***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Apparently every act of non-violent protest is the same :stoneface:

Don T gonna start WW3 over a D swinging contest :smh:

WCW/WWE gonna have to rename that ppv
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They done woke brother Don all the way up, he's HAD IT!

Check out @yashar's Tweet:

I been telling ya that the far right gonna **** around and radicalize Brother Don. :smokin

This dude Lord is a legit clown. They goes from taking that "My dad stood up for black people" talking point right into the "We are all the same" nonsense with seconds. :smh: :lol:
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No student I teach is as hard headed as Ninja.

I have had some that want to turn it into a politics class (this is something you have to resist), but I teach very low level classes because to be honest I am not expert. I just grasp the fundamentals.

And this is where Ninja struggles and we butt heads, he doesn't grasp the fundamentals, and when it is pointed out to him, he will throw tantrums in an attempt to look smarter.

To be fair, you and ninja are not in a student teacher relationship. It is political argument from the outset.

In a less adversarial setting, ninja would be like "oh yeah, strong dollar means more imports, all things being equal."

At the same time; if asked directly, you'd readily say that of course, central bank policies, labor and fiscal policies and the legal frame work of trade deals does create winners and losers because the theory of comparative advantage is a very loose guide for policy and not a crystal ball.

It reminds me of the fact that given a simple binary choice, almost all economists conclude that minimum wage creates disemployment and yet, in practice, almost every liberal economist supports some sort of minimum wage increase because labor markets are not operating under perfectly competitive conditions with all other variables being held constant.

I also teach intro to micro and it does take a lot of discipline to not make it a political discussion forum. I think I do a good job of separating straight micro econ from politics and public policy, I make it clear that my lectures are like the news section of a news paper and that after class and office hours (assuming they are slow which is normally the case) are like the editorial section.

I also find myself constantly reminding everyone that economic theory is like a road map and not an aerial portrait. I also remind everyone that ceteris is rarely parabus and that econ is a just a way of making some rough judgments about a complex world whose few universal truths includes the reality of scarcity in all things.

The class that I most want to teach is urban economics because it really forces students to balance micro theory with observation of economics being put into action and you have to reckon for public policy and human behavior and spatial limitations on markets. Healthcare econ, urban econ and an economic approach to the law were really a great trilogy of micro being applied by real world conditions of all kinds.
"I look at Donald Trump and I compare him to Dwight Eisenhower. I compare him to Roosevelt. I compare him to people who built this country.”

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"I look at Donald Trump and I compare him to Dwight Eisenhower. I compare him to Roosevelt. I compare him to people who built this country.”

Should have compared him to Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson tbh

Defenders of white supremacy for those who don't know their presidents :lol:
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Jon Meacham, the presidential historian and the author of American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House, was asked to compare Trump to Jackson and he said that while they share many similarities, Jackson won with a majority share of an expanding electorate. That's academic speech for "Donald Trump is a racist who lost the popular vote."

Hopefully, Trump will have a similar political path as Andrew Johnson, crushed in the midterms and rendered politically impotent.

Although we cannot forget, we ned to win State wide races in 2018 and 2020 so he can dominate the post 2020 census time. We clown on Ninja a lot here but honestly Da census of 2020 does indeed loom large.
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Jon Meacham, the presidential historian and the author of American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House, was asked to compare Trump to Jackson and he said that while they share many similarities, Jackson won with a majority share of an expanding electorate. That's academic speech for "Donald Trump is a racist who lost the popular vote."
Yikes :lol:

Republicans on Thursday repealed a historic anti-corruption law approved by voters in a statewide referendum on Election Day.

The measure, which passed with more than 51% backing in November, would have created an independent ethics commission, limited lobbyist gifts to lawmakers, banned officials from joining lobbying firms for two years after leaving office and created so-called "Democracy vouchers" for registered voters to steer toward their preferred candidates.

But state GOP lawmakers said they didn't think voters knew what they were doing.

I'm telling you folks, the GOP doesn't want to function in the spirit of democracy.
How do we already have a Cuban missile crisis for the modern era 3 months into this administration? :x :x :x

@thetimes: Conflict could break out “any minute” China warns as North Korea insists any attacks will result in nuclear retaliation https://t.co/gQVep3yfhT https://t.co/U8kRKbCoSN

China has also cancelled flights to Pyongyang...

If only there were a calm and calculating statesman in the WH it wouldn't be so damn terrifying
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The only person Trump seems to respect is Jared Kusher...why?

Trump respects Jared Kusher so much because he gets to do the one thing Trump wishes he could do, but can't

Kusher gets to **** Ivanka.
I'm telling you folks, the GOP doesn't want to function in the spirit of democracy.
Surely da Donald will criticize them since he's so concerned with draining the swamp

Donald J. Trump [emoji]10004[/emoji] @realDonaldTrump
Do not allow our very stupid leaders to sign a deal that keeps us in Afghanistan through 2024-with all costs by U.S.A. MAKE AMERICA GREAT!
8:12 AM - 21 Nov 2013

Donald J. Trump [emoji]10004[/emoji] @realDonaldTrump
Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! Rebuild the USA.
1:55 PM - 11 Jan 2013

Can savings worth 6 months of salary cover this? I wanna know what Ben Barson says.


Leaked internal emails appear to show employees at one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies calling for “celebration” over price hikes of cancer drugs, an investigation has revealed.

Staff at Aspen Pharmacare reportedly plotted to destroy stocks of life-saving medicines during a price dispute with the Spanish health service in 2014.

After purchasing five different cancer drugs from British firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the company tried to sell the medicines in Europe for up to 40 times their previous price, reported The Times.
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I’ve been eager to hear how GOP lawmakers will respond to concerns about their policy, and American Bridge, a Democratic super PAC, posted a video yesterday of Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) answering a constituent’s question about this. The Wisconsin Republican said:
“You know, nobody’s got to use the internet…. I don’t think it’s my job to tell you that you cannot get advertising through your information being sold. My job, I think, is to tell you that you have the opportunity to do it and then you take it upon yourself to make the choice….”
The congressman’s press office added yesterday afternoon that Sensenbrenner made the case “that nobody has to use the internet. They have a choice.”

To say that at a time when every HR person you meet for a job opportunity tells you to create an account on the company website and post your resume and other credentials there...

Between this and the GOP Rep who said that the taxpayer doesn't pay him, they're not even trying to hide their contempt for the people anymore :lol: :lol: :lol:

These are the stories the Democratic Party needs to campaign on. I don't really care about the factions within it, and people shouldn't right now. Good sense has left the legislative halls of America, and if people sit on their hands like they did for the last 8 years, American democracy is done.

I’ve been eager to hear how GOP lawmakers will respond to concerns about their policy, and American Bridge, a Democratic super PAC, posted a video yesterday of Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) answering a constituent’s question about this. The Wisconsin Republican said:
“You know, nobody’s got to use the internet…. I don’t think it’s my job to tell you that you cannot get advertising through your information being sold. My job, I think, is to tell you that you have the opportunity to do it and then you take it upon yourself to make the choice….”
The congressman’s press office added yesterday afternoon that Sensenbrenner made the case “that nobody has to use the internet. They have a choice.”

To say that at a time when every HR person you meet for a job opportunity tells you to create an account on the company website and post your resume and other credentials there...

Between this and the GOP Rep who said that the taxpayer doesn't pay him, they're not even trying to hide their contempt for the people anymore :lol: :lol: :lol:

These are the stories the Democratic Party needs to campaign on. I don't really care about the factions within it, and people shouldn't right now. Good sense has left the legislative halls of America, and if people sit on their hands like they did for the last 8 years, American democracy is done.

These folks are too out of touch to be making policy on this. Big data, cloud, security etc, things that are essential to the economy would blow his mind.

WASHINGTON ― In a spate of local elections last week in Illinois, Democrats picked up seats in places they’ve never won before.

The city of Kankakee elected its first African-American, Democratic mayor. West Deerfield Township will be led entirely by Democrats for the first time. Elgin Township voted for “a complete changeover,” flipping to an all-Democratic board. Normal Township elected Democratic supervisors and trustees to run its board ― the first time in more than 100 years that a single Democrat has held a seat.

“We had a pretty good day,” said Dan Kovats, executive director of the Illinois Democratic County Chairmen’s Association. “We won in areas we normally would win, but we also won in areas Republicans never expected us to be competitive in. They were caught flat-footed.”

These may seem like relatively small victories ― we’re talking about municipal races in towns with tens of thousands of people ― but they fit with a broader pattern that should have Republicans on edge ahead of the 2018 elections: Progressive grassroots activism, exploding with energy since President Donald Trump’s win in November, is fueling Democratic gains in GOP strongholds.

This week, a Democratic congressional candidate in Kansas nearly pulled off a shocking win in a heavily Republican district. In Georgia, 30-year-old Democratic newcomer Jon Ossoff is outpacing his GOP rivals in a race to replace former Rep. Tom Price. The seat has long been Republican and was once held by former Speaker Newt Gingrich. These races come after a Democratic state Senate candidate in Delaware, buoyed by anti-Trump activism, annihilated her GOP challenger in an election that’s traditionally been close.

Chemberly Cummings and Arlene Hosea are among the Build The Bench alumni who recently won races. They both made history by becoming the first black members of Normal Town Council and Normal Township Trustee, respectively. That is no small feat in a predominately white, Republican region of the state.

Only thing that makes Illinois blue is the Chicago area, so this is good news.
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