***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Saw this on Reddit :lol: ...
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I mean, we can disagree on the strength of these arguments and/or how much impact we think they might have on the election. I was just piggybacking on your post in presenting arguments in favor of a Sanders candidacy.

And of course no candidate's base alone can elect them. My point was that Bernie has a larger base of incredibly committed, zealous supporters who will work tirelessly to get him elected than any other candidate. Biden is basically the antithesis of this. I mean, even Deuce, Biden's most vocal support in here, is offended at the notion that he might be excited by a Biden candidacy :lol:
Bernie won’t get elected....at least to be President because he has no black support. The Democratic presidency runs threw the black community, that’s the bottom line.

If you don’t have US, you don’t have anything. There’s a reason why YOU -Red- -Red- don’t understand that, but I’m not going to expand upon that too much cause I don’t want you or anybody else in here to catch feelings. I’ll just say that your a good soldier champ......ready to die on the front line for the cause.
Sooner of later the Supreme Court is gonna rule on the legal question regarding the ACA mandate, maybe as soon as 2021. So the fate of the law will be in John Roberts hands. If Sanders goes hold out, and walks away from the table, then he might be rolling the dice on Roberts doing the right thing.

And I don't trust John Roberts on doing the right thing.

So concerned is also because maintaining the status quo is not the only thing on the table. We could regress back into a even worst situation.
I mean, the penalty is gone, so the mandate is basically null and void already, right? What I see as still being somewhat up in the air is whether mandating that insurance companies cover preexisting conditions is constitutional or not.

But either way I’m not sure what bearing Bernie’s commitment to M4A would have on either of those things as the former is already dead (as I understand it) and the latter is out of his hands anyway.

Maybe I’m missing something though. Regardless, we are living in some pretty precarious times. All the more reason to be bold and uncompromising in our vision of a better world IMO.
Bloomberg is pretty heavy on the analytics from what I understand (look up Hawkfish).

When he declared, when he'll get in on the debates, how many ads he's going to put out -- it's all highly calculated.

Which I'm fine with. Trump hijacked the news, colluded with cambridge analytica, and cheated his way to victory. The Democrat opponent will have to be clever enough to match and surpass these tactics.

I want Trump to face down and defeat the BEST the Dums have to offer so that all your libbie tears will be that much sweeter!
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I mean, the penalty is gone, so the mandate is basically null and void already, right? What I see as still being somewhat up in the air is whether mandating that insurance companies cover preexisting conditions is constitutional or not.

But either way I’m not sure what bearing Bernie’s commitment to M4A would have on either of those things as the former is already dead (as I understand it) and the latter is out of his hands anyway.

Maybe I’m missing something though. Regardless, we are living in some pretty precarious times. All the more reason to be bold and uncompromising in our vision of a better world IMO.
You are mistaken.

The mandate is still there. It got lowered to zero dollars. The argument at hand is that since there is not tax penalty for not having insurance, the government is requiring people to do a certain act. So since the law involves that request, conservatives argue the whole law should be struck down.

Reforming the ACA, even raising the mandate to $1, before Robert gets to decide might save the law all together and make it easier to pass healthcare reforms the future. So it would be in Sanders hands.if Bernie does as you would want him to, and held out, he would be putting in the hands of Roberts.

Sorry, I think since we are living in precarious times it is all the more reason to get wins where ever we can. Having a vision is one thing, governing is another. My concern with Sanders and many of his supporters is that I think you guys confuse the two.

I just know when Sanders has to govern, the goal post will move, they have to. Because the politicial realities will settle in.

Ted Kennedy famously rejected Nixon offer for a hybrid system to do universal healthcare because he wanted single payer. He thought he could get a better deal from another president. Kennedy became one of the biggest advocates for the ACA because he said he regretted the decision. That him not being willing to compromise made him blow a chance at an important reform. He took that regret to his grave. So I just want everyone, especially Bernie, to understand what is on the line.
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Bernie won’t get elected....at least to be President because he has no black support. The Democratic presidency runs threw the black community, that’s the bottom line.

If you don’t have US, you don’t have anything. There’s a reason why YOU -Red- -Red- don’t understand that, but I’m not going to expand upon that too much cause I don’t want you or anybody else in here to catch feelings. I’ll just say that your a good soldier champ......ready to die on the front line for the cause.

This is just....not true.

1. There's no evidence that black people who support Biden, mostly older, are going to sit out the election or vote for Trump if Bernie is the nominee, he's just not their first choice.
2. Bernie is leading Biden with blacks under 40 in almost every poll I've seen.
3. Most recent poll only shows Biden leading by 6% in South Carolina where the black electorate is 50-60% for dem primaries. There's literally no way Bernie would be that close without black people supporting him.

This was a fine argument in 2016, but it's just blatantly false now. If anything it should be more concerning that Biden can't register support with young people of any race, which we all know was key to Obama winning twice.

Annnd before you go down this road; I'm black, most of my friends are black, the area I live in is black. So, yes, I know black ppl in real life..
Its only 3 people left that will go toe to toe with Trump
Biden, Bloom, and Warren
Biden and Bloom will destroy him
Warren will lose her mind during a debate and throw her index cards at Trump. The corner of one of the index cards will hit him in the eye and make him start crying

***Kamala would have embarrassed him so bad he would've walked off the stage in the middle of a debate
This is just....not true.

1. There's no evidence that black people who support Biden, mostly older, are going to sit out the election or vote for Trump if Bernie is the nominee, he's just not their first choice.
2. Bernie is leading Biden with blacks under 40 in almost every poll I've seen.
3. Most recent poll only shows Biden leading by 6% in South Carolina where the black electorate is 50-60% for dem primaries. There's literally no way Bernie would be that close without black people supporting him.

This was a fine argument in 2016, but it's just blatantly false now. If anything it should be more concerning that Biden can't register support with young people of any race, which we all know was key to Obama winning twice.

Annnd before you go down this road; I'm black, most of my friends are black, the area I live in is black. So, yes, I know black ppl in real life..
I already know your black in and out so you won’t get any pushback from me on that regard. That other dude however, the #1 Bernie supporter not so much. At this point in time we’ll just have to wait till the results of South Carolina and Georgia which to me will show that Bernie doesn’t stand a chance. Also as said many times before I wouldn’t really count on premature polls of younger voters to gauge this so called black support of Bernie Sanders. The younger voting block is unreliable.

Also, I never said anything about black people sitting out this election or voting for Trump as you suggested. Voting for Trump is the last thing on any black voters mind.......that and voting for Bernie Sanders of course. I had to state the obvious.
He won't get anywhere near 9 years but he'll likely get a fairly hefty sentence either way. Interesting that this was signed by Timothy Shea, Barr's right-hand man he newly installed at the D.C. US Attorney's office, which oversees some of the cases transfered out from the Mueller probe.
You are mistaken.

The mandate is still there. It got lowered to zero dollars. The argument at hand is that since there is not tax penalty for not having insurance, the government is requiring people to do a certain act. So since the law involves that request, conservatives argue the whole law should be struck down.

Reforming the ACA, even raising the mandate to $1, before Robert gets to decide might save the law all together and make it easier to pass healthcare reforms the future. So it would be in Sanders hands.if Bernie does as you would want him to, and held out, he would be putting in the hands of Roberts.

Sorry, I think since we are living in precarious times it is all the more reason to get wins where ever we can. Having a vision is one thing, governing is another. My concern with Sanders and many of his supporters is that I think you guys confuse the two.

I just know when Sanders has to govern, the goal post will move, they have to. Because the politicial realities will settle in.
What difference would it make in terms of putting a tax penalty on the mandate in terms of the constitutional argument, exactly?

And your point about vision vs. governing is fair, but I don't think that's necessarily lost on folks. I think Bernie has made abundantly clear over the course of decades where his political commitments lie, people trust that, and they trust that if and when compromises are made it won't be for lack of commitment. But I also think the presidency and his mass politics approach to his campaign give him the best shot of anyone to build the support necessary to see those commitments to fruition.
I already know your black in and out so you won’t get any pushback from me on that regard. That other dude however, the #1 Bernie supporter not so much. At this point in time we’ll just have to wait till the results of South Carolina and Georgia which to me will show that Bernie doesn’t stand a chance. Also as said many times before I wouldn’t really count on premature polls of younger voters to gauge this so called black support of Bernie Sanders. The younger voting block is unreliable.

Also, I never said anything about black people sitting out this election or voting for Trump as you suggested. Voting for Trump is the last thing on any black voters mind.......that and voting for Bernie Sanders of course. I had to state the obvious.

Polls typically underrepresent the opinions of the youth electorate because some use antiquated methods such as dialing landlines.

But you're not interested in any information aside from your narrative, so I'm done debating you.
I don’t know why everyone always talks about going against trump in a debate.

any dem candidate would wreck trump. The only thing is you can’t get mad at his pure stupidity and lies. Just remain calm and give him that ether.

dude can’t even form a sentence. Idk why you would worry about him in a debate. It’s like debating Joe dirt.
I don’t know why everyone always talks about going against trump in a debate.

any dem candidate would wreck trump. The only thing is you can’t get mad at his pure stupidity and lies. Just remain calm and give him that ether.

dude can’t even form a sentence. Idk why you would worry about him in a debate. It’s like debating Joe dirt.
Did you not watch the 2016 debates? He MURDERED every repub and pulled out all the stops against Clinton
He's an ex-reality TV "star" so if you don't beat him on his home turf, you don't stand a chance beating him at the polls

Adults watch professional wrestling and pay hundreds of dollars to attend live shows
Those same adults watch debates, and they watch the debate the same way they watch wrestling
Bernie won’t get elected....at least to be President because he has no black support. The Democratic presidency runs threw the black community, that’s the bottom line.

If you don’t have US, you don’t have anything. There’s a reason why YOU -Red- -Red- don’t understand that, but I’m not going to expand upon that too much cause I don’t want you or anybody else in here to catch feelings. I’ll just say that your a good soldier champ......ready to die on the front line for the cause.
"WelL sEe In thE BlaCk ComMuNitY"

Like I said before, nothing of substance. Just a tired, old Booker T. Washington act in a muddle of misguided racial essentialism. The truly sad thing is you're blind to the conservative—even reactionary—assumptions embedded in your own stance. Time to sit it on down, champ.
"WelL sEe In thE BlaCk ComMuNitY"

Like I said before, nothing of substance. Just a tired, old Booker T. Washington act in a muddle of misguided racial essentialism. The truly sad thing is you're blind to the conservative—even reactionary—assumptions embedded in your own stance. Time to sit it on down, champ.
What is a Booker T Washington act?
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