***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I could not believe it but the Jersey is actually free :rofl: :rofl:

I see the Confederate flag here on a daily basis. Whether it be flying in front of someone's house or on the back of a truck, it's openly flown out here in AZ.

You’re probably accustomed to it which makes sense if you see it every day but as noted in the article, that was probably the dumbest thing you could do, specifically as Trump’s daughter given his rhetoric. You really couldn’t say “Alright let’s wait for that boat to pass” Or “Let’s get an angle without it” or “Ahhh lets just use another one”. Sadly this will be all over the news tomorrow and distract us from him golfing or something even more insidious that he’s working it.
Hands on sight around black folk here.

Equivalent to being called a ******.

Never even seen one in person, can't say the same on the second.

I need to move to your neck of the woods man. It used to piss me off when I saw it, but now I've gotten desensitized to it. It's one of the reasons when I saw the events in Charlottesville earlier this year it wasn't that shocking to me. You see those viewpoints and symbols all the time here.
I need to move to your neck of the woods man. It used to piss me off when I saw it, but now I've gotten desensitized to it. It's one of the reasons when I saw the events in Charlottesville earlier this year it wasn't that shocking to me. You see those viewpoints and symbols all the time here.

I hear you man, I'd tell you to come out to Oakland/Berkeley/Richmond but I'm actually trying to get out of here.

At least until I really get my money right and can move back, ideally financially stress free. :lol:
American ISIS fighter tells jihadis to use relaxed gun laws in the U.S. to carry out mass shootings http://bit.ly/2DsF90p

I see the Confederate flag here on a daily basis. Whether it be flying in front of someone's house or on the back of a truck, it's openly flown out here in AZ.
I get the reason behind it but still, the whole flag obsession in general is really weird to me as our country is like the polar opposite of nationalism in a way. Only time I see flags of any kind is during labor union protests or when our national football team is playing an important international match. Depending on the area I may occasionally see a Belgian flag here and there during our national holiday but very rarely and not even close to the amount during those football matches.
man i see the confedate flag every where down here theres even a huge one maybe 75 feet by 75 feet flag flying over a very busy interstate.

I even see boys in there pick up trucks with big *** confed flags planted in the bed of the truck.

I also see it bumper tags on semi trucks and cars resembling the confed flag.

next time i see one ima take a pic and post it in here

and idc if i spelled cofefate wrong
Grew up in GA so of course seen confed flags everywhere. I remember our middle school bus driver had one flying inside the bus. It's a house across from my grandmother's house that's got one on the porch.
It's def an odd fetish to have considering the same people who fly it are so pro America flying a literal anti America flag, but hey there's no room for logic when "preserving history"
Grew up in GA so of course seen confed flags everywhere. I remember our middle school bus driver had one flying inside the bus. It's a house across from my grandmother's house that's got one on the porch.
It's def an odd fetish to have considering the same people who fly it are so pro America flying a literal anti America flag, but hey there's no room for logic when "preserving history"

Cognitive dissonance is wild.

Up in arms over black people choosing not to stand for the flag, flying a rebel flag.
Claims wanting to preserve history but doesn't associate the flag to it's racist roots but to Dukes of Hazzard and own personal story smh
Seen em forever growing up in Cincinnati. Kentucky is about 15 minutes away, so they're even more prevalent there.

Doctors are also "freeloaders." Not only do they get lots of medicare and medicaid dollars, they get a massive, implicit subsidy in the form of the AMA and its ability to drastically restrict the number of new med students and immigration on the part of foreign doctors.

Medical doctors make about twice as much as doctors in other developed countries (and doctors in other countries, rightfully, earn a very generous salary).

So eff outta there with shaming of poor Mexican workers who want basic medical service for their children. If we loosened restrictions on becoming a doctor, provided a public option for insurance and also started making policy that favored ordinary workers, wages for workers would be higher, medical bills and insurance costs would be lower and doctors like this one in Texas would see far more working class people paying via private insurance and out of pocket.
Doctors are also "freeloaders." Not only do they get lots of medicare and medicaid dollars, they get a massive, implicit subsidy in the form of the AMA and its ability to drastically restrict the number of new med students and immigration on the part of foreign doctors.

Medical doctors make about twice as much as doctors in other developed countries (and doctors in other countries, rightfully, earn a very generous salary).

So eff outta there with shaming of poor Mexican workers who want basic medical service for their children. If we loosened restrictions on becoming a doctor, provided a public option for insurance and also started making policy that favored ordinary workers, wages for workers would be higher, medical bills and insurance costs would be lower and doctors like this one in Texas would see far more working class people paying via private insurance and out of pocket.

That doctor should lose his license immediately. No one that spiteful should be trusted, especially in making medical decisions. If you're a parent of one of the children he's degrading, why would you ever want him treating yours or any other child?
you guys do realize that article was satire?

to play devil's advocate, when comparing the salaries of doctors in the USA vs the rest of the world, are you factoring in the longer years of training and the more expensive schooling that US doctors have to pay? plus the longer work hours here?

that said, we do need more doctors or, perhaps more effectively, more NPs and such who can take care of more of the primary care work.
Maybe libby satire, showing how hypocritical the libs really are!

Research has shown that people are more likely to die when they lose access to health care. Letting more American children die preventable deaths will send a strong message to kids across the country: Pull your thumbs out of your mouths, get potty-trained and GET A JOB!
And an AMEN, BROTHER to that! These lib children ain't picked up a bootstrap in their life, let alone tasted the sweet, sweet success of da black lung. Maybe you libs can make a New Year's resolution of trying to WIN for once. #CoalGoals #ChildSlavesLaborGoals
you guys do realize that article was satire?

to play devil's advocate, when comparing the salaries of doctors in the USA vs the rest of the world, are you factoring in the longer years of training and the more expensive schooling that US doctors have to pay? plus the longer work hours here?

that said, we do need more doctors or, perhaps more effectively, more NPs and such who can take care of more of the primary care work.

Ah damn,I got Onion'd.

To your main point, doctors are not the only bad guys in our system and in many cases, they are victims since the insurance companies and hospitals really lean on the medical doctors. Plus, the medical schools cynically use their border line monopoly power to put a lot of doctors deep in debt.

Broadly speaking, the US healthcare system is designed to redistribute income upward. A truly competitive, market based system (with lots of subsidies for low and middle income consumers) would be a big improvement over what we have now, over our healthcare system pre ACA and a competitive system could be even better than single payer. However, we have, within our healthcare system, a truculent elite that wants to keep its rent seeking behavior in place. It is like America writ large, those with the most want socialism for themselves and rugged, brutal capitalism for the masses.
Noskey is the early frontrunner for NT Member of the Year. His work in this thread has been nothing short of AMAZING. He warned us about lazy libbie infants RUINING EVERYTHING. He works off of the jab in the early rounds. He is the moral COMPASS OF THIS COUNTRY and Coal Gang.

I'd like to share a story ABOUT my friend and brother Noskey. The year was 1991, my father just got a new job in a town called Bluffington and we had to move from Bloatsburg. On a search to find food for my Mom (Theda), Dad (Phil) and sister (Judy), I met our next door neighbour Mr. Dink. He showed me a video about Bluffington and introduced me to the popular hangout fast food restaurant called The Honker Burger. When I get to the hangout, I met NOSKEY Valentine who befriended me right away. Noskey and I worked 27 hour shifts in the mines under Bluffington. Life was good until OBUMMER USED an executive order to shut down the Honker Burger.
man i see the confedate flag every where down here theres even a huge one maybe 75 feet by 75 feet flag flying over a very busy interstate.

you mean the one over at I75 in Tampa?

I see it a lot over here in South Florida as well. Usually on big trucks driven by deplorables
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