***Official Political Discussion Thread***

BTW, where were all you dudes when I was trying to convince people that Cory Booker's policy agenda would probably do the most for black american than any other candidate.

Mans was proposing **** that would close most of the racial wealth gap, free the mandem, and all types of juiced up social democracy and social justice.

Yet everyone left ole boy out in cold like it was a Detroit winter, world to T-baby

Honestly, a lot of democratic supporters get their political news and perspectives from twitter. We make fun of MAGA losers who think Candace Owens is a prophet but there's a lot of liberal thinkers who do the same with pro-democratic twitter accounts.
Yang's UBI was horribly written

He should be taken to task for that.

I mean it is one thing to have a weak sauce proposal, but to misrepresent a libertarian-liberal policy and this massive progressive reform was kinda ******. Especially for a dude that swear he sweats the details.

His best idea was publicly funded elections. That was a great proposal
Matthew Iglesia had an important point about salty Bernie loving leftist that I think applies here.

Either Trump is gonna be president, or Biden is gonna be president. No matter how much you dislike it, those are the choices, and the two are not equivalent

You can either chose to focus on all the ways you agree with Biden/Harris, or you can to harping on about the ways you disagree.

You have agency over your decisions. The Dems didn't leave you no other choice.

But if you chose to harp on the differences, to air personal grievances over and over, if you chose to vote for anyone other than Biden, and persuade other people to do the same, you are an ally to Trump.

No matter how much you might deny it, or claim not to like the dude, you are engaging in exactly the type of behavior Trump's side wants you to.

It is a free country, so do want you want, but be honest about what side you are actually on. Because you might think you have the moral high ground, but in practice you really don't.

This makes sense, logically, for the short-term for a voter that doesn't want Trump. But there is a valid argument that not voting for this ticket will force the Democratic establishment to back a more progressive presidential candidate in the future.

Clearly, the Democratic establishment simply doesn't think they need to do that to win.

Simply voting anyone but Trump signals to the Democratic establishment that they really don't have to give in much and they are still guaranteed the vote.

Withholding the vote creates leverage.
See how Bernie ran on student loan forgiveness and tax cuts on the middle class?
In one EO Trump has defferred student loan payments at 0 percent and given wage earners a tax cut.
All Trump has to do is decriminalize MJ and the Dems will basically be out of carrots.
Even though I don’t post a lot, I’m here too often to not know who is actually trolling, but here I am. How is Biden picking a black woman insulting? How does this guarantee trump’s re-election?

*Remembers that a well educated man just tried to murder a judge’s family because he seemed to have simply hated women.*

It’s a crazy world. - jeezy
This makes sense, logically, for the short-term for a voter that doesn't want Trump. But there is a valid argument that not voting for this ticket will force the Democratic establishment to back a more progressive presidential candidate in the future.

Clearly, the Democratic establishment simply doesn't think they need to do that to win.

Simply voting anyone but Trump signals to the Democratic establishment that they really don't have to give in much and they are still guaranteed the vote.

Withholding the vote creates leverage.
Yes, let the Dem lose to teach them a lesson, while Trump makes the courts so right wing it could nullify any progressive policy for the next 30 years.

Man shut the hell up. Even when you are trying to sound reasonable you dropping it low for Trump

Good grief
See how Bernie ran on student loan forgiveness and tax cuts on the middle class?
In one EO Trump has defferred student loan payments at 0 percent and given wage earners a tax cut.
All Trump has to do is decriminalize MJ and the Dems will basically be out of carrots.

Ok famb.

Ignoring all nuance, economics, and public policy, sureeeee Trump did just like what Bernie was proposing.

Oh, let us ignore the dozens of other issue too.
The longer we have Trump in the White House, the harder it will be to vote. We will see only more voter suppression, more gerrymandering, more tilting of the courts against progressives, and much more.

It's absurdly naive to think that another 4 years of Trump will somehow be good for progressives. Wasn't that the logic some had in 2016?
ADOS was dominating the discussion at that time and wild card Yang was proposing UBI.
Everybody threw on a progressive t-shirt and joined the party.
It wasn't real for all the candidates.
They do lie.
Politics is about winning.
I have a problem when people say this because it is an oversimplification of the political process.

We're not electing a king. We're electing someone with an agenda who is going to propose that agenda to a bunch of people who may or may not agree with it. Assuming that presidents are omnipotent is just unrealistic: they depend on the legislative (elected by the people every two years) to pass the laws they want; they depend on the judiciary (confirmed by the congresspeople who have been elected by the people) to apply the laws. Because of all of that, there will be gamesmanship involved, especially when the president doesn't have a mandate through a legislativel supermajority.

Presidential agendas are just plans, and for these plans to turn into bills and bills into laws, those who support the president have to turn out and vote for the supporting cast too. Without it, nothing is going to happen (because the opposition will be powerful enough to block that agenda), and all we'll get is hot takes like "all politicians lie."

Ok famb.

Ignoring all nuance, economics, and public policy, sureeeee Trump did just like what Bernie was proposing.

Oh, let us ignore the dozens of other issue too.

I'm taking all that into effect.
Especially since both parties still can't come to an agreement and Trump will be sued over his E.O's as dire as the situation is.
See how Bernie ran on student loan forgiveness and tax cuts on the middle class?
In one EO Trump has defferred student loan payments at 0 percent and given wage earners a tax cut.
All Trump has to do is decriminalize MJ and the Dems will basically be out of carrots.

There is a danger of a socially conservative (that’s the polite term for them, fascist is more descriptive) politician using economic populism yo outflank Democrats. But Trump and all of the current right wing populists aren’t giving anything meaningful. The student loan thing is a deferral only and he’s still cutting UI benefits by $800 per month.

Right wing populist only seem economically left compared to the free market zealots that still dominate.
:rofl: :rofl: at good grief. Shouldve added Charlie Brown.


never forget.
I have a problem when people say this because it is an oversimplification of the political process.

We're not electing a king. We're electing someone with an agenda who is going to propose that agenda to a bunch of people who may or may not agree with it. Assuming that presidents are omnipotent is just unrealistic: they depend on the legislative (elected by the people every two years) to pass the laws they want; they depend on the judiciary (confirmed by the congresspeople who have been elected by the people) to apply the laws. Because of all of that, there will be gamesmanship involved, especially when the president doesn't have a mandate through a legislativel supermajority.

Presidential agendas are just plans, and for these plans to turn into bills and bills into laws, those who support the president have to turn out and vote for the supporting cast too. Without it, nothing is going to happen (because the opposition will be powerful enough to block that agenda), and all we'll get is hot takes like "all politicians lie."

This ignores the cog in the wheel of politics that is campaign finance and political donors.
The amount of money involved low key destroys the notion of political party lines being relavant in 2020. And the loyalty bought out of these arrangments is very comparable to the relationship between a monarch and a loyal subject. We do not have a direct democracy. We have a representative democracy.
Our representative democracy is so bad that we take as normal they will not properly represent the wishes and commands of large swathes of the population.
If we’re being real, this election is Trump vs not-Trump and 95% of us already know how we’re voting based on that. The other 5% also know deep down but are trying to reason with themselves why.

The problem is Harris and Biden enough to get young people to the polls.?

And does white America dislike him enough to either not vote or vote for Biden.

That's the election.

Kamala gives him nothing he didn't have before. Black women vote democrat at like a 93% rate and we vote for them over 85%.

So we might see another instance of a democrat winning the popular vote, and losing the electoral college.
The problem is Harris and Biden enough to get young people to the polls.?

And does white America dislike him enough to either not vote or vote for Biden.

That's the election.

Kamala gives him nothing he didn't have before. Black women vote democrat at like a 93% rate and we vote for them over 85%.

So we might see another instance of a democrat winning the popular vote, and losing the electoral college.
I think recent history as taught us that only a younger superstar politician at the top of the ticket gets young people to turnout above their usual rates in the general.

They did for Clinton in 1992, and Obama in 2008 but other than that, been relatively flat. So I don't expect a major shift, hopefully I am wrong, since this election is more about getting Trump out than getting Biden in.
The problem is Harris and Biden enough to get young people to the polls.?

And does white America dislike him enough to either not vote or vote for Biden.

That's the election.

Kamala gives him nothing he didn't have before. Black women vote democrat at like a 93% rate and we vote for them over 85%.

So we might see another instance of a democrat winning the popular vote, and losing the electoral college.

very true. I tend to include them in that 5% but didn't want to complicate my point, that is they know who they want to vote for but actually having the balls to get out and do it is another thing.
Wow, this is openly blatant and direct racism. What the ****.


Yep, I can already see it

Reality:Millions of ballots remain undelivered and uncounted in key swing states. Trump declares victory...........

Hot Takers: the Dems blew it, I told you they shouldn't have pick Kamala/Biden

this comedy cuz a lot of those folks gonna be openly complaining about Trump actions and policies if he wins :lol:

so basically 2016-2020 again
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