***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That's the same day SteveJobs (played by blco) was banned :nerd:


Dis guy Blco. I just saw in the Jordan 32 thread he wrote "Hey guys I'm new here" :lol:

LOL. Bless his heart.
Currently sitting here at work listening to all these Trump cultists complain about the new tax plan AS THEY’RE JUST NOW LEARNING WHAT IT MEANS FOR THEM THANKS TO THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA.

I could say something, but I’ll just continue to sip my tea in silence and laugh on the inside since a lot of these cats are approaching retirement age. Goddamn fools...every single last one of them.

Ryan Pushes Trump to Follow Tax Win With U.S. Welfare Revamp https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/...yan-to-follow-tax-win-with-u-s-welfare-revamp

Those trump supporters tears are going to be oh so very sweet. I really hope they do SSI and SSD reform just because I worked in the non for profit sector before my current career and saw its abuse to some degree. And I know that it’s abused like crazy in the Midwest and places like West Virginia where these right wing supporters complain about handouts yet are the worst villains of all. Hope it’s retroactive.
Looks like the charity argument got debunked too. Apparently, eliminating deductions for 90% of donation categories makes people less likely to give.


Despite your belief, people give all the time without thinking of the possible deduction. It's pretty sad that is what you think motivates people to give. What a negative outlook you must have on human nature.
Upperclass don't even want these cuts. That's the funniest part.

I'm not middle class, but we need to bridge the gap unless we want revolution with blood. Also, what will I get from this 8k? No offense, but that is nothing, and I don't need it!!!!

Give it away... really easy solution. Im sure anyone on Niketalk would take it. And there are tons of charities who would also appreciate it. No need for you to keep money you don't want.
Currently sitting here at work listening to all these Trump cultists complain about the new tax plan AS THEY’RE JUST NOW LEARNING WHAT IT MEANS FOR THEM THANKS TO THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA.

I could say something, but I’ll just continue to sip my tea in silence and laugh on the inside since a lot of these cats are approaching retirement age. Goddamn fools...every single last one of them.

No one is complaining about tax cuts. CNN has done a great job of making the tax plan look terrible by showing the disparity in how much people are receiving at different levels... But the average American is getting a tax cut. No one will be complaining about that when they see their paychecks rise and their tax refunds increase.
can you name the issues you have with any actual sitting politicians?
it's easy to distance yourself from roy moore....
name a republican politician and ongoing political stance you currently oppose

Ok, I'll bite. I have an issue with Donald Trump's position on confederate statues. I think that they need to come down. The City of Memphis just removed two confederate statues last night. I think that is the way to go. Same for Stone Mountain.
Despite your belief, people give all the time without thinking of the possible deduction. It's pretty sad that is what you think motivates people to give. What a negative outlook you must have on human nature.

I've read that the current tax bill could decrease charitable giving by as much as $13 billion. So is his claim really that unfounded?
I've read that the current tax bill could decrease charitable giving by as much as $13 billion. So is his claim really that unfounded?

That projection is based on the same faulty premise the poster above cited. Basically, the idea is that people mostly give to get the deduction. That is simply false. This is evident from Rusty's statement yesterday that he plans to donate.
No one is complaining about tax cuts. CNN has done a great job of making the tax plan look terrible by showing the disparity in how much people are receiving at different levels... But the average American is getting a tax cut. No one will be complaining about that when they see their paychecks rise and their tax refunds increase.
Source for the rising paychecks? Or, source to support your opinion that paychecks will rise?
That projection is based on the same faulty premise the poster above cited. Basically, the idea is that people mostly give to get the deduction. That is simply false. This is evident from Rusty's statement yesterday that he plans to donate.
Source for your conclusion?
Maybe you should read this, instead of using a sample size of 1 to prove your point.


If I had a dollar for every assumption that study made. Again, no one can state definitively that charitable contributions will go down. This is a wait and see. To state, as the poster did above, that the charitable contribution was debunked because people are less likely to give is misleading. Certainly isn't fact.
No one is complaining about tax cuts. CNN has done a great job of making the tax plan look terrible by showing the disparity in how much people are receiving at different levels... But the average American is getting a tax cut. No one will be complaining about that when they see their paychecks rise and their tax refunds increase.
Alright so there will be no protests and backlash?
Alright so there will be no protests and backlash?

Perhaps, based on misinformation. The Dem strategy is to pit lower income Americans against high earners by saying "look, they are getting WAY more because of this cut than you are." This is true. But, I believe that most people would still be happy that they are getting a cut despite others getting a bigger cut. We will see. I think that many are under the impression that their taxes are going up, or they won't get any cut, based on the media coverage.

The issues that are being discussed negatively deal more with the problem of income inequality and the wealth gap. These are real issues, but I don't think the average American cares about them that much. People will see more money in their paychecks and in their tax refunds. I think it ends up being a win for Republicans once people see the effects.
The issues that are being discussed negatively deal more with the problem of income inequality and the wealth gap. These are real issues, but I don't think the average American cares about them that much. People will see more money in their paychecks and in their tax refunds. I think it ends up being a win for Republicans once people see the effects.

You don't think the average American is concerned with income inequality?
Temporary tax cuts and refund increase :smokin

Increased deficit :smokin higher if individual cuts don't expire :smokin

Permanent corporate rate cuts :smokin

Srs though this child credit finna be lit, how much them Subaru Foresters running?
During the last recession, how many people's savings got wiped away? We're talking lifetime here. I worked with a guy who had to push back his retirement three years because his wife lost at least half of her investments that were going to go towards retirement; if it weren't for their other assets, that guy would have worked way into his 70s.

Most Americans don't have the ability to live off investments. Hell, 45% of private sector workers have 401k accounts. When times get lean and individuals can no longer spend and companies sell less and lay off people as a result, guess who keep things from going full depression: a well funded government. It retrains people, keep industries working, protect folks from living on the street, and provide farmer subsidies to keep food prices affordable. A tax cut in affluent times is going to make less affluent times more painful for all of us. Yes, all of us. Because those who won't be able to eat will eventually come for yours, and it will be a whole lot of them vs a few of you.

Back in the middle ages, wise kings (government) built granaries and saved a portion of the serfs grain production during times of great harvest (taxes) because they knew that the harvest wasn't always great. The foolish ones went around and made corn rain on their subjects, and the crazy ones took the grain from their subjects to feed the nobility. Your argument has been debunked for centuries.

Paychecks in February. How old are you? Do you have a job? The questions you are asking are not serious. People's paychecks will increase. But here's a link anyway. Although it is a basic concept.

I guess it's really difficult to just explain what you meant. Between your unsupported claim that wages will increase and the claim that paychecks will rise, we were supposed to know you meant two different things. Your other comments were totally necessary.
You don't think the average American is concerned with income inequality?

Not in an academic way. Sure, most Americans want to make more. But I don't think most Americans care about the gap between them and billionaires. People want to be able to provide for their families and live comfortably. I think that is the primary goal. No matter how much others have.
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