***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What exactly did NK do in the first place to get the US to constantly threat them? Was it the posititong and rocket tests?

North Korea and South Korea are still at war. Both countries never signed a peace treaty, and the North doesn't recognize the South as a separate entity. The US has been involved in that conflict as a result of its cold war era domino theory (if communism takes hold in a non-aligned country, all countries around it will succumb to communism). That's the gist of the NK-USA relationship.
Good summary on the situation

Just to add a bit,a major development in recent years has been China slowly distancing themselves with them and not being so steadfast in their economic and political support to the Kim regime after being unconditional allies for decades. Even they're getting concerned that NK's erratic moves are creating too much unwarranted attention and inviting a more muscular US military presence in the region as well as giving rivals like Japan,justification for building up their military

The pros to having their back are starting to be vastly outweighed by the cons and the CCP leadership are ruthless pragmatists so it's not looking good for Kim Jong-Un in the long run...
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I wonder what it's like to seriously think that you're never wrong about anything ever
I imagine delusion of that degree can't be very pleasant but at that point the delusion is past giving a damn or maybe even past realizing when you're wrong. Ninja's math problems are the most glaring example of this. He has never acknowledged that he made any math errors and just ignored the corrections or said things like "take ya math fetish somewhere else b"
When he said there are more than 7 days in a week, he told us to check our calendars when we corrected him.
When he tried to equate 50% of Trump supporters to 50% of the US population, he responded with "what u talking bout?" when it was pointed out to him that that is mathematically impossible, then ignored further comments.
And so on.

You could catch him saying 1+1=3, point out it's incorrect and that the answer is 2 and he'll proceed to tell you "ya been wrong about the election results, now u think u know numbers b?"

Please get Rudy the **** outta here :lol:

Ninja bout to be called as a character witness, and the cross examination finna to be lit..............

Prosecutor: Why are you testifying on behalf of Mr. Giulini today sir?

Ninja: Rudy cleaned up dem NY street wit da Stop and Frisk, da CompStat proves it. He saved tons of black people lives, yet they still chose to believe da identity politics da leftist be feeding them.

Persecutor: I don't know what that has to to with anything, but may I remind you that he colluded with a foreign government to affect our elections and weakened America's democracy. That is treason sir.

Ninja: You ever been a victim of armed robbery b?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What happens if NC destroys Seoul?

With US forces stationed IN Seoul? NK probably gets wiped off the map as a result of the subsequent barrage of nukes + allied retaliation from Japan and SK...

China's already amassed troops at their border with NK to prevent the flood of refugees in the event of regime collapse so it'd be an even more hellish/catastrophic situation than normal for ordinary North Koreans |I
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Isn't this whole thing that NK is doing right now exactly what they want to happen? Super powers of the world are making them look powerful.
Isn't this whole thing that NK is doing right now exactly what they want to happen? Super powers of the world are making them look powerful.

You'd be right about their usual saber rattling being done in hopes of getting international attention/sanctions relief or even deals but all that's changed with tiny hands being in charge at the WH. China realizes that dude would really be crazy enough to actually bomb NK first so they've shortened their leash on NK and their nuclear ambitions and have been trying to warm them that China won't hold their hand much longer and that they'd be on their own in a shooting war with the US.

It wouldn't be worth it for them just for the sake of preserving a political dynasty that doesn't offer them much if anything in today's world

So Shhhhid is about to go down with NK?

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Someone needs to slap the fire outta Jeffrey Lord for that MLK bs
He must've been smoking sherm right before going on air.

It's been one crazy *** week.

Spicer's hitler comment

Pittman saying Lincoln == Hitler

United Airlines having subpar customer service 

Agent Orange getting the 25 kill streak

NK apparently feeling froggy

That new Kendrick leaked

and Jeffrey Lord confirmed to be a crack addict
Lol. So I'm watching the press conference held by the lawyer of dude who got beat up at United Airlines. The whole time I'm thinking, I'd rather this lawyer be president than Donald Trump [emoji]128514[/emoji]
They done woke brother Don all the way up, he's HAD IT!

Check out @yashar's Tweet:
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