red state in rural America, where nobody lives to begin with
d) all of the above
That kind of reminds me of this ad Tom Corbett ran when Wolf was challenging him for governor in pa. Wolf had this thing where he was portrayed as a regular guy and drove his old Jeep every day to work still. So Corbett Comes out with this commercial where a huge jacked up diesel 3500 truck pulls up at a light with a Corbett license plate, idling all loud, then this old beat up Jeep limps up to the light with a Wolf plate. :lol: such a stupid commercial, but I bet the right wingers loved it. Big truck! Strong!
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