***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Another one bites the dust...

I liked some of his ideas but he never really gained much traction without a multi-billion dollar media empire to push him unlike a certain someone so kind of saw it coming soon if he didn't do well tonight which is looking that way according to the first few exit polls
Biden's #'s from these early returns...

This Klobuchar 'rise'/'surge' has been quite the anomaly to see given how bland of a candidate she is and how little minority support she has...

Legit feels like the media push has powered certain campaigns like hers and Pete's to relevance when you would think they'd be lagging behind the other stronger candidates and front runners. The amount of positive coverage they receive in comparison to their consistent polling #'s nationally is disproportionate as hell :lol:

Corey Booker is rolling in his grave seeing their milquetoast campaigns gaining traction
Barr takes control of legal matters of interest to Trump, including Stone sentencing
Barr's intervention in Roger Stone's case wasn't the first time senior political appointees reached into a case involving an ex-Trump aide, officials say.

The U.S. attorney who had presided over an inconclusive criminal investigation into former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe was abruptly removed from that job last month in one of several recent moves by Attorney General William Barr to take control of legal matters of personal interest to President Donald Trump, according to multiple people familiar with the matter.

A person familiar with the matter has confirmed to NBC News that President Trump has now rescinded the nomination of the U.S. attorney, Jessie Liu, for a job as an undersecretary at the Treasury Department.

On Tuesday, all four line prosecutors withdrew from the case against Trump associate Roger Stone — and one quit the Justice Department altogether — after Barr and his top aides intervened to reverse a stiff sentencing recommendation of up to nine years in prison that the line prosecutors had filed with the court Monday.

But that wasn't the first time senior political appointees reached into a case involving a former Trump aide, officials told NBC News. Senior officials at the Justice Department also intervened last month to help change the government's sentencing recommendation for Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who pled guilty to lying to the FBI. While once the prosecutors in the case had recommended up to six months in jail for Flynn, their latest filing now says they believe probation would be appropriate.


Seems like Warren picked the wrong time to run. Can’t be in Bernie’s lane in 2020 and expect to do well. Any other year I think she does better, tbh. Such is politics.
I feel like she would've been a perfect candidate last time in 2016, had none of the baggage and polarizing effect that came with Hillary and Bernie most likely would've never even ran in the first place had she done so so she might've had a free run at owning the progressive vote and really energizing the base with fresh ideas especially in contrast to Hillary.

I felt that way before the '16 campaign began and I feel even more strongly about that now, just a shame that she didn't feel ready enough or compelled to run at the time. She could've beaten tiny hands imho. Either running or being on the HRC ticket as VP would've paid dividends
Seems like Warren picked the wrong time to run. Can’t be in Bernie’s lane in 2020 and expect to do well. Any other year I think she does better, tbh. Such is politics.

I think she should have ran in 2016.. and if Biden was going go, he should have gone then too

but neither going, opened up the door for Bernie to get his platform and Hillary to have her front runner status
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