***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Stephen Miller looks like a serial killer to tell you the truth. I can't imagine that face smiling and laughing and those eyes lighting up. Probably has the same facial expressions everywhere he goes.
Meth watches this thread like a hawk btw. I was surprised when I got warned yesterday. I didn't realize that if you had replaced a curse word with your own word that it's still cursing :lol:

Moreover, the early executive actions that Obama signed in 2009 generally enjoyed wider public support than Trump’s controversial policies.

Obama’s first motion to tighten ethics rules for government officials was approved by 76% of US adults according to a Gallup poll, and his next order to limit interrogation techniques on prisoners scored 74%.

By far his most opposed action was to order the closure of Guantanamo Bay, which was approved by just 44%.

However, Trump’s executive orders have been even less popular. His infamous travel ban was supported by only 42% of the population, while his proposed wall along the Mexican border was approved by just 38%.

And a mere 36% of Americans were behind Trump’s order to suspend the US Syrian refugee program.

Department store jobs have been declining since 2001 which is far more than coal jobs. Will The Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] try to save that too?
Da Don got Dat Hot Tub Time B. He went back in time and got dem TWITTER fingers ethering Barry on Da regular B. Da Libby tears over Da Tweets are glorious B. Da Libby tears wash away Da soot from Da Da Rust Belt edition of Da Hemi B.
I know I sometimes vent about white progressives and how aloof the can be at times, but I never want anyone to believe I have this huge beef with them,

As a black man fighting for justice, all kinds, white progressive are my natural allies, and sometimes you have to criticize your allies.

Now white moderates, these people push me past the point of frustration to all out anger.

The white moderate I want to single out today is Andrew Sullivan. A Conservative Brit who I honestly believe that if the American right wing was no so hostile towards homosexuals, he would be a sws white supremacist too (actually he was/probably is). The fact that he was such a fan of Barrack Obama should let anyone know that Obama was too centrist, especially at the beginning of his presidency.

He dropped this gem recently.....

Do you know the real reason Dr. Dao was so brutally tackled and thrown off that United flight? It was all about white supremacy. I mean, what isn’t these days? That idea is from the New Republic. Yes, the cops “seemed” to be African-American, as the author concedes, so the white-versus-minority paradigm is a little off. Yes, this has happened before to many people with no discernible racial or gender pattern. Yes, there is an obvious alternative explanation: The seats from which passengers were forcibly removed were randomly assigned. New York published a similar piece, which argued that the incident was just another example of Trump’s border-and-immigration-enforcement policies toward suspected illegal immigrants of color. That no federal cops were involved and there is no actual evidence at all of police harassment of Asian-Americans is irrelevant — it’s all racism, all the time, everywhere in everything.

It’s easy to mock this reductionism, I know, but it reflects something a little deeper. Asian-Americans, like Jews, are indeed a problem for the “social-justice” brigade. I mean, how on earth have both ethnic groups done so well in such a profoundly racist society? How have bigoted white people allowed these minorities to do so well — even to the point of earning more, on average, than whites? Asian-Americans, for example, have been subject to some of the most brutal oppression, racial hatred, and open discrimination over the years. In the late 19th century, as most worked in hard labor, they were subject to lynchings and violence across the American West and laws that prohibited their employment. They were banned from immigrating to the U.S. in 1924. Japanese-American citizens were forced into internment camps during the Second World War, and subjected to hideous, racist propaganda after Pearl Harbor. Yet, today, Asian-Americans are among the most prosperous, well-educated, and successful ethnic groups in America. What gives? It couldn’t possibly be that they maintained solid two-parent family structures, had social networks that looked after one another, placed enormous emphasis on education and hard work, and thereby turned false, negative stereotypes into true, positive ones, could it? It couldn’t be that all whites are not racists or that the American dream still lives?

**** this dude. The left must not like people like Sam Harris, Andrew Sullivan, Mike Bloomberg, and Mark Cuban take control of the party. Have a voice fine, but these fools will throw minorities under the bus the first chance they get
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What's the deal with Mark Cuban anyway?

There's something skeevy about him that I can't put my finger on
He is a deregulation loving libertarian that believes people jump to quickly to label things racist.

But he thinks that when things get bad the government should set in, like to keep water clean and to pay for chronic disease.

He talks out of both sides his mouth. He preaches the "we are all in this together" when the crowd leans liberals and rugged individualism when he doesn't think they are around.

Anyone concern with economic or social justice should not concern themselves with him.
I know I sometimes vent about white progressives and how aloof the can be at times, but I never want anyone to believe I have this huge beef with them,

As a black man fighting for justice, all kinds, white progressive are my natural allies, and sometimes you have to criticize your allies.

Now white moderates, these people push me past the point of frustration to all out anger.

The white moderate I want to single out today is Andrew Sullivan. A Conservative Brit who I honestly believe that if the American right wing was no so hostile towards homosexuals, he would be a sws white supremacist too (actually he was/probably is). The fact that he was such a fan of Barrack Obama should let anyone know that Obama was too centrist, especially at the beginning of his presidency.

He dropped this gem recently.....
**** this dude. The left must not like people like Sam Harris, Andrew Sullivan, Mike Bloomberg, and Mark Cuban take control of the party. Have a voice fine, but these fools will throw minorities under the bus the first chance they get

Andrew Sullivan pushing that "but what about the asians!" argument?! :lol:

It's so dumb, from someone who theoretically should know better than to forward such intellectually bankrupt argument.

for anyone who don't know why this is ********.

Asians are not a monolith b. Japanese, chinese, korean, hmong, loatian, vietnamese ect all come to this country under different circumstances. Japanese Chinese, Korean do better than most races becuase they often come from privilege, hold advanced degree's or technical training. Hmong, Loatian and vietnamese tend to do worse becuase they came here as refugees from poor regions with no skills.

Also it's funny you could use the same argument with Nigerians, then to come to america with some privilege, they have a median income far higher than the avg american, far higher rates when it comes to attending college.

but no one ever uses them for this arguemnt...I wonder why? :nerd:

Doesn't fit with the "black people aint **** narrative"
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I know I sometimes vent about white progressives and how aloof the can be at times, but I never want anyone to believe I have this huge beef with them,

As a black man fighting for justice, all kinds, white progressive are my natural allies, and sometimes you have to criticize your allies.

Now white moderates, these people push me past the point of frustration to all out anger.

The white moderate I want to single out today is Andrew Sullivan. A Conservative Brit who I honestly believe that if the American right wing was no so hostile towards homosexuals, he would be a sws white supremacist too (actually he was/probably is). The fact that he was such a fan of Barrack Obama should let anyone know that Obama was too centrist, especially at the beginning of his presidency.

He dropped this gem recently.....
**** this dude. The left must not like people like Sam Harris, Andrew Sullivan, Mike Bloomberg, and Mark Cuban take control of the party. Have a voice fine, but these fools will throw minorities under the bus the first chance they get

Andrew Sullivan pushing that "but what about the asians!" argument?! :lol:

It's so dumb, from someone who theoretically should know better than to forward such intellectually bankrupt argument.

for anyone who don't know why this is ********.

Asians are not a monolith b. Japanese, chinese, korean, hmong, loatian, vietnamese ect all come to this country under different circumstances. Japanese Chinese, Korean do better than most races becuase they often come from privilege, hold advanced degree's or technical training. Hmong, Loatian and vietnamese tend to do worse becuase they came here as refugees from poor regions with no skills.

Also it's funny you could use the same argument with Nigerians, then to come to america with some privilege, they have a median income far higher than the avg american, far higher rates when it comes to attending college.

but no one ever uses them for this arguemnt...I wonder why? :nerd:

Doesn't fit with the "black people aint **** narrative"

There is no need to wonder, Sullivan already been letting the world know what he is about.

Sullivan been suspect, in the 1990s when he was the editor of the New Republic he tried to publish a story about Charles Murray and the Bell Curve.

When people at the magazine flipped out, Sullivan included excerpts of expert arguing against the **** in the book. But to this day, he defends the damb book and Murray.

If a liberal calls out coded racist language, Sullivan is there to be upset at the liberal.
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Some of the most dangerous commentators are the "centrists," "pragmatists," "middle of the road guys" who deploy the same two step over and over.

Step one is trash one sacred cow of social conservatives in order to establish your independence.

Step two, repackage the core conservative principles of racism, misogyny and plutocracy as avuncular advice.

Optional third step, throw in an anecdote in order to throw people off balance.

Examples include the following:

"hey, look if guys want to marry each other, sure, it's a free country and what also makes this country free is keeping capital gains taxes lower."

"We all know that the world isn't 6000 years old, we also know that the 'wage gap' is a myth perpetuated by SWJs, if you want more money, get a job in STEM and stop being emotional."

"isn't it crazy how conservatives say that there were people in the bible who lived for two hundred plus years. It's also crazy to think that in 2017, 'the man' is holding you back. I tell you what, if you work hard, any one can succeed. If you can'ty make it in America, you're just an excuse maker."
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There is no need to wonder, Sullivan already been letting the world know what he is about.

Sullivan been suspect, in the 1990s when he was the editor of the New Republic he tried to publish a story about Charles Murray and the Bell Curve.

When people at the magazine flipped out, Sullivan included excerpts of expert arguing against the **** in the book. But to this day, he defends the damb book and Murray.

If a liberal calls out coded racist language, Sullivan is there to be upset at the liberal.

I remember reading TNC back and forht with him about this, dude is a SWS.
Yep Coates had dude all the way rustled over that.

His first defense to Coates was hilarious. The stuff he cited to defend himself (which was the rebuttal from the experts included in the original article) from Coates' attack is stuff he didn't intend to include in the first place.

It was the most complex and detailed "I have black friends" defense I have ever read :lol:

Then he went on MSNBC and equated Coates to Trump, and called the left "neo-marxist" on race.
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Eesh, I only recall Coates talking about Sullivan in high regard, was not aware of the bell curve debate among the two. Sullivan doubled down on the bs....
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