***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Just get a list of all his lies and go down the list spitting the real facts. :lol:

Then stoop to his level a few times and talk about his obesity and spray tan. :lol:

So much you can hit him on.

Money laundering, friendship with Epstein, wanting to have sexual realtions with his own daughter, draft dodging, Azerbaijan, renting out U.S. military to Saudi Arabia, his business record.

I would have all the people scammed by his fake college and the people he never paid that worked on his properties in the crowd of each debate.

He will probably skip the debates and just hold rallies anyway.
Lt. Col Vindman: Dsparaged and fired in retaliation along with his brother for telling the truth under oath
Roger Stone, convicted on 5 counts of false statements, one count of obstruction of justice and one count of witness tampering: HORRIBLE AND VERY UNFAIR! MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE!
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This is pretty crazy, albeit not very surprising. Germany was in on it as part of an agreement with CIA. Germany abandoned the project in the early 1990s, the CIA continued.
Imagine voting for the man who put a medal on this POS?

Not hard to imagine at all. People who vote for Trump have the same mindset as him and the beast he gave that medal to. Makes perfect sense.

No perv, you can call your daughter beautiful. Your problem is you talk about dating your daughter and saying she has a sexy body in regular conversation, that's what you can't say :smh:

This guy is such a ******* weirdo :sick:
DOJ is changing their Roger Stone sentencing recommendation from yesterday, right after Trump complained about it earlier today.
DOJ requested 7-9 years yesterday and is now reversing after Trump said he “couldn’t allow this miscarriage of justice.”

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I find it hilarious that Republicans are quick to point to wage growth in 2018 as support that the tax cuts worked, but fail to mention that most of that growth was largely due to the acceleration of bonus payments in early 2018 which allowed corporations to take a tax deduction for said bonuses at a 35% rate on their 2017 returns versus a 21% rate on their 2018 return. I have yet to hear Republicans brag about wage growth dropping in 2019.

Despite all them tax cuts the economy is growing at the same rate it was under .obama
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Unredacted emails show McCuskey raised concerns with OMB about violating the Impoundment Act with the hold on the military aid.
OMB General Counsel Mark Paoletta, who was aware of those concerns, covered up those communications and lied to the GAO by claiming there had been no concerns coming from the Defense Department. In a recent FOIA release, OMB fully redacted the emails in which McCuskey raised the illegallity of the hold, however the unredacted versions have been obtained by the press since then. They confirm that Paoletta was lying about his knowledge of legal concerns from the DoD.
The GAO later validated McCuskey's concerns about the illegality of the hold.
I'm guessing the prosecutors in the D.C. US Attorney's Office are not looking forward to having to explain this blatant political intervention to the judge. How do you begin to explain recommending a guideline sentence of 7-9 years and then completely reversing that recommendation not even a full day later amidst Trump stating that he would "not allow this miscarriage of justice"?
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