***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is just....not true.

1. There's no evidence that black people who support Biden, mostly older, are going to sit out the election or vote for Trump if Bernie is the nominee, he's just not their first choice.
2. Bernie is leading Biden with blacks under 40 in almost every poll I've seen.
3. Most recent poll only shows Biden leading by 6% in South Carolina where the black electorate is 50-60% for dem primaries. There's literally no way Bernie would be that close without black people supporting him.

This was a fine argument in 2016, but it's just blatantly false now. If anything it should be more concerning that Biden can't register support with young people of any race, which we all know was key to Obama winning twice.

Annnd before you go down this road; I'm black, most of my friends are black, the area I live in is black. So, yes, I know black ppl in real life..
He ain't trying to hear anything logical, though.

EDIT: Yup, I was right :lol:
Did you not watch the 2016 debates? He MURDERED every repub and pulled out all the stops against Clinton
He's an ex-reality TV "star" so if you don't beat him on his home turf, you don't stand a chance beating him at the polls

Adults watch professional wrestling and pay hundreds of dollars to attend live shows
Those same adults watch debates, and they watch the debate the same way they watch wrestling

no I didn’t watch.
Presidential debates have historically mattered very little, if not hardly at all, in terms of shifting the polls
What difference would it make in terms of putting a tax penalty on the mandate in terms of the constitutional argument, exactly?

And your point about vision vs. governing is fair, but I don't think that's necessarily lost on folks. I think Bernie has made abundantly clear over the course of decades where his political commitments lie, people trust that, and they trust that if and when compromises are made it won't be for lack of commitment. But I also think the presidency and his mass politics approach to his campaign give him the best shot of anyone to build the support necessary to see those commitments to fruition.

The ACA's mandate was ruled constitutional before because Roberts ruled that it was a tax penalty, and the government is within it's rights to levy such a tax. If there is not penalty, the government is just in theory mandating you to do an action without cause. So the mandate is might be unconstitutional without an actual tax penalty. But conservatives argue that if the mandate is unconstitutional, the whole law should be struck down.

The argument is ridiculous conservative ********. But the scary thing was Robert bought some of that bs the last time. He his whole shtick is buying right ********.

Sorry, but I have little faith a Sanders presidency will be that transformative on American politics to pass his agenda. It would be a net positive but one dude is not gonna spark a politicial revolution to make this happen. Large structural change takes more than the conditions we have now, even then, there are compromises made. Furthermore, another problematic aspect is that some will only think a policy is not some neoliberal sellout unless Bernie is president.
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Socialist Jesus help me mane....
no I didn’t watch.
Trump put on a show for his people in 2016
Assuming a self-designated position as official spokesperson of the "black community" and ventriloquizing the thoughts, feelings, views, and beliefs of millions of people based on reactionary notions of racial essentialism.
Got it
Presidential debates have historically mattered very little, if not hardly at all, in terms of shifting the polls
We are in the youtube/Instagram/Netflix age. How you present yourself on camera means a lot more than it did in the past
Did you not watch the 2016 debates? He MURDERED every repub and pulled out all the stops against Clinton
He's an ex-reality TV "star" so if you don't beat him on his home turf, you don't stand a chance beating him at the polls

Adults watch professional wrestling and pay hundreds of dollars to attend live shows
Those same adults watch debates, and they watch the debate the same way they watch wrestling

you don’t have to completely sink to his level but find ways to completely embarrass him, big or small. Through words or gestures or hell cut him off once or twice with a zinger.

the one that got me pissed is when he started wandering around Hilary while she was speaking and she didn’t check him smh
And if they do now they got like 40 million lies to use as ammo against him.
Yeah there's a lot that can be used against him
But you got to be able to call him a liar to his face
If you can't call his bluff he'll make you look weak and that loses you voters
you don’t have to completely sink to his level but find ways to completely embarrass him, big or small. Through words or gestures or hell cut him off once or twice with a zinger.

the one that got me pissed is when he started wandering around Hilary while she was speaking and she didn’t check him smh
He's a crazy man. You can't go toe to toe with crazy. They live off that.

My goal would be to get under his skin and get him angry while I keep my cool. Just use his tactics against him. Ask him how frustrating it must be to be attracted to your own daughter.
you don’t have to completely sink to his level but find ways to completely embarrass him, big or small. Through words or gestures or hell cut him off once or twice with a zinger.

the one that got me pissed is when he started wandering around Hilary while she was speaking and she didn’t check him smh
You might not remember,, but Saturday night live spoofed it and had the Jaws music playing as he made several passes at her like she was prey
Starts at 4:10
Just get a list of all his lies and go down the list spitting the real facts. :lol:

Then stoop to his level a few times and talk about his obesity and spray tan. :lol:
Speaking of lies, the most sore winner in history has just fabricated another lie to make himself feel better about losing New Hampshire.
He would've won the state if not for those meddling imaginary fraudsters
This isn't about getting fringe Trump voters to vote democrat on election day
This is about making Joe the Plumber republicans stay at home on election day
The second person to get indicted in the Mueller probe and yet Roger Stone will be sentenced before him.
I feel like Steyer just wants to make some new friends amongst the candidates.
During that Warren-Bernie conversation after the debate, he interjected and just said “I don’t want to get in the middle of this, I just want to say hi Bernie” :lol:
I feel like Steyer just wants to make some new friends amongst the candidates.
During that Warren-Bernie conversation after the debate, he interjected and just said “I don’t want to get in the middle of this, I just want to say hi Bernie” :lol:

Even billionaires got love for Bugatti

no matter what folks think about him, he’s still more liked than your most liked politician

:pimp: :pimp:
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