***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm going to eat crow here, but I'm starting to wish Hillary ran again... although I voted Bernie in the '16 primary, I don't think he can beat Drumpf in '20.

I was really hopeful for Lizzie but that ship is sinking. I might should have considered that when I drunk donated to her on Friday night.
They opened the door?
Warren was running on Bernie’s platform. All she added was a touch of capitalism and a more polished delivery.
Bernie was and still is the OG.

yes, they opened the door.. Hillary isn’t a charismatic politician and I have zero clue who else was even in the field that go around

Bernie was given a platform and did well with it to a degree and that gave him momentum going into this round of things.. I say to a degree because I don’t think he thought he’d have the legs he did or else he would have started earlier and bigger and gave himself a realistic chance at actually winning

warren and Biden both had high profiles back then, Biden being very obvious
Nothing about Amy’s speech was remotely inspiring
I get that she's from a neighboring state but so is Liz,got no real clue how she somehow vaulted past her and Joe tonight...

Literally nothing inspiring about her campaign at all :lol:

The highlight of it has been her sonning Pete at the last debate but even Kamala did that and didn't get a boost for it

Feel like it's an example of manufactured consent by the media the same way it's been with Pete. Talking about and giving major coverage/airtime to long shot candidates as if they were front runners resulting in some unexpected gains and momentum at the polls

I'm going to eat crow here, but I'm starting to wish Hillary ran again... although I voted Bernie in the '16 primary, I don't think he can beat Drumpf in '20.

I was really hopeful for Lizzie but that ship is sinking. I might should have considered that when I drunk donated to her on Friday night.

Absolutely no way she would become the nominee with this field.
Need Warren to cut into Amy and Pete.

I expect her to once the more diverse states come into play,they usually have a higher percentage of younger voters too so her #'s should be looking a bit better when their time comes

Legit don't know how those 2 have stolen some of her thunder though with platitude filled and bland campaigns.

Biden's weak start isn't all that surprising but expected better showings from the first 2 contests for Liz tbh
I guess
I love that Ninja is in here lurking, trying to troll with reps, because his struggle thread ain't poppin; and he thirsty to talk some politics.

Only thing that is more sad that the Biden campaign right now :lol:

I see Dwalk along side him.

Did Meth finally do the sensible thing, or is he just hoping this DOJ ******* will blow over in a few days?

Would've thought he'd offer a steaming hot plate of bull **** for an excuse by now. 🤔
When Pete first got on scene, at least he had an important point to make about generational politics and the need to rebuild institutions.

Now it is this struggle appeal to moderation, that I think that he himself doesn't even believe. Because he hasn't changed his policies that much.

I often feel like all the candidates, especially the first timers, were trying to do their own Obama impression. But instead of doing 2008, 2012, or 2016 Obama (the best versions of Obama) Pete outchea sounding like 2010-2011 Obama, which was by far the worst variety of Obeezy.
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