***Official Political Discussion Thread***

A black became president

Then a modern facist that was a reality TV star

A self proclaimed socialist might be next

Maybe it is time to expand your view of who can become president. Luck and circumstance plays a major part to.

Texas is a red state. Cruz is popular there, Trump didn't even beat him there if I remember correctly. Not beating Ted Cruz in Texas is not a knock on Beto. Bernie and Liz would have been ran the same fade. If the race took place in say Arizona, Beto is a Senator right now.
Anything could happen, Beto was hitting his stride a bit before he joined the ranks of the suspended campaigns whether he'll improve on that is yet to be seen.
I have no clue about the particulars of the situation (e.g., "vicious attacks" and such), but any labor union opposing Medicare for All is hustling backwards at the end of the day.
It was not an attack.

They put out a flyer for early voting in Nevada. They listed the positions of the top 6 Dems in healthcare, jobs and immigration. The M4A thing was a bullet point.

Culinary is not set where the negotiate private plans. Theirs is self funded I believe. They don't really oppose all of M4A, they really just want to keep theirs also. Well that is what people have told me.
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That same union decided not to support him in '16 IIRC so, whatever concessions they made weren't enough. And if we're being honest unions aren't the bastion/stronghold of the left-wing like they used to be and haven't been since Reagan era, I don't think it's a reach to consider that this could be a case of "**** you I got mine".
I don't think they endorsed anyone last time around. They didn't endorse Hillary until she was looking like the winner. They have had Bernie come through to talk to their members.

BTW, I was talking about other unions, not specifically culinary.

And sorry, you are wrong about the "**** you, I got mine".I live in the state, I know many in people this union. It really seems like they want an exemption more than anything.

Also Culinary is kinda a bastion left wing politics in Nevada. They hit the streets to get Dems elected. Given they heavy Latino make-up up of the union as well, I would think many are Bernie supporters. Most of the folk I met sure are.

I think maybe before people have a knee jerk negative reaction, they actually consider that someone could have a good faith objection to Bernie and M4A. The views of the union are not out of line with what the general public thinks anyway.
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Also, other unions have had issues with M4A. And has had negotiations with the Sanders people about addressing their concerns.

This is what happens when you suggest a sweeping healthcare plan. People, even on your side, have objections to parts of it.
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I don't think they endorsed anyone last time around. They didn't endorse Hillary until she was looking like the winner. They have had Bernie come through to talk to their members.

BTW, I was talking about other unions, not specifically culinary.

And sorry, you are wrong about the "**** you, I got mine".I live in the state, I know many in people this union. It really seems like they want an exemption more than anything.

Also Culinary is kinda a bastion left wing politics in Nevada. They hit the streets to get Dems elected. Given they heavy Latino make-up up of the union as well, I would think many are Bernie supporters. Most of the folk I met sure are.

I think maybe before people have a knee jerk negative reaction, they actually consider that someone could have a good faith objection to Bernie and M4A. The views of the union are not out of line with what the general public thinks anyway.
How am I objectively wrong if the only evidence you can provide for the contrary is anecdotes of the people you know? You don't think that makes the information you've been given biased?

But if we take what you have said at face value, the reason they didn't endorse anyone in the '16 caucus was because they didn't want to divide or split their members during bargaining negotiations happening around the same time. That's in the third paragraph of this article:

Suffice to say that it's not out of the question that they're above putting their own interests ahead of the interests of others.
How am I objectively wrong if the only evidence you can provide for the contrary is anecdotes of the people you know? You don't think that makes the information you've been given biased?

But if we take what you have said at face value, the reason they didn't endorse anyone in the '16 caucus was because they didn't want to divide or split their members during bargaining negotiations happening around the same time. That's in the third paragraph of this article:

Suffice to say that it's not out of the question that they're above putting their own interests ahead of the interests of others.
Pretty sure qualified my statement. I said given what I have been told to my face, it seems like they just want to have the option of keeping their insurance. They want other people to have healthcare. On the same flyer it shades Trump for his attacks on the ACA.

Also I know dozens of people in the union. I know a few personally. How I'm I biased if I talk to people on the ground, and take their words into consideration. If you want me to consider that they are somehow lying, and just want screw other people over, then where is your evidence that points to that? I see none.

You want to argue that it is not out the question, which is fine. But you have provided nothing that points to that. So sorry, that this point I will take the word of dozens of people right now over a guess that seems mainly motivated by the fact it reflects poorly on Bernie.

Voting in Nevada starts on Saturday. If they were so out for themselves, and against Bernie, why haven't they endorsed someone rlse? Why let him come through to talk to their members? Why say positive things about Bernie on the same flyer that got people upset

And that article kinds provides my point. That there are tons of Sanders supporters in the union, like I said. That the leadership doesn't want to cause the situation after what happened in 2008.

Putting my personal experience aside. All I am saying is that from what I have seen the views of many in the Union fits with what others voters say. They prefer some sort of public option over Bernie's plan. If you read the flyer you get that impression. That is in no way a "**** you I got mine position".
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One of the worst aspects of Republican presidents in that they destroy essential government agencies, and the Dems have to come in an rebuild them.

The amount of praise federal prosecutors are getting from the left is remarkable.

Especially considering the historical overcharging and long sentences they request.

The particular sentence they advocated for in this case was also surprisingly high.
Pretty sure qualified my statement. I said given what I have been told to my face, it seems like they just want to have the option of keeping their insurance. They want other people to have healthcare. On the same flyer it shades Trump for his attacks on the ACA.

Also I know dozens of people in the union. I know a few personally. How I'm I biased if I talk to people on the ground, and take their words into consideration. If you want me to consider that they are somehow lying, and just want screw other people over, then where is your evidence that points to that? I see none.

You want to argue that it is not out the question, which is fine. But you have provided nothing that points to that. So sorry, that this point I will take the word of dozens of people right now over a guess that seems mainly motivated by the fact it reflects poorly on Bernie.

Voting in Nevada starts on Saturday. If they were so out for themselves, and against Bernie, why haven't they endorsed someone rlse? Why let him come through to talk to their members? Why say positive things about Bernie on the same flyer that got people upset

And that article kinds provides my point. That there are tons of Sanders supporters in the union, like I said. That the leadership doesn't want to cause the situation after what happened in 2008.

Putting my personal experience aside. All I am saying is that from what I have seen the views of many in the Union fits with what others voters say. They prefer some sort of public option over Bernie's plan. If you read the flyer you get that impression. That is in no way a "**** you I got mine position".
I'm sure they do want people to have there own healthcare....just not healthcare as good as what they currently have, because if that happens they lose bargaining power and potential membership.

When I mentioned bias it was to say that they are vested in their own interests and that dictated to them by the Union heads. Like literally they've already framed any opposition to their stance on the issue as "But but BeRnie BRoS" not anything from the official Sander's campaign but some harsh criticism from people online :lol:

And if we're talking contradictions then, I guess Trump must be a swell guy looking out for the Bernie campaign so the cream can rise to the top if he tweets about the DNC being shady towards him in one breath then reverts back to calling him a commie in the next.

If you can't see how that would sow doubt as to the sincerity of the culinary union's actions with that twitter post than idk what to yell you Rust.
The amount of praise federal prosecutors are getting from the left is remarkable.

Especially considering the historical overcharging and long sentences they request.

The particular sentence they advocated for in this case was also surprisingly high.
"He’s throwing us under the bus -- all of us. He’s a coward."

The amount of praise federal prosecutors are getting from the left is remarkable.

Especially considering the historical overcharging and long sentences they request.

The particular sentence they advocated for in this case was also surprisingly high.
You are such a insincere scumbag with this post.

You edited out the part where I talk about Civil Rights prosecutors. You know the ones that enforce the laws that protect the black community.

The laws you swear you hold dear, even though Trump (the man you admire and proudly support) has shown disregard for them over and over.

You want civil discourse in here but you pull insincere ******** like this.

Maybe you wanted to leave that part out because the Civil Rights Department has also gone after the predators that are so near and dear to your heart.

You are such a insincere scumbag with this post.

You edited out the part where I talk about Civil Rights prosecutors. You know the ones that enforce the laws that protect the black community.

The laws you swear you hold dear, even though Trump (the man you admire and proudly support) has shown disregard for them over and over.

You want civil discourse in here but you pull insincere bull**** like this.

Maybe you wanted to leave that part out because the Civil Rights Department has also gone after the predators that are so near and dear to your heart.


My post addressed an issue more broad than your single post.
Comparing the historical overcharging of black and brown people, largely related to the unsuccessful war on drugs to Roger Stone case is laughable. Where a white republican political operative deliberately lied to Congress, obstructed justice and tampered with witnesses. Of course White Walker wouldn’t make this disingenuous parallel between the overcharging of black and brown people and ******* Roger Stone. Of course he wouldn’t.
Comparing the historical overcharging of black and brown people, largely related to the unsuccessful war on drugs to Roger Stone case is laughable. Where a white republican political operative deliberately lied to Congress, obstructed justice and tampered with witnesses. Of course White Walker wouldn’t make this disingenuous parallel between the overcharging of black and brown people and ****ing Roger Stone. Of course he wouldn’t.

I'm not white; I'm black. Wbu?

And the sentence advocated by these prosecutors for Roger Stone was surprisingly high.

9 years in prison.... ? Give me a break.

But we can pretend like it was a reasonable recommendation.

And you can continue to call me names for NT likes. Wouldn't want to ruin your e-cred.
While already under a gag order, Roger Stone also threatened the judge by posting a picture of her with a crosshair right next to her face. His lawyers were forced to concede that kind of behavior could be seen as a call to action. Despite the threat, the judge still gave him a break and took no further action.

7-9 years is the guideline sentence. Barr’s stooge was forced to concede this.
It would’ve been significantly lower if he didn’t threaten a witness in his effort to protect Trump.

In fact on the very same day Barr intervened to protect Trump’s loyal felon, he disparaged “so-called progressive DA’s” for not throwing the book at defendants.
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The parallel is disingenuous bull****, regardless.

I don’t need NT likes. You somehow always find yourself caping for white men. Hit dogs holler.

Non-answer on the race question as usual. But unsurprising.

The entire thread is people caping for white men/women on the left side of the aisle page after page. I missed your comment on all that caping.

Democratic primary is all white last I checked.

But it is what it is.
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