***Official Political Discussion Thread***

And there it is. One of the lead prosecutors on the Stone case has called it quits. I remember following the trial and Zelinsky made some of the more aggressive arguments in the trial.
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And there it is. One of the lead prosecutors on the Stone case has called it quits. I remember following the trial and Zelinsky made some of the more forceful arguments.

so basically Stone isn’t going to see a day in jail then
Edit: Might just be a resignation from his detail to the D.C. US Attorney's Office rather than the DOJ entirely.

Zelinsky resigned from the DOJ entirely after Barr's intervention in the Stone sentencing. Effective immediately.
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Hmmm so firing someone because they testified against you and their family just cause while letting people who where more "loyal" slide and avoid tougher sentences...where have I seen this before...what is this kinda behavior called?
Member when someone in here told us black people should be thankful for Bloomberg's racist actions.

Member, I member.

I know people talk about Bernie creating a rift in the party of the D but isn't Bloomberg basically doing the same but worse ideologically? Say what you will about Bernie but I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who'll sincerely say that he represents a wave of regress for the dems. Bloomberg has some policies that paint him more as a DINO. Policies that literally violated the civil rights of people in NY, that kind of wanton disregard for civil rights on a national scale without the incompetence that Trump displays is scary.
There are so many "rifts" in the Democratic Party simply because its the only viable party for people that aren't openly racist, homophobic, sexist, greedy, intolerant of other religions etc. Thats a wide array of people and perspectives so it'll always be tough to maintain "party unity". There's just way more ideologies and ideological preferences in the Democratic Party than their are in the Republican Party as it stands.
If Bloomberg buys or steals this nomination, he will at least raise questions as to whether or not he is the lesser evil. He is just as racist and authoritarian as Trump and Bloomberg has the ability to turn that racism and authoritarianism into policy in a way that would go far beyond what Trump has done thus far.

We have been told over and over and over by a myriad of liberal institutions that elections are not about ideals, they are not about empowering ordinary people they are not a means for ordinary people to set the terms of their day to day lives. We have been told that all we can do with elections is to mitigate damage.

The conventional wisdom is that any Democratic nominee would do less damage than Trump. Michael Bloomberg pushes hard against this theory of loss mitigation.
Update: Second prosecutor on the Stone case resigns in protest after Barr's intervention.

Edit: Might just be a resignation from his detail to the D.C. US Attorney's Office rather than the DOJ entirely.

Zelinsky resigned from the DOJ entirely after Barr's intervention in the Stone sentencing. Effective immediately.
The D.C. US Attorney's Office is also currently weighing whether or not to charge Trump associate Erik Prince with lying to Congress. Much like Roger Stone, Prince's own words prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he lied to House Intel. The story he told to Mueller was completely different and far more expansive than what he told House Intel earlier.
Update: Third prosecutor on the Stone case just withdrew from the case in protest after Barr's intervention.
Out of the prosecutors who signed yesterday's sentencing recommendation of 7-9 years, only 2 of the 5 remain.
Barr's newly installed right-hand man Timothy Shea, who did sign off on the 7-9 years recommendation to his credit, and Michael Marando. Technically Shea only submitted the memo but he had to sign off on the 4 prosecutors' recommendation either way.
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Trump now also says Lt. Col Vindman should face disciplinary retribution for testifying truthfully about the president's misconduct.
Yesterday's memo:

Today's new sentencing recommendation at the direction of Barr:

The new memo admits that yesterday's sentencing recommendation was justified as a guideline sentence.
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