***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So Bernie can preach unity with the party days after calling the DNC frauds and claiming Bloomberg bought his way into the campaign and that the system is rigged? Also, can someone clarify who the establishment is? Because it's becoming synonymous with the 'swamp' of 2016
Please compare Kamala’s Black marks vs Bernie’s Black marks.
She literally sent people to their death.
Harris did a lot of **** I disagree during her time as a prosecutor with but this is hyperbole.

Bernie Sanders threw fuel on the fire of mass incarceration, ran on that vote, and ignored the problem in Vermont when they were locking up black people at one of the worst rates in the country.

Tons of bodies, including black bodies, were lost to the prison industrial complex since his vote help make the situation worst.

We either care enough to have an thorough nuanced conversation about the issue and put everyone actions on the table and decide what is redeemable or not. Instead many Bernie supporters only cared about this topic when it could be used as a weapon to help Sanders electoral chances. The line was drawn at the place that excused Bernie and condemned Harris.

That was ******** draped in entitlement.
So Bernie can preach unity with the party days after calling the DNC frauds and claiming Bloomberg bought his way into the campaign and that the system is rigged? Also, can someone clarify who the establishment is? Because it's becoming synonymous with the 'swamp' of 2016
In Bernie's World it is anyone that doesn't support him.

In reality it is people and groups that form the leadership and framework of the Democratic Party.

Bernie Sanders is part of the Democratic Establishment, he has been so for decades. He caucused, with them had his seat protected, got help from the DCCC, has been on donor retreats, got hand picked for a Senate run, has been appointed to leadership positions by Dem congressional leaders, and negotiated the reforms for this primary (just like frontrunner before him).
white people dont care that Amy is a cop. Amy doesnt care that her voting block is not black
Kamala was expecting support from blacks.
Minorities do care though
You know you are admitting that Harris was targeted by that attack because she was black.

That is white privilege. That is exactly what Rootin4EverybodyBlack Rootin4EverybodyBlack was pointing out.

If this was the calculation it was not about setting a benchmark for candidates to hit on criminal justice, it was just about figuring out a political attack that would stick. Then if that is the case, this whole "Kamala is a cop" is bad faith ********.
I guess

I see Dwalk along side him.

Did Meth finally do the sensible thing, or is he just hoping this DOJ ****ery will blow over in a few days?

Would've thought he'd offer a steaming hot plate of bull **** for an excuse by now. 🤔
He tones it down and resorts to pushing Bernie in here during primary discussion. This is p strange when you consider what dwalk cares about.


On to Nevada...
I hope the Dems seriously consider reforming the primary process next time around.

States like Iowa and NH should not go first. If one state has to go first it should be one who's demographics reflects the Democratic primary voting base.

Second, mail in rank choice voting would be superior to this mess, it would increase turnout and be more democratic.
Coal Gang ALERT!

Amy Klobuchar's grandfather worked in the mines of Minnesota. Why didn't anybody tell me this before?


iron range is actually super cool. I used to do a lot of work up there. Coldest damn place I’ve ever been but it’s scenic as hell In the summer.
Obama still has some of the best unity speeches I have ever heard. And he gonna have to deliver another banger at the convention.

But Jesse Jackson's unity speech at the 1988 Dem Convention is up there. I hadn't heard it in like 12 years, but Adam Sewer Tweeted about it today. It is well worth your time. What is scary is how relevant the topics he talks about in 1988 are still relevant today.....


America is not a blanket woven from one thread, one color, one cloth. When I was a child growing up in Greenville, South Carolina and grandmamma could not afford a blanket, she didn't complain and we did not freeze. Instead she took pieces of old cloth -- patches, wool, silk, gabardine, crockersack -- only patches, barely good enough to wipe off your shoes with. But they didn't stay that way very long. With sturdy hands and a strong cord, she sewed them together into a quilt, a thing of beauty and power and culture. Now, Democrats, we must build such a quilt.

Farmers, you seek fair prices and you are right -- but you cannot stand alone. Your patch is not big enough.

Workers, you fight for fair wages, you are right -- but your patch labor is not big enough.

Women, you seek comparable worth and pay equity, you are right -- but your patch is not big enough.

Women, mothers, who seek Head Start, and day care and prenatal care on the front side of life, relevant jail care and welfare on the back side of life, you are right -- but your patch is not big enough.

Students, you seek scholarships, you are right -- but your patch is not big enough.

Blacks and Hispanics, when we fight for civil rights, we are right -- but our patch is not big enough.

Gays and lesbians, when you fight against discrimination and a cure for AIDS, you are right -- but your patch is not big enough.
I honestly don’t know why Booker and Harris dropped out so early. If republican Tulsi Gabbard is at least trying to limp through this thing they should have at least tested the waters in the first couple states to see if they could gain some momentum. **** I didn’t even know who Amy Kloubuchar was until three weeks ago. I think they dropped out too soon and left a lot of undecided voters on the table
Booker and Harris did not have the same type of funding as Tulsi Treason. One of these candidates is sowing discord in the party for an unspoken deal, but one which is somewhat obvious if you look at Tulsi Treason's media appearances and talking points. Thank god she isnt being invited to anymore debates. Unfortunately I feel like she'll be launching a 3rd party run in the near future to earn more paid media time to spout off on the Democrats and encourage people to avoid Bernie in the general.
Obama still has some of the best unity speeches I have ever heard. And he gonna have to deliver another banger at the convention.

But Jesse Jackson's unity speech at the 1988 Dem Convention is up there. I hadn't heard it in like 12 years, but Adam Sewer Tweeted about it today. It is well worth your time. What is scary is how relevant the topics he talks about in 1988 are still relevant today.....


While watching that, I became a black man. For those 45 minutes or so, I became Otis Jones, 67, AME congregant and owner of an upholstery shop in Charleston.

Seriously, the reverend was able to paint a picture and put people from one part of America in the shoes of people whose lives are complete different.

That was some powerful stuff, the majority of White America was not ready for so much unvarnished truth. Hopefully, those of us who were not yet born, those who were small children then and those who were all grown up in 1988, hopefully we’ll get it done and achieve that elusive goal of a multiracial, workers coalition winning.
Speaking of Tulsi, I had a thought the other day about Bernie picking her as VP should he get the nom. Not sure where that thought came from, or whether it has any plausibility. What I do know is that I threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Imagine the chaos. :lol:
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Speaking of Tulsi, I had a thought the other day about Bernie picking her as VP should he get the nom. Not sure where that thought came from, or whether it has any plausibility. What I do know is that I threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Imagine the chaos. :lol:

Given Bernie's age, a VP for a Sanders ticket would have to share his ideological vision; balance the ticket, demographically; and have the basic qualifications to become President.

Tulsi does not pass the first part of that test. It also removes Warren and Abrams although both would be very much welcomed into a cabinet and given broad latitude to pursue their own political projects.

There aren't very many rising leftist stars who are white and male and none who are also old aside from Bernie himself. So no one "fails" the middle part of the test.

The last part of that test removes AOC (under 35) and Ilhan Omar (naturalized citizen) from consideration.

We're left with two choices. One is obvious, Nina Turner. The other choice is less apparent but makes perhaps the most sense to me the most sense to me. Rashida Tlaib meets all of the criteria above and she shares Bernie's theory of power. Plus the symbolism of a Jewish and Muslim Presidential ticket will make conservatives really lose their minds.
Given Bernie's age, a VP for a Sanders ticket would have to share his ideological vision; balance the ticket, demographically; and have the basic qualifications to become President.

Tulsi does not pass the first part of that test. It also removes Warren and Abrams although both would be very much welcomed into a cabinet and given broad latitude to pursue their own political projects.

There aren't very many rising leftist stars who are white and male and none who are also old aside from Bernie himself. So no one "fails" the middle part of the test.

The last part of that test removes AOC (under 35) and Ilhan Omar (naturalized citizen) from consideration.

We're left with two choices. One is obvious, Nina Turner. The other choice is less apparent but makes perhaps the most sense to me the most sense to me. Rashida Tlaib meets all of the criteria above and she shares Bernie's theory of power. Plus the symbolism of a Jewish and Muslim Presidential ticket will make conservatives really lose their minds.

Tlaib would be solid but I'd really love to see someone like Barbara Lee on the ticket if the time comes. He's already hinted at preferring a woman of color as a running mate
I'm going to eat crow here, but I'm starting to wish Hillary ran again... although I voted Bernie in the '16 primary, I don't think he can beat Drumpf in '20.

I was really hopeful for Lizzie but that ship is sinking. I might should have considered that when I drunk donated to her on Friday night.
Its all good
She spent that donation on McDonalds just yesterday
Do we really need to wait until November to figure out how this is gonna end? Everybody can see where this is headed. I know yall aren't stupid. What the **** is the point of having this technology that connects all of us from around the world if all we do is sit around and make dumbass jokes about how ****** up the world is. There's honestly nothing to laugh about.
Do we really need to wait until November to figure out how this is gonna end? Everybody can see where this is headed. I know yall aren't stupid. What the **** is the point of having this technology that connects all of us from around the world if all we do is sit around and make dumbass jokes about how ****ed up the world is. There's honestly nothing to laugh about.
Said the exact same thing a few minutes ago to my wife. He’s trying so hard to channel Da Gawd. :lol:

He just fails at coming across as genuine like Barack did/does.
Dudes just using this as a platform to further his career in politics
Pete doesn't care about Trump losing
Pete only cares about Pete winning
Well the good news is there were about 35K more voters in the NH democratic primary last night than in 2016 so about a 15% increase over 2016. Hopefully that pattern holds throughout all the primaries.

I'm not sure if that is a good or bad sign for Bernie and the far left progressives though. Total voter turnout increased quite a bit but he and Warren got about 60% of the votes that Bernie got in 2016. Granted its a bigger field, but the increase in voters seemed to go to more moderate candidates despite everyone claiming that Bernie is the only candidate who can bring out new voters.
Do we really need to wait until November to figure out how this is gonna end? Everybody can see where this is headed. I know yall aren't stupid. What the **** is the point of having this technology that connects all of us from around the world if all we do is sit around and make dumbass jokes about how ****ed up the world is. There's honestly nothing to laugh about.
Then you need to do something besides making the same post every couple days.

You complain we are not doing anything different, yet you doing the same **** over and over. If we in here are so lost, why are you worried about us. Hit the streets yourself.
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