***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm not going to say that Bernie will have a Rooseveltian landslid but I will say that he is able to change the electorate. He will change it at the margins but that's enough because that's how elections are decided.

Bernie will poach some of Trump's most marginal voters, he will have more students voting, he will have more voters making less than 40k, he will bring in more naturalized citizens who don't speak English. Despite all the stereotyping and mystification up on the debate stages, the midwest has lots of those hitherto unactivated voters. As does the South, for that matter.

It also seems like Dems are too pessimistic about the 2020 election. Dems were too optimistic about their chances in 2016, bouyed by the narrative about "demographics as destiny" and wins in 2008 and 2012, Dems were gut punched in 2016 and act like numerous States, which Obama won in 2012, are unwinnable.

Trump won Florida, Ohio, Pensylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan by some fairly small margins. Trump could get beaten pretty badly in the electoral college with the right mobilization game.
Trump won Ohio by 8 points. It's probably out of reach for any Dem not named Sherod Brown.

Florida's voter suppression gonna be kicked up to max level. And from my understanding Trump's approval ratings are not in the tank there like they are in other swing States. So I would not bet on it.

Zona and NC, especially AZ, seem like better prospects.

And I agree that Dems are too pessimistic about Bernie's chances. I don't have the faith that his name being on the ticket will drive that much extra turnout. I think Bernie supporters overestimate the power of his candidacy. I think the thing people are not considering is negative partisanship. Left wing voters of all kinds ******* hate Trump, and will show up to vote Trump out, regardless of who runs.
Yeah I watched the video in the article. If it that alone I don't see the big deal. Seems through most of it she is just giving analysis of why people might vote for or support Bloomberg, not advocating for Bloomberg directly. Seems like basic pundit talk.

Like I said to Rex, ole girl got a lot of bad takes, and is sometimes unfair to Bernie, but on the flip side Bernie supporters are too damn reactionary when it comes to her.
I'm just surprised that her "pundit talk" of a thoroughly despicable character like Mike Bloomberg came out like that.

I will admit, however, that my radar is particularly sensitive to the folks at CNN and especially MSNBC given their hostility to Bernie over the past few years :lol:
The other MSNBC pundits get smoke as well when they're arguing in bad faith so it's not just limited to Joy Reid but she's had some galaxy brain level takes lately like Chris Matthews :lol:

Like this

Like what??

See what I mean :lol:

See was not advocating for Bloomberg. She was just deceiving reasons voters might support him. She was being a pundit.

I swear this woman could eat crackers on air and Bernie supporters would lose it. :lol:
I'm just surprised that her "pundit talk" of a thoroughly despicable character like Mike Bloomberg came out like that.

I will admit, however, that my radar is particularly sensitive to the folks at CNN and especially MSNBC given their hostility to Bernie over the past few years :lol:
I have heard her makes similar arguments for other candidates. That general how she frames ****. Like I said she has a ton of bad takes on Bernie, like really bad. But on the flip side she has been the subject of tons of vile racist and sexist attacks on Twitter from pissed off Sanders supporters. It is like buffoonery feeding buffoonery.

I get you don't like hearing from pundits you think are being unfair, I don't watch either station, and I stop reading Jacobin and Current Affairs for buffoonery in the other station.
i can easily see this as the path for Sanders to beat Trump

If he can do it then do it, because somebody has to get Trump out
But if his camp is selling a crock pot of bull💩 just so his legacy will show he almost won the presidency, that is dangerous and doesn't help the country
See what I mean :lol:

See was not advocating for Bloomberg. She was just deceiving reasons voters might support him. She was being a pundit.

I swear this woman could eat crackers on air and Bernie supporters would lose it. :lol:

The whole reason they sometimes catch heat is because they're willing to afford nuance and leeway to every other candidate, including a legit republican trying to buy his way into the running, than they do for the presumptive frontrunner at the moment and that's been the case for a while now :lol:

It's got nothing to do with Joy Reid in particular, more well known pundits have been getting dragged for much worse takes :lol:. Just a lot of folks don't feel like the coverage has been fair to certain candidates. Even Liz has an argument for not being treated equally to her support levels nationwide as the candidates polling under 5% with minorities somehow manage to steal all the headlines and positive coverage...

I don't blame the people who feel like there's a certain bias against progressive candidates in comparison to their more centrist/moderate counterparts when most of these channels and publications have provided nothing to counter that so far this campaign
well yeah, joe is trash.

but he could just hop on the Bernie bandwagon, take one for the team.
Obama is not gonna interfere in the primary until there is a clear winner. That's just how he operates. So Joe or Bernie, he is not gonna do anything.

Also, Bernie was a lil bit of a sucka to Obeezy when he was president. So Bams not coming off his Shea Butter throne for that man. :lol:
Obama is not gonna interfere in the primary until there is a clear winner. That's just how he operates. So Joe or Bernie, he is not gonna do anything.

Also, Bernie was a lil bit of a sucka to Obeezy when he was president. So Bams not coming off his Shea Butter throne for that man. :lol:

that’s what I’m saying. He has to do it for the people. :lol:

I get he’d rather kick it and be retired but the people need him.
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Obama knows if Biden wins he wouldn't get any sleep for the next 4yrs, because Biden would be calling him non-stop for advice
Joe: "Hello, hello, hello Barack, this is Joe. Now listen I got sent this treaty by them damn Frenchies, and the PDF is upside down. How do you make this God dang thing look right?"

Other Person: Uncle Joe is this Malia, not my dad. You dialed the wrong number, again.

Joe: Oh sorry dear!....hangs up and dials Obama......Hello Barack?

Other Person: It's Sasha

Joe: Dang it.
would you vote bernie + booker over trump + pence?

Possibly. I can definitely see a good number of Trump supporters going that way.

If Booker was at the top of the ticket, it would be an even stronger possibility. A black man in the highest office is important, no matter the policies. That said, Booker is strong on prison reform so win-win.

But Bernie’s inevitable tax increases and increased regulations are problematic
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