***Official Political Discussion Thread***

SOOOO MUCH FIRE IN THIS THREAD B. Shout out to brothers AEA18, Sole Reaver, whywesteppin, Noskey, Ksteezy, Dathbgboy, and Da Real MVP Barbarian for letting Da Libbies know we taking over B. Da Coal Train just dropped off another load of Coal and Da AHCA docs say I'm about 99% of the way in EARNING Da Coal BLACK LUNG B. Da problem with Da Libbie SNOWFLAKES in this thread is that they too busy relying on conjecture and innuendo rather than Da FAX B. DA FAX are that Da Coal is poppin, Da Don is DAPPER, Da Libbies are in their feelings, Comey was spreading lies about Da Don, Papa Vlad and Sergei running things and Da USSR is baaaaaaack B.
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Some ppl are saying how can you call the firing a scandal because there's still no evidence of Russian collusion lol

Uhh maybe there would be evidence by now if there wasn't so much investigation interference :rolleyes
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"He wasn't doing a good job. Very simply. He was not doing a good job," Trump said in brief remarks to reporters in the Oval Office, where he was joined by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
Da rookie trying to confuse us with big words and math and calenders. We ain't gotta know da economical sense of da Hemi, we just need da passing lane coooooal train :pimp:
Da rookie trying to confuse us with big words and math and calenders. We ain't gotta know da economical sense of da Hemi, we just need da passing lane coooooal train :pimp:

Da only sense we need is Da Coal sense B. I got enough coal for days B. VROOOOOOOM, VROOOOOOOOOM B.
Yes, an agent of white supremacy. I assume like most conservatives you have no idea what white supremacy is.


I get it.

Indetity politics card that liberals so badly overplayed this last election cycle and lost.

That card is burnt out, play a new one.


AKA xenophobia; the fear of outsiders. Whether they're afraid of Muslim culture taking over, radical feminists, politically correct liberals, or non-english (read Spanish) speakers becoming commonplace, it's all xenophobia.

This is nothing new, and it's always the same story. Whether it's George Alan in 2006 calling the brown kid in the audience "macaca" and telling people that he knows what "real America" looks like, or everyone calling President Obama "Barrack Hussein Obama" (because people named Hussein are obviously not American), or whether it's Zach Galifianakis's uncle Nick running for Senate against Jesse Helms, whose campaign slogan was "Jesse Helms. He's One of Us," (because a guy named Galifianakis obviously isn't), it's all the same.

These people are afraid and resentful of the others having the same rights as them, and terrified of the chance that those others might one day have more rights.

They're white, American, Christian, straight, and speak English, and they know that's what "Real America" looks like. Everyone else is just a visitor to them, and if those visitors are smug and arrogant enough to express their thoughts and tell me what's wrong with my country, I cant wait to elect Trump to see that smirk wiped off their faces. And I was downright giddy when it actually happened and all those elitist, snobby, liberals in the main stream media were proven so wrong!!

"Hey, that brown guy/lesbian/guy with the funny name/he-she/atheist/lying Jew/greasy Italian doesn't have the same rights as me, damnit! Sure, I'm accepting...but. Those people don't look or sound like me. Those people should learn to speak English. Those people come from a culture that's militant and won't integrate. Those radical women will ruin this society by giving away all of my rights in the name of being politically correct!"

"I'm what matters. I deserve to be respected because I am a real American!"

It's both fear and entitlement. America is what they think it is, and any challenge to that makes them defensive. They bring up their fists and insist that we have to vote for Trump because even the chance that this country will be sold into Sharia law, or the gay agenda, or the radical left, is enough.

Even if Trump sells out their future, at least they can rest assured that they've done what they've had to do to protect real Americans from the bad ones, from the others.

Edit. And everyone knows it's there. Ask Piyush Jindal why he calls himself "Bobby," or Nimrata Haley why she calls herself "Nikki," or Felito Cruz why he started calling himself "Ted." Whether they were mocked because they were different as children or made a political calculation about hiding their ethnicity as much as possible--with a plausible veneer--they know first hand that you're either an American, or you're just visiting

The "only democrats play identity politics" argument is as tired as it is false. It has been the bread and butter of the conservative right since the birth of this country.
Don "Corleone" Trump
So @KenDilanianNBC talked to a former senior intelligence official about the way Trump fired Comey. This quote is … [emoji]128064[/emoji] quite something. pic.twitter.com/DyKwxo3cMj
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) May 10, 2017
Kushner held a Miners Pick to his head, and my father assured him that either his brains or his signature would be on the legislation... Thats a true story.
guess u want da feds in here too playing wit me wit that gif, ite.
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