***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i hope im wrong
but they will do ANYTHING
to get him elected again
i think trump gonna do another 4 years
i hope im wrong
but its not looking hopeful
Biden is done as ****. His entire platform is electability and getting the black vote because he spent 8 years riding Obama’s coat tails. This is going to end miserably for him
Seems like Warren picked the wrong time to run. Can’t be in Bernie’s lane in 2020 and expect to do well. Any other year I think she does better, tbh. Such is politics.

I can remember a time when warren was considered to be the softer Bernie. There were legit questions as to her taking Bernie lane

then she started listening to the democratic strategists and backed off damn near every position to be more “moderate” or “centrist” (which is really just right of center given the Overton window shift)

once she moved away from being a unapologetic lefty, she started to tank.
Biden wasn't going to beat Hillary, which is why he didn't run.

This was his to lose and he's losing.
Yeah, Obama talked him down from running. Plus his son just died and he couldn't keep it together in public when his name was brought up.

People didn't run in 2016 because Hillary was gonna kick their ***. Booker and Warren where both shook. Hell Bernie didn't even take his run that serious in the beginning. Before he announced he was on shows saying he might run to get his idea out there.

This time around, dude really ******* dropped the ball. It was basically a two horse race and he had the winning coalition. All he had to do was make the simple plays. If dude was a QB, his OL was giving all the time in the world, his receiver beat his man, the defense was in the wrong formation, so all he had to do was hit his receiver down the middle and it would have been over.

Instead Joey Winston under throws his man, and Bernie pick him off.

Now Primetime taking it to the house like...

NT Bern Gang outchea watching the turn of events like...

And deuce king deuce king outchea like...
I can remember a time when warren was considered to be the softer Bernie. There were legit questions as to her taking Bernie lane

then she started listening to the democratic strategists and backed off damn near every position to be more “moderate” or “centrist” (which is really just right of center given the Overton window shift)

once she moved away from being a unapologetic lefty, she started to tank.
Give examples of this.
There's two ways to take in tonight's results:

1) This is crazy! Biden and Warren combined got less votes than Amy Klobuwhat! Buttigieg has nearly a quarter of the vote? Mayo Pete wtf! Bernie Sanders is both in first place but Bernie 2020 is still getting his *** whooped by Bernie 2016. How to make sense of this??? I'M GOING TO LOSE MY MIND.

2) This is NH. Who the **** cares about NH.
Warren was struggling from the jump, then a campaign too off. She was damn near in a tie for 2nd

What reverse her fortunes was not being a centrist. It was her trying to explain how to pay for M4A. She got hammered for it, and it broke the frame of being a serious policy person.
Mayo Pete and Klobuchar's campaigns are gonna be on life support once they hit the south guaranteed :lol:

They've had the most traction in majority white states,betting my life they won't see the same success as the campaign starts heading towards super Tuesday and the more populated and diverse states come around.

That's where Biden could potentially gain some lost ground as he's consistently been up there with Bernie in the polling #'s from those states
Mayo Pete and Klobuchar's campaigns are gonna be on life support once they hit the south guaranteed :lol:

They've had the most traction in majority white states,betting my life they won't see the same success as the campaign starts heading towards super Tuesday and the more populated and diverse states come around.

That's where Biden could gain some lost ground

Does Pete have a southern black rapper he can roll out as a surrogate?

What's Oj da Juiceman doing else days anyway?

I know Gangsta Boo definitely down wit Killa Klob
Tom Steyer?
Fax our boy Tommy is a billionaire and knows better than any of the others on stage how to get the coffers BOOMIN. Drunk Uncle Joe doesn't know how to pop a hip, and Wacky Warren is going to murder billionaires with her own hands. Cant have that. Cant have it. Very bad. The worst. We need billionaires like Tom Brady Steyer to keep us safe.
I think she should have ran in 2016.. and if Biden was going go, he should have gone then too

but neither going, opened up the door for Bernie to get his platform and Hillary to have her front runner status
They opened the door?
Warren was running on Bernie’s platform. All she added was a touch of capitalism and a more polished delivery.
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Elizabeth Warren is one of the most successful progressive policy wonks in modern history.

She has brought attention to many great progressive policies and otherwise would have stay buried in NBER papers and discussions among other policy wonks

She didn't run on anyone else ******* platform.

Sanders and his people in a way to not get caught flat footed like they did in 2016 adopted tons of policies that progressive academics had been pitching for years. Just like Warren did, just like many other candidates did.
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