***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Straight up:  it's bigoted to assume that a Christian president would be capable of embracing the separation of church and state, but a Muslim president could not.  
Do you believe that Sharia Law should be instituted in the United States?
Straight up:  it's bigoted to assume that a Christian president would be capable of embracing the separation of church and state, but a Muslim president could not.  

Do you believe that Sharia Law should be instituted in the United States?

Can't argue with that. I don't support that woman either. I also consider her a religious extremist who should lose her job. Her beheading hasn't been scheduled yet .
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Name these Muslim countries. No one is denying the atrocities of Christian countries. lol @ the KKK being representative of Christianity. :smh: I'm pretty sure that their mission statement isn't to follow the Bible. Do you believe that Sharia Law should be instituted in the United States?

What? They burn crosses, man :lol: They are an extremist Christian group.

Here's a good video that shows the differences in Muslim countries by scholar Reza Aslan

Name these Muslim countries. No one is denying the atrocities of Christian countries. lol @ the KKK being representative of Christianity. :smh: I'm pretty sure that their mission statement isn't to follow the Bible. Do you believe that Sharia Law should be instituted in the United States?

What? They burn crosses, man :lol: They are an extremist Christian group.

Here's a good video that shows the differences in Muslim countries by scholar Reza Aslan

They do, but their ideology can't be justified by the Christian Bible, can it? We should be thankful that we can criticize Christianity in this country filled with a majority of Christians. We wouldn't be allowed the luxury of criticizing Islam in a Muslim run country.

Here is a list of some Christian Extremist groups, I don't support any of them either.


Islam promotes violence. Christianity promotes violence.
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Under this president, the Iranians are going to end up with a nuclear weapon as a result of his "deal" and we are giving them $150 billion to further their plans. This president has angered our number one Middle Eastern ally, Israel, made up of Jewish people. This president went to the United Nations, saying the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet. This president said the most beautiful sound he's ever heard is Muslim the call to morning prayer.

Not sure how an actual Muslim presidency would be any different.
Under this president, the Iranians are going to end up with a nuclear weapon as a result of his "deal" and we are giving them $150 billion to further their plans. This president has angered our number one Middle Eastern ally, Israel, made up of Jewish people. This president went to the United Nations, saying the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet. This president said the most beautiful sound he's ever heard is Muslim the call to morning prayer.

Not sure how an actual Muslim presidency would be any different.


Thank You for this brah.

-------BTW, I would definitely vote for a Muslim candidate if I believed he or she was the best choice.

Especially if I believed that person would be able to uphold the separation of church and state just like the many that came before him/her. So lets not even act that a Muslim would be incapable of that

But funny, since Reagan, it seems it is the far right that have been struggling with this concept :lol:
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Not voting for someone based on religion isn't new. It was said that catholics would be minions of the pope and a jew would be minions of israel, mormons are weird etc.

Any ultra religious person running for president would make me nervous.
Not voting for someone based on religion isn't new. It was said that catholics would be minions of the pope and a jew would be minions of israel, mormons are weird etc.

Any ultra religious person running for president would make me nervous.
Walker dropped out. Easily the biggest dissapointment of the 2016 presidential race
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Walker was supposed to be the normal one too. He opened his mouth and i was like oooooh boy.

Kasich is the most moderate for sure, but i don't think the base gets out for him

Rubio is somehow steady and shaky at the same time. Someone to watch

I think carly will get destroyed on her time at HP. Firing alot of ppl, golden parachute, stock proce dropping (even though some of the counter atgument will be people don't print the same amount). I think she has a chance though. She is a great speaker and would nullify alot of "hillary for the first woman" hype

Carson is a nice man but says way too much off the wall and insane ****.

Bush is a ******* after thought. Nominate him and hillary gets an instant fatality.

Trump has changed the race but i have a hard timr seeing him as a nominee. Just doesnt have real possibile strategies. But hey you never know. America elected a black guy with a funky name. You never know.
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Mr 47% slash i'll bet you $10,000 is not rubbing elbows with the people like donnie from queens.

Trump would get away with binders full of women too. I could see it.
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Mr 47% slash i'll bet you $10,000 is not rubbing elbows with the people like donnie from queens.

No shade brah.

But I have no idea what this is even suppose to mean, partly because it is such a hard sentence to read, and partly because I have not idea what you're even trying to say.
In Arlington National Cemetery, there is a white headstone, which, like so many others, marks the final resting place of a courageous service-member who gave his life in combat. This grave belongs to Kareem Khan of New Jersey, who was just 20 years old. Kareem was Muslim.

Kareem’s rank was that of Specialist in the Stryker Brigade of the U.S. Army’s 2nd Infantry division. He received a Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and a medal for good conduct. Like thousands of other soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, Kareem Khan sacrificed everything for his country. Kareem gave, as President Abraham Lincoln said, “the last full measure of devotion” for the United States.

But yesterday, I watched on “Meet the Press” as a Republican candidate for President denigrated Kareem Khan and all Muslim-Americans. Ben Carson questioned Muslim-Americans devotion to the United States. He questioned their integrity. And then Ben Carson unilaterally disqualified every Muslim-America from becoming President of the United States.

Shame on him. Shame on any person who spews such vile, hateful rhetoric. The nearly three million Muslim in this country are part of the fabric of America. They teach in our schools, fight in our military, and serve in Congress. Congressmen Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Andre Carson of Indiana – both Muslim – have represented their districts and states with distinction.

Sadly, this is just another example of Republican candidates refusing to speak for three million Muslim Americans. We saw it last week with Donald Trump, as he refused to denounce bigotry at his own campaign rally. If these Republican candidates are incapable of going to bat for America’s Muslim community, then they shouldn’t run for President of the United States.

I call upon every Republican to denounce Ben Carson’s disgusting remarks. That shameful intolerance and bigotry should have no place in America today. Sadly, it seems to have a lasting place in the Republican Party. Republicans should open their eyes and take note of the contributions of our country’s Muslim community. Until they do, none of them will be worthy of leading this nation.
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In Arlington National Cemetery, there is a white headstone, which, like so many others, marks the final resting place of a courageous service-member who gave his life in combat. This grave belongs to Kareem Khan of New Jersey, who was just 20 years old. Kareem was Muslim.

Kareem’s rank was that of Specialist in the Stryker Brigade of the U.S. Army’s 2nd Infantry division. He received a Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and a medal for good conduct. Like thousands of other soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, Kareem Khan sacrificed everything for his country. Kareem gave, as President Abraham Lincoln said, “the last full measure of devotion” for the United States.

But yesterday, I watched on “Meet the Press” as a Republican candidate for President denigrated Kareem Khan and all Muslim-Americans. Ben Carson questioned Muslim-Americans devotion to the United States. He questioned their integrity. And then Ben Carson unilaterally disqualified every Muslim-America from becoming President of the United States.

Shame on him. Shame on any person who spews such vile, hateful rhetoric. The nearly three million Muslim in this country are part of the fabric of America. They teach in our schools, fight in our military, and serve in Congress. Congressmen Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Andre Carson of Indiana – both Muslim – have represented their districts and states with distinction.

Sadly, this is just another example of Republican candidates refusing to speak for three million Muslim Americans. We saw it last week with Donald Trump, as he refused to denounce bigotry at his own campaign rally. If these Republican candidates are incapable of going to bat for America’s Muslim community, then they shouldn’t run for President of the United States.

I call upon every Republican to denounce Ben Carson’s disgusting remarks. That shameful intolerance and bigotry should have no place in America today. Sadly, it seems to have a lasting place in the Republican Party. Republicans should open their eyes and take note of the contributions of our country’s Muslim community. Until they do, none of them will be worthy of leading this nation.
yep... the main thing to remember is that dude disqualified all muslim-AMERICANS from presidency....

that's unamerican as ****

telling a specific group in america... that they shouldn't be able to ever become president...
I still think Kasich is the real threat. Like others have stated, Scott Walker is a moron. Surprisingly dumb. And 3 months ago I would have thought he'd be the GOP candidate. He's shockingly dimwitted and even worse in front of a mic(at least GWB had that appeal.)

It's barely even a clown car, it's like a steam-powered wheelbarrow. I was exhausted half-way through wednesday night..
I still think Kasich is the real threat. Like others have stated, Scott Walker is a moron. Surprisingly dumb. And 3 months ago I would have thought he'd be the GOP candidate. He's shockingly dimwitted and even worse in front of a mic(at least GWB had that appeal.)

It's barely even a clown car, it's like a steam-powered wheelbarrow. I was exhausted half-way through wednesday night..

Kasich would be a threat if the Republican Base wasn't blood thirsty for whatever they are blood thirsty for..

He's in 9th place right now at 3%. And he has no one to take the votes from. Jeb will stay in this for the long term, and he's the guy Kasich would most likely need votes from.
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I don't disagree but remember that Kasich is a bit of a late-comer. IMO it's inarguable that Jeb is a mess on-stage, Kasich always talks eloquently and comfortably while still espousing the extremist views that most republicans align with. I'm biased here but he's really the only candidate that scares me.
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