***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I guess

I see Dwalk along side him.

Did Meth finally do the sensible thing, or is he just hoping this DOJ ****ery will blow over in a few days?

Would've thought he'd offer a steaming hot plate of bull **** for an excuse by now. 🤔
I guess

I see Dwalk along side him.

Did Meth finally do the sensible thing, or is he just hoping this DOJ ****ery will blow over in a few days?

Would've thought he'd offer a steaming hot plate of bull **** for an excuse by now. 🤔

Just noticed this...
I love that Dems purity tested the most competent, sharp candidate out of the primaries.

We deserve whatever **** we get come January 2021.
I would say the most ambitious and hypocritical one too.
yes, they opened the door.. Hillary isn’t a charismatic politician and I have zero clue who else was even in the field that go around

Bernie was given a platform and did well with it to a degree and that gave him momentum going into this round of things.. I say to a degree because I don’t think he thought he’d have the legs he did or else he would have started earlier and bigger and gave himself a realistic chance at actually winning

warren and Biden both had high profiles back then, Biden being very obvious

I am not sure what you mean by Bernie was given a platform?
Dude has been running on the same platform forever.
Or do you mean they gave him a voice?
i am not sure what you mean.
Bernie was not given anything or received an open door. As a matter of fact Warren (Bernie Called Me A Liar), Biden (Bernie is a Socialist) and Hillary (Nobody Likes Bernie) have been trying to shut him out LOL
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Especially when one of the things so many of his supporters seem to be impressed by, being a rhodes scholar, applies to Booker as well :lol:

Added to the fact he's a US Senator of a populous state to boot,not a small town mayor...
Have you ever been to Iowa or NH?
Kamala Harris history on criminal justice has black marks on it

Bernie Sanders record on criminal justice has black marks on it

Kamala Harris' proposed criminal justice reforms here great

Bernie Sanders' proposed criminal justice reforms were great

In this primary so far criminal justice reform never got the time in the limelight to for us to have a serious conversation.

Instead it got relegated to a weapon to use against a candidate people viewed as the treat to Sanders.

And all Bernie had to do was adopt the plans out there so he would not be caught slipping like her did last time.

For the black lady it was disqualifying, but the white guy got a pass.

Gotta ******* Love America.
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I mean why is Amy in the race but Kamala is gone? Gotta be twice as good to get half the recognition

I can’t tell you why your average white American feels that way. I don’t know whether they feel threatened, they feel as if they aren’t qualified enough, or they feel uncomfortable. It can be a mix of items honestly it’ll depend on who the receptive party is. But there are preconditioned biases against people of color by your average white person, even if they weren’t born in the US.

I don’t fit any of the above because I wasn’t born here and I was raised in NYC and my exposure was pretty diverse vs. your average white American. At the end think of it similar towhy even poor southern people were for slavery back in the 1800s. They didn’t want to acknowledge that they are now the lowest in the economic and social totem pole. Due to many American whites growing up with almost no diversity other than limited exposure doesn’t allow them to see the other side of things. This doesn’t allow them to open their mind so they are essentially scared of someone who isn’t them. I mean look at how neighborhood demographics are usually broken out. It’s either very ethnically none white or almost all white, there’s were very areas in the country which is a good mix. There is also the racist aspect which is passed down in some of these communities generationally so let’s not dismiss that aspect as well.

I do want to make it clear that I’m not trying to defend any of them. But they just don’t understand, don’t want to bother to understand in certain cases, and are just entrenched in their little bubbles with no desire to give something else a try. Obama was different because he energized the young voters, spoke softly and eloquently which made him a little more appealing, and was a breath of fresh air to the 8 years of a bush and the GOP dominated policies which people were sick of all white in a time where we didn’t know if we’d get another recession.

these communities are really almost lost causes to try to change because only their children will potentially change but only if their exposure is different than that of their parents.
I am not sure what you mean by Bernie was given a platform?
Dude has been running on the same platform forever.
Or do you mean they gave him a voice?
i am not sure what you mean.
Bernie was not given anything or received an open door. As a matter of fact Warren (Bernie Called Me A Liar), Biden (Bernie is a Socialist) and Hillary (Nobody Likes Bernie) have been trying to shut him out LOL

I am literally discussing the circumstances of the 2016 process

it was Hillary.. and then Bernie started to get traction and momentum, which has carried over

I’m not saying Bernie changed who he was or wasn’t.. just that the situation amplified him because there wasnt much of field outside of him and Hillary, as I literally can’t name someone else who even challenged
By that definition, Amy is a cop too. Who declined to prosecute cops who killed black ppl. Her record is just as "bad", but she's a white so it's overlooked
Kamala Harris history on criminal justice has black marks on it

Bernie Sanders record on criminal justice has black marks on it

Kamala Harris' proposed criminal justice reforms here great

Bernie Sanders' proposed criminal justice reforms were great

In this primary so far criminal justice reform never got the time in the limelight to for us to have a serious conversation.

Instead it got relegated to a weapon to use against a candidate people viewed as the treat to Sanders.

And all Bernie had to do was adopt the plans out there so he would not be caught slipping like her did last time.

For the black lady it was disqualifying, but the white guy got a pass.

Gotta ****ing Love America.
Please compare Kamala’s Black marks vs Bernie’s Black marks.
She literally sent people to their death.
By that definition, Amy is a cop too. Who declined to prosecute cops who killed black ppl. Her record is just as "bad", but she's a white so it's overlooked

white people dont care that Amy is a cop. Amy doesnt care that her voting block is not black
Kamala was expecting support from blacks.
Minorities do care though
I honestly don’t know why Booker and Harris dropped out so early. If republican Tulsi Gabbard is at least trying to limp through this thing they should have at least tested the waters in the first couple states to see if they could gain some momentum. **** I didn’t even know who Amy Kloubuchar was until three weeks ago. I think they dropped out too soon and left a lot of undecided voters on the table
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