***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That actually made me angry. More than 70 people died in just the San Bernadino and Pulse attacks alone last year. What a slap in the face to those victims and their families. Disgusting.
What's more disgusting is you trying to use those tragedies to validate your disgusting rhetoric. Stop trolling the thread with your idiocy
Trump Claims Waterboarding Doesn’t Come Close To The Excruciating Torment He Experiences At Every Moment


WASHINGTON—Dismissing concerns that the controversial interrogation method constituted torture, President Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that waterboarding does not even come close to the excruciating torment he himself experiences at every waking moment. “Prisoners who are forced to endure a few hours of simulated drowning hardly experience the unrelenting horror that tears at my psyche night and day,” said Trump, adding that being strapped to a chair in a filthy concrete cell and repeatedly suffocated was a “stroll in the park” compared to the cruel and inhuman anguish his mind is subjected to literally every single second. “What is having gallons of water forced into your lungs compared to the nightmare that has never once released its grip on me? Waterboarding only brings a prisoner to the brink of death. I die a thousand times a day.” Trump went on to say that unlike the victims of the brutal interrogation technique, he was relentlessly tormented by the miserable fact that he deserved everything that was happening to him.

White House Staff Reminded To Place Lids Firmly On Trash Cans After Steve Bannon Gets Into Garbage Again

WASHINGTON—Following a series of incidents that left food and used paper products scattered throughout the West Wing, White House staff were reminded Friday to place lids firmly on all trash cans after President Trump’s senior advisor, Steve Bannon, got into the garbage again. “It’s imperative that everyone securely fasten their receptacles so as not to attract Mr. Bannon by the smell of rotting fruit or moldy bread,” said White House chief usher Angella Reid, noting that Bannon was crafty and could work his way into almost any type of bin if there was even the smallest gap. “Just last week, he tracked old coffee grounds through the Roosevelt Room and then left a pile of chicken bones under the Resolute desk. This problem is getting out of hand, so if everyone steps up, it’ll mean a lot less sweeping for all of us.” Reid added that any staffers who encountered Bannon while he was feeding could attempt to shoo him away by loudly clapping their hands, but should not directly approach him, as he could be carrying some sort of disease.

Didn't realize this was satire until I read the Steve Bannon part.
when even kim k is spitting facts, there's hope for the hoods!!

That actually made me angry. More than 70 people died in just the San Bernadino and Pulse attacks alone last year. What a slap in the face to those victims and their families. Disgusting.

Those 70 were included in the number of Americans killed.

You need to ask your school for complementary remedial english comprehension classes or a refund.
You, Koopa, admit to being misinformed constantly but it doesn't stop you from running your mouth ignorantly, loudly and proudly. You're not asking questions, learning, you're stating nonsense with all confidence then begging for a reprieve, "tolerate my intolerance". No, that makes you a damned idiot until you learn how to communicate better.

what thin skin for an orangutan.

Has dude met with ANY world leaders yet? You know his ignorance is gonna be on full display when he does and his cabinet is gonna do everything possible to prevent that but is bound to happen, HES GOING TO HAVE TO sit with some of these world leaders that strongly disagree and dislike him and they are gonna shred him to pieces....I CANT WAIT....his ego won't take it though and you know that's when the war will start....WWIII will be started over this MFkers ego.

Bruh, Merkel had to explain him what the Geneva conventions are over the phone [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
"10 year average"

Reading isn't his strong suit.

I've wondered to myself when is the ban on white males coming? Since they've committed more terrorist acts on our on soil than any of these foreign countries?
more details about trump's insecurities and fears:

Mr Trump has already publicly admitted to being a ‘germaphobe’ with a compulsive need for cleanliness.

The source said: ‘He hates heights where you can see the ground or sharp inclines even more than germs. He particularly dislikes staircases and his biggest nightmare of all is a dirty stair rail.’


somebody didn't get held enough as a child. poor baby! what a "snowflake" as my remedial friends would say.


[QUOTE url="[URL]https://twitter.com/slack2thefuture[/URL]"]

David Slack


Remember sitting in history, thinking “If I was alive then, I would’ve…”

You’re alive now. Whatever you’re doing is what you would’ve done.


Im outchea tryna inform everyone i kno kuz knowledge is power :smokin

Also, #Calexit :smokin

Also, to the racist talking about San Bernardino, I personally knew 1 of the viktims. He was a naturalized Sonoran immigrant who wouldve been barred from re-entry into the US, his home, due to the great pumpkins exekutive order. So please miss me with that talk. Also, the man that organized n exekuted the attack was an American citizen born on US soil, who purchased the firearms used from another US citizen. Both natural born US citizens btw.
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"10 year average"

Reading isn't his strong suit.

I've wondered to myself when is the ban on white males coming? Since they've committed more terrorist acts on our on soil than any of these foreign countries?

Anders Breivik killed 77 and wounded 319 overseas. Far right Norwegian terrorist [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Nazi and far right radical movements gaining steam in Europe [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Where is the travel ban [emoji]128064[/emoji]
Giuliani said that Trump asked him how to legally institute a Muslim ban and people are still trying to say that it isn't about Muslims 
You sound, what is the work you like to use, oh yeah....triggered

Dude jumped before trying to comprehend what he was reading :rofl:

DEF triggered, get this dude out of here....lmao
That actually made me angry. More than 14% of Americans are illiterate and can't read good. What a slap in the face to those educators and the money spent on the school system. Disgusting.
You, Koopa, admit to being misinformed constantly but it doesn't stop you from running your mouth ignorantly, loudly and proudly. You're not asking questions, learning, you're stating nonsense with all confidence then begging for a reprieve, "tolerate my intolerance". No, that makes you a damned idiot until you learn how to communicate better.

Yeah he knows what he is doing.
At least ninja owns up to it. Koop spews garbage and then plays the naive victim
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You, Koopa, admit to being misinformed constantly but it doesn't stop you from running your mouth ignorantly, loudly and proudly. You're not asking questions, learning, you're stating nonsense with all confidence then begging for a reprieve, "tolerate my intolerance". No, that makes you a damned idiot until you learn how to communicate better.
Don't see it that way bruh.

​My statements are statements of my mindset at the time, or something i heard second hand that make me covey it.

​When you respond with valuable information, my soak game is there.

Because politics and debating aren't my strong suit don't make me no idiot.

You sound like the very people you despise. 

Don't know what I've said proudly btw.

Just here to spit thoughts and soak up the responses to better educate myself.

All i know is news outlets and sorry, i dont trust em.  
John McCain and Lindsay Graham made a statement that they disagree with the executive order

I wonder if the rest of GOP grows a spine
You, Koopa, admit to being misinformed constantly but it doesn't stop you from running your mouth ignorantly, loudly and proudly. You're not asking questions, learning, you're stating nonsense with all confidence then begging for a reprieve, "tolerate my intolerance". No, that makes you a damned idiot until you learn how to communicate better.

Don't see it that way bruh.

​My statements are statements of my mindset at the time, or something i heard second hand that make me covey it.

​When you respond with valuable information, my soak game is there.

Because politics and debating aren't my strong suit don't make me no idiot.

You sound like the very people you despise. 

Don't know what I've said proudly btw.

Just here to spit thoughts and soak up the responses to better educate myself.

All i know is news outlets and sorry, i dont trust em.  

Refer to rusty's list for a bunch of publications (conservative and liberal). 24 hours TV is pretty biased and they're about show than substance. It's only good to know what the country talks about IMO
I think a few of y'all are coming at Koopa a lil to hard. I don't agree with some of his viewpoints but unlike a few trolls and other posters, he is upfront about how he feels on certain issues. Koopa next time you are interested in discussing stuff in the thread, you should def be a bit more knowledgeable about issues you'd like to discuss before making misinformed statements and giving people the wrong idea.
KingKoopa, do you follow the thread as it updates from time to time or do you just read responses to your posts when you pop in? Just curious.
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