***Official Political Discussion Thread***



All those big government folks conveniently silent lately [emoji]129300[/emoji]
First off, this comment is ridiculous

Second, I doubt you felt the same way when Obama was the president
The opposition to Obama was NOTHING compared to what we are seeing now. Literally everything our President says and does is mocked, blown out of proprtion, or taken completely out of context. Just look at the whole "Trump not escorting Melania" video. Its hilariously cut to make him look bad. The man cant breath without people calling him Hitler and an evil cheeto dictator. Were there protests when Obama got elected? Sure. But not on the scale that we see now. Hating Trump gets you internet likes. Its in fashion.

Human nature is fascinating, how soon people can forget and become defensive when their side is in office. Everything Obama did was criticized, he and his wife were called names like monkey by others in the political circle and voters alike (that was just one racist name, and they still are) , he was called Hitler, dictator, communist, socialist etc. Without doing a single thing to hurt anyone. Spare us this revisionist bull ****. The scope of the protests are due to his philosophy being harmful. I hope the foot stays on the gas however long he stays. Cry me a river.
And just think about how screwed we will be by the time we get there

Need to post this again.. since it applies to all foreigners:


Any other time this would be immediate lawsuit territory, now it's cool to intrude in people's personal lives, religious and political views in order to gain access to the country, I'm flying out this May for a week if upon return I'm asked any of these dumb questions I don't think I'll be able to keep cool.

The first question that comes to my mind, how soon do we get to the point of someone visiting the US having to justify any of this

Do we just hand over our phones with this info.. other devices.. like how far does this go
That Mo Farah story :smh:,dude is probably the greatest Olympian in British history yet won't even be able to go see his kids because of where he was born :stoneface:

What happens to pro athletes like Luol Deng and Thon Maker?

Both are Muslim and from Sudan
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Just caught up on the thread, but for whoever asked about Melania and if she deserves sympathy. Hell no **** her too. She was pushing that birther **** as well. Baron the only one I'm sparing since he clearly just wants to be Richie Rich. All the rest of them are enablers with no spine including Ivanka and those Patrick Bateman looking clown sons of his.
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Trump Claims Waterboarding Doesn’t Come Close To The Excruciating Torment He Experiences At Every Moment


WASHINGTON—Dismissing concerns that the controversial interrogation method constituted torture, President Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that waterboarding does not even come close to the excruciating torment he himself experiences at every waking moment. “Prisoners who are forced to endure a few hours of simulated drowning hardly experience the unrelenting horror that tears at my psyche night and day,” said Trump, adding that being strapped to a chair in a filthy concrete cell and repeatedly suffocated was a “stroll in the park” compared to the cruel and inhuman anguish his mind is subjected to literally every single second. “What is having gallons of water forced into your lungs compared to the nightmare that has never once released its grip on me? Waterboarding only brings a prisoner to the brink of death. I die a thousand times a day.” Trump went on to say that unlike the victims of the brutal interrogation technique, he was relentlessly tormented by the miserable fact that he deserved everything that was happening to him.

White House Staff Reminded To Place Lids Firmly On Trash Cans After Steve Bannon Gets Into Garbage Again

WASHINGTON—Following a series of incidents that left food and used paper products scattered throughout the West Wing, White House staff were reminded Friday to place lids firmly on all trash cans after President Trump’s senior advisor, Steve Bannon, got into the garbage again. “It’s imperative that everyone securely fasten their receptacles so as not to attract Mr. Bannon by the smell of rotting fruit or moldy bread,” said White House chief usher Angella Reid, noting that Bannon was crafty and could work his way into almost any type of bin if there was even the smallest gap. “Just last week, he tracked old coffee grounds through the Roosevelt Room and then left a pile of chicken bones under the Resolute desk. This problem is getting out of hand, so if everyone steps up, it’ll mean a lot less sweeping for all of us.” Reid added that any staffers who encountered Bannon while he was feeding could attempt to shoo him away by loudly clapping their hands, but should not directly approach him, as he could be carrying some sort of disease.
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Koopa is a damned idiot.
All that?

Misinformed maybe.

But because a ***** don't share the same outlook on some of these topics, gotta be an idiot?

Man I'm all ears, appreciate this thread to the max and love sparking conversation and information.

Admittedly not as informed as a lot of you so excuse me.

But yu guys only seem to want posters who share you views and are against educating the same people you slander.

Would be different if i was on my Tea **** just ignoring your thoughts and facts but I'm actually just dipping my toe in these polotics recently due to my brothers involvement.

None of this **** meant anything too me because my life was my life as a young black male no matter who was running ****.

So you can block me or keep my name out yo mouth.

what thin skin for an orangutan.

Has dude met with ANY world leaders yet? You know his ignorance is gonna be on full display when he does and his cabinet is gonna do everything possible to prevent that but is bound to happen, HES GOING TO HAVE TO sit with some of these world leaders that strongly disagree and dislike him and they are gonna shred him to pieces....I CANT WAIT....his ego won't take it though and you know that's when the war will start....WWIII will be started over this MFkers ego.
when even kim k is spitting facts, there's hope for the hoods!!
That actually made me angry. More than 70 people died in just the San Bernadino and Pulse attacks alone last year. What a slap in the face to those victims and their families. Disgusting.
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