***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Obama still has some of the best unity speeches I have ever heard. And he gonna have to deliver another banger at the convention.

But Jesse Jackson's unity speech at the 1988 Dem Convention is up there. I hadn't heard it in like 12 years, but Adam Sewer Tweeted about it today. It is well worth your time. What is scary is how relevant the topics he talks about in 1988 are still relevant today.....


Watching an Obama speech followed by a Trump speech is like watching the 96 Bulls followed by

Do we really need to wait until November to figure out how this is gonna end? Everybody can see where this is headed. I know yall aren't stupid. What the **** is the point of having this technology that connects all of us from around the world if all we do is sit around and make dumbass jokes about how ****ed up the world is. There's honestly nothing to laugh about.

What do you want to see done differently?
Well the good news is there were about 35K more voters in the NH democratic primary last night than in 2016 so about a 15% increase over 2016. Hopefully that pattern holds throughout all the primaries.

I'm not sure if that is a good or bad sign for Bernie and the far left progressives though. Total voter turnout increased quite a bit but he and Warren got about 60% of the votes that Bernie got in 2016. Granted its a bigger field, but the increase in voters seemed to go to more moderate candidates despite everyone claiming that Bernie is the only candidate who can bring out new voters.

A race between 2 candidates =/= 8 candidates and it's been weird seeing pundits seemingly not understanding the math behind lowered percentages when there's candidates representing all the different ideologies of the Dem base this time around.

The fact that he's still been getting the most votes in the first 2 contests bodes well long term when larger states with more younger voters and diverse demographics roll around imo given that he's dominated the non-white vote across age groups in the first 2 states and has consistently been polling well with them across the country this time around.

I expect the likes of Pete and Amy to start falling off as we approach super Tuesday and folks like Biden,Warren and Bernie to perform well in the coming races.

Bloomberg is a wildcard that could potentially cut in to the more centrist candidates vote share, he's bad news for Joe especially, given all the money he's spending on ads and endorsements but I don't expect the Dem base to fall for and swoon over him the same way the GOP base swooned over 45 last time. He feels like a spoiler candidate more than anything
Trump now also says Lt. Col Vindman should face disciplinary retribution for testifying truthfully about the president's misconduct.

So where are the all the Vets, all those Amerikkkan patriots who stand for the anthem and respect the flag? All those people who won't tolerate any disrespect to our country, the flag, or our soldiers. :smh:

A race between 2 candidates =/= 8 candidates and it's been weird seeing pundits seemingly not understanding the math behind lowered percentages when there's candidates representing all the different ideologies of the Dem base this time around.

The fact that he's still been getting the most votes in the first 2 contests bodes well long term when larger states with more younger voters and diverse demographics roll around imo given that he's dominated the non-white vote across age groups in the first 2 states and has consistently been polling well with them across the country this time around.

I expect the likes of Pete and Amy to start falling off as we approach super Tuesday and folks like Biden,Warren and Bernie to perform well in the coming races.

Bloomberg is a wildcard that could potentially cut in to the more centrist candidates vote share, he's bad news for Joe especially, given all the money he's spending on ads and endorsements but I don't expect the Dem base to fall for and swoon over him the same way the GOP base swooned over 45 last time. He feels like a spoiler candidate more than anything

I mean the flip side is the moderate vote is currently being split between 6 of the 8 candidates and once most of those candidates start dropping out it’s going to become more of a question of who those voters go to which was largely my original point. NH was predominantly Bernie and far left ideologies last election, this time around far more people showed out for the moderate candidates which spread the numbers pretty thing across the rest of the non-Bernie and Warren candidates. It’s going to be interesting to see where the Pete/Amy/Biden/Steyer backing goes if any of them drop out in the near future
45 straight up admitting to collusion and crimes on twitter first thing in the morning never gets old :lol: :smh:

Banana republic status that he won't suffer and legal ramifications for it though which is why he's so bold and out in the open with it now

He prolly thinks collusion is the same thing as COLLISION.

Okay, *****.

Bernie Sanders claim to fame is he walked on the same street as Martin Luther King Jr
That was over 50yrs ago
I need to see recent proof of him working directly with community leaders in the black community

Biden by default has recent work in the black community he can brag about that will get him some clout

Warren hangs with the older black women so she definitely has some pull with black voters

Bloomberg is running Obama ads that have been touched up to make them look more recent
Average person watching that ad probably thinks Obama endorsed him this year

The other candidates aren't worth mentioning when discussing the black community
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