***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Anyone really surprised? This country isn't @#$@ without the vastly superior international students, yet...

https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/01/02/us/international-enrollment-drop.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Just as many universities believed that the financial wreckage left by the 2008 recession was behind them, campuses across the country have been forced to make new rounds of cuts, this time brought on, in large part, by a loss of international students.

Schools in the Midwest have been particularly hard hit — many of them non-flagship public universities that had come to rely heavily on tuition from foreign students, who generally pay more than in-state students.

The downturn follows a decade of explosive growth in foreign student enrollment, which now tops 1 million at United States colleges and educational training programs, and supplies $39 billion in revenue. International enrollment began to flatten in 2016, partly because of changing conditions abroad and the increasing lure of schools in Canada, Australia and other English-speaking countries.

And since President Trump was elected, college administrators say, his rhetoric and more restrictive views on immigration have made the United States even less attractive to international students. The Trump administration is more closely scrutinizing visa applications, indefinitely banning travel from some countries and making it harder for foreign students to remain in the United States after graduation.

“As you lose those students, then the tuition revenue is negatively impacted as well,” said Michael Godard, the interim provost at the University of Central Missouri, where 944 international students were enrolled in the fall, a decline of more than 1,500 from the previous year. “We’ve had to make some decisions, budgetary decisions, to adjust.”

That racism and xenophobia working well I see
Former international student.

Agree wholeheartedly with Rusty's and Rex's posts.

There is a need for cultural and international exchange but not at the expense of educating the local population. As the article shows, it isn't a sustainable, long term strategy, and it is something that should concern anyone wanting to settle and have children here.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: @ legit russian bots infiltrating this thread


This high profile **** measuring contest would be so much funnier if nukes weren't involved :lol::smh:
Google used a popular tax trick to shelter $19.2 billion

Just how much money do tech companies shelter from taxes? Quite a lot, according to the Dutch. Newly published Netherlands regulatory filings show that Google shielded €15.9 billion (about $19.2 billion) in 2016 using the popular "Dutch Sandwich" tax trick, saving it about $3.7 billion in taxes. The maneuver involves shifting revenue from an Irish subsidiary to a Dutch firm with no staff, and promptly moving the funds to a Bermuda mailbox owned by another Ireland-listed company. And this practice isn't slowing down -- Google moved 7 percent more cash through this approach in 2016 than it did a year earlier.

I'm sure they'll take that 19 billy and let it trickle down......right?
Yep it’ll trickle down to my portfolio and 401k. John Smith of Youngstown Ohio though will still be unemployed because they closed the steal mill and GM plant.

But keep voting for republicans though. Can’t wait till they take their SSD and other benefits tho.
I'd say Rusty's libbie trolling straight from Moscow has been pretty solid for indoctrinating NT. Son even brainwashed Rex with his Marxist libbie filth.

aepps20 aepps20 is the only real American keeping him in check tho

My duties as a True AMERICAN HERO are.

1. Work off the jab in the early rounds.
2. Confront Rusty in every thread.
3. Support MY PRESIDENT ELECT and Sheriff Elect.
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Bannon gunning for Don Jr,Manafort and Globalist Kush in one fell swoop is still hilarious and now there's talk that he's been cooperating with Mueller :rofl::rofl:

Man is the alt-right Niccolo Machiavelli

Trump’s second biggest mistake after firing Comey was kicking Bannon to the curb. Bannon is more petty than Tariq Nashed.
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