***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Barson is making presidential level moves over at HUD B. Libbies want to talk about how he allegedly got stuck in Da elevator B but Barson was just chillin eating Humus B. Nothing to see here B. BARSON 2020.
This is just the old guard fighting to stay in power. Theres 2 Americas, the old, white supremacist America, n the new America where people actually coexist peacefully. The Fox News crowd has been trying to turn POC against each other thru fear tactics n blatant lies. However, unlike those people, the New America lives in multicultural communities, where fear tactics dont really resonate kuz they actually interact with the people they're told to fear. Fox News does an amazing job at dehumanizing who they target as the enemy. They speak from a bigoted perspective. Hence why the overwhelming majority of their female "anchors" are blonde with blue eyes, the males are American Psycho looking white men, n the minorities they keep on deck are Uncle Toms n Tio Tomas'. Fox News is the epitome of White Privilege n it's disgusting the levels they stoop to in order to push their bull**** narrative. However, when you are a white supremacist, or da white supremacist sympathizer, it's easy to stay glued kuz it's a dumbed down, fear mongering, propaganda machine used to keep the same Old American tactic of painting POC as ignorant, savage, n greedy drug dealers, murderers n rapists. However if you actually did your homework on the history of this country, you'd actually see it's completely reverse n Old America is really the one holding America back.
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There's nothing more annoying than having a draft dodger of a president trying to cause a couple wars
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North Korea likely to launch a nuke test! I though trump supporter and trump, himself, ran on stopping war--saying to only get rid of isis. It seems like day by day, we can see that trump is a puppet for the MIC
North Korea likely to launch a nuke test! I though trump supporter and trump, himself, ran on stopping war--saying to only get rid of isis. It seems like day by day, we can see that trump is a puppet for the MIC

Unfortunately, the media showed Trump the way to get to American hearts: be at war.

This is a guy who seeks validation from the world in anything he does, so when he got praised by CNN and other pundits usually critical of him for attacking Syria, what do you think he is continue to do?
If he really wants praise that bad, he could, you know, try to be a good president.

Just a thought, though

He didn't exactly get there by being a good candidate.



The former head of MI6 has said Donald Trump borrowed money from Russia for his business during the 2008 financial crisis.

Richard Dearlove told Prospect Magazine that “what lingers for Trump may be what deals – on what terms – he did after the financial crisis of 2008 to borrow Russian money” when other banks and lenders would not risk the money, given Mr Trump’s history of bankruptcy.

Mr Dearlove alleged the money was used by Mr Trump to prop up his real estate empire, which was hit hard by the financial crisis. It is not illegal to borrow money from Russian entities but Mr Dearlove, who left government in 2004, did not provide any evidence to support his claim in the interview.

We already knew that from his son's comments on the nature and the provenance of the Trump''s Org capital. What would be interesting is whether he is still paying those debts today.
If he really wants praise that bad, he could, you know, try to be a good president.

Just a thought, though

He wants the praise but he definitely doesn't want to work for it.

MSM pundits and dems called him "presidential" for being able to read a teleprompter and giving the ok to drop bombs.

Now he thinks that's all it takes. :smh:

US Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) was hosting a town hall meeting when a constituent asked about the decision to eliminate privacy rules. The person in the audience was disputing the Republican argument that ISPs shouldn't face stricter requirements than websites such as Facebook.

"Facebook is not comparable to an ISP. I do not have to go on Facebook," the town hall meeting attendee said. But when it comes to Internet service providers, the person said, "I have one choice. I don't have to go on Google. My ISP provider is different than those providers."

That's when Sensenbrenner said, "Nobody's got to use the Internet." He praised ISPs for "invest[ing] an awful lot of money in having almost universal service now." He then said, "I don't think it's my job to tell you that you cannot get advertising for your information being sold. My job, I think, is to tell you that you have the opportunity to do it, and then you take it upon yourself to make the choice."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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^ par for the course with these idiots in Wisconsin. Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, and now this buffoon.
Betsy Devos is the female Jess Session, this woman is a piece of **** all the way through. Look at who she picked to head the Civil Rights Office of the Department of Education:


The new acting head of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights once complained that she experienced discrimination because she is white.

As an undergraduate studying calculus at Stanford University in the mid-1990s, Candice Jackson “gravitated” toward a section of the class that provided students with extra help on challenging problems, she wrote in a student publication. Then she learned that the section was reserved for minority students.

“I am especially disappointed that the University encourages these and other discriminatory programs,” she wrote in the Stanford Review. “We need to allow each person to define his or her own achievements instead of assuming competence or incompetence based on race.”

Although her limited background in civil rights law makes it difficult to infer her positions on specific issues, Jackson’s writings during and after college suggest she’s likely to steer one of the Education Department’s most important — and controversial — branches in a different direction than her predecessors. A longtime anti-Clinton activist and an outspoken conservative-turned-libertarian, she has denounced feminism and race-based preferences. She’s also written favorably about, and helped edit a book by, an economist who decried both compulsory education and the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964.

“In today’s society, women have the same opportunities as men to advance their careers, raise families, and pursue their personal goals,” she wrote. “College women who insist on banding together by gender to fight for their rights are moving backwards, not forwards.”

In the article, she encouraged women to choose conservatism over feminism. “I think many women are instinctively conservative, but are guided into the folds of feminism before discovering the conservative community,” she wrote.

She concluded, “[t]he real women’s issues are conservative ones.”

After Stanford, Jackson “exchanged conservatism for libertarianism,” she later wrote. She did a summer fellowship at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, a free-market think tank in Auburn, Alabama, according to an institute publication. While at the Institute, Jackson provided editorial assistance on a book of collected essays by the institute’s co-founder, economic historian Murray N. Rothbard.

In other essays, published on a former colleague’s website, Rothbard called the Civil Rights Act of 1964 “monstrous,” and lambasted one provision of it, which prohibited employment discrimination, as “a horrendous invasion of the property rights of the employee

She gained national attention last October after she arranged for several of Bill Clinton’s accusers to attend a presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Jackson sat with the women in the front of the audience. A few days before the debate, Jackson established Their Lives Foundation. In registration documents, she described two of its purposes as “giving public voice to victims of women who abuse positions of power” and “advocating for and against candidates for political office.”

Less than a week after the debate, Jackson posted on Facebook that her foundation “supports all victims of power abusers,” but labeled Trump’s accusers “fake victims.” Since the initial announcement of her Education Department role, her Facebook page has been taken offline.

Any follower of Rothbard is ******* touched in the head. The UNLV Business School straight up act like him and boy his Hoppe never existed.

His woman is dangerous and will aid in the destroying of the lives of so many vulnerable children. The school to prison pipeline is about to be popping.

**** like this is why I have zero tolerance for the "Obama did nothing" clowns. They have no idea how much the previous administration tried to build a firewall for marginalized groups behind the scenes. Sessions and Devos are true to the game white supremacist, that want to hurt minorities where they feel it most. We have to keep these ************* away minorities, stop letting wolves be the herd dogs. I know the lack of progressive might be frustrating but folk gotta keep in mind that the GOP is not about holding social progress in place, they want to regress.

But hey..."What do we have to lose" :rolleyes
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No student I teach is as hard headed as Ninja.

I have had some that want to turn it into a politics class (this is something you have to resist), but I teach very low level classes because to be honest I am not expert. I just grasp the fundamentals.

And this is where Ninja struggles and we butt heads, he doesn't grasp the fundamentals, and when it is pointed out to him, he will throw tantrums in an attempt to look smarter.

To be fair, you and ninja are not in a student teacher relationship. It is political argument from the outset.

In a less adversarial setting, ninja would be like "oh yeah, strong dollar means more imports, all things being equal."

At the same time; if asked directly, you'd readily say that of course, central bank policies, labor and fiscal policies and the legal frame work of trade deals does create winners and losers because the theory of comparative advantage is a very loose guide for policy and not a crystal ball.

It reminds me of the fact that given a simple binary choice, almost all economists conclude that minimum wage creates disemployment and yet, in practice, almost every liberal economist supports some sort of minimum wage increase because labor markets are not operating under perfectly competitive conditions with all other variables being held constant.

I also teach intro to micro and it does take a lot of discipline to not make it a political discussion forum. I think I do a good job of separating straight micro econ from politics and public policy, I make it clear that my lectures are like the news section of a news paper and that after class and office hours (assuming they are slow which is normally the case) are like the editorial section.

I also find myself constantly reminding everyone that economic theory is like a road map and not an aerial portrait. I also remind everyone that ceteris is rarely parabus and that econ is a just a way of making some rough judgments about a complex world whose few universal truths includes the reality of scarcity in all things.

The class that I most want to teach is urban economics because it really forces students to balance micro theory with observation of economics being put into action and you have to reckon for public policy and human behavior and spatial limitations on markets. Healthcare econ, urban econ and an economic approach to the law were really a great trilogy of micro being applied by real world conditions of all kinds.

I don't delude myself to what relationship me and Ninja have. I mean we once debated how to properly use a damn calendar. And I still think you give Ninja too much credit, if you see him other threads he is just as stubborn. Even in his so called comfort zones of talking jewelry and 90s rap

I think I have said enough about fiscal, monetary, and trade, policy for people in here to believe I see it has a black and white fact.

You best believe that if Ninja was in my class, that half the semester is going to be about housing policy :smokin

Day 1, Lesson1: Why da rent control is inefficient and fails is public policy goal.
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Candice Jackson is a scumbag just for that debate stunt. Exploiting those women on national TV, it was already a sideshow with the dumbass on stage. I'd punch her like a man
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