***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Posted a few months ago

If anyone thinks a trade war with China is political theater, they're being delusional.

thats a war we'd win, but that's not why we let China act like a spoiled brat. they're supposed to keep North Korea in check, and that hasn't been happening, plus da fact they dont play fair with da currency or bootlegging or intellectual property...so its bout time we start showing out wit Taiwan.. I mean everyone knows that 1 china policy is a sham in regards to that Country anyways.


I thought Da Bigot was gonna strong arm China into getting his way.

Not kiss their ***, back pedal, and offer more traditional deals in hopes they help us :lol:

Donald J. Trump [emoji]10004[/emoji] @realDonaldTrump
I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?

Donald J. Trump [emoji]10004[/emoji] @realDonaldTrump
Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!

election is over....mentions electoral college win

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Just going assume the the hardcore religious folks really don't care about this.. like the multiple divorces.. child out of wedlock.. the inability to name a single bible verse, then just making up one later on

Typical Libbies trying to sully Da Don's reputation with innuendo and false statements. Dapper Don tried to make his marriages work B. Fake news won't report how he gave his first wife Da copy of Da art of Da Deal as a wedding gift which helped her negotiate Da divorce B. Da Don deserved a Nobel Peace prize B.
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So where do I sign up to get me a check for being against Trump? 
President Donald Trump claimed Sunday that protesters were paid to hold rallies protesting the president for not releasing his tax returns.

"I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?" the president tweeted. "Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!"

On Saturday, demonstrations were held nationwide in a call for Trump to release his tax returns. The rallies were held three days before this year's Tax Day, the deadline for taxpayers to file their federal returns.

Trump has repeatedly said he would not release his tax returns publicly because he says he was under audit by the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS, however, has said that the audit does not prohibit Trump from releasing his returns.

The president has also in the past claimed that protesters who have attended his rallies — and, more recently, those who have attended town halls for GOP congressional members — were paid to do so.

Activists have since denied Trump’s claims that protesters were paid, which, if true, would probably mean millions of dollars had been paid to the thousands of protesters around the country.

“We're like your taxes. Unpaid,” New York political activist Nick Jack Pappas tweeted  in response to the president’s message
^^^ I'll have Soros hit your PMs famb.

Between the protesting and the online shilling, Soros stay blessing my bank account brah.
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Typical Libbies trying to sully Da Don's reputation with innuendo and false statements. Dapper Don tried to make his marriages work B. Fake news won't report how he gave his first wife Da copy of Da art of Da Deal as a wedding gift which helped her negotiate Da divorce B. Da Don deserved a Nobel Peace prize B.

Facts kid. Da Don didn't find a church home yet because all those churches don't pass Da Don's purity test. It's not like Obummer finding the first church within a few blocks of the White House, can't be lazy when finding a place of worship. And Da Don tried to be a good man but all these sack chasers kept tryna stick him for his paper so he had to bounce.
Facts kid. Da Don didn't find a church home yet because all those churches don't pass Da Don's purity test. It's not like Obummer finding the first church within a few blocks of the White House, can't be lazy when finding a place of worship. And Da Don tried to be a good man but all these sack chasers kept tryna stick him for his paper so he had to bounce.


My thoughts exactly my G. Great minds B. Da Don ain't Obummer. Da Don is Da moral compass of Da country B. I've never been prouder to be an American. USA, USA, USA, USSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSR
^^^ I have Soros hit your PMs famb.

Between the protesting and the online shilling, Soros stay blessing my bank account brah.
Soros IS my healthcare plan right now bruh
You got Soroscare too famb!
When the cute chick at the desk sees you whip out the platinum Soros Insurance card 

Visited my doctor 3 times last week, not cuz anything was wrong with me, but just cuz I could.

She's a nice woman. Might go again this week, been plotting on one of the nurses for a minute. 
You brahs can call me a conspiracy theorist, but to this day I still unsure on whether that coup was real.
Many people are. Erdogan exploited the situation greatly for personal gain. He quickly purged thousands of people like journalists, academics, opposition, judges, ...
Awfully coincidental
Look at Da Don bringing people together B. That picture is AMAZING. Bloc02 does have Black friends.
Apparently Alex Jones admitted in a custody hearing that all that crazy stuff he is going is just an act. :lol:

He could be lying but if he is not I have a few concerns if he is telling the truth.

First, that someone would be so reckless and so desperate to sell their soul, and spew that garbage all those years just to make a living.

Second, I ordered some Super Male Vitality from ole boy, now I worried the pipe potion is just sugar water. Da globalist be spamming me with xenoestrogens, and Soroscare doesn't cover TRT :smh: . I trusted this man
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