***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So what is it exactly?

What is the point of banning people with ties to those particular countries? And why not certain other countries?

And what does Obama's actions have to do with trump's?

He's been running on immigration reform.

This is where he starts. 

Only put Obama in it because this is something that happens during presidencies.

People are still salty at his win and are just giving this man no flex in anything.
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Are you white?


That is not how you do immigration reform.

You don't ask legal permanent residents their feelings about the president before you let them in. You don't block people coming in with passports from allied nations (nations in the visa waiver program) because of where they were born. That is discriminatory targeting.

In addition, a lot of Trump's previously issued directives are either ineffective or misguided, and the only possible reason he is taking such actions is to plunge the country in a crisis. That is consistent with the strategy Bannon has publicly supported for years: tear down the entire government and rebuild it as he wants.

Hate him or love him, but you have to admit, that's Donald J. Trump!

The American Psychiatric Association says that anyone exhibiting five of the following nine egotistical traits has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Count up how many Trump exhibits

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.

3. Believe that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with other special or high-status people.

4. Requires excessive admiration.

5. Has a sense of entitlement.

6. Is interpersonally exploitative.

7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.

8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

[emoji]128514[/emoji] :lol:
Anyone see that Rudy interview where his dumbass basically admitted the whole muslim ban was illegal and Trump asked him how to make it "legal"?
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Anyone see that Rudy interview where his dumbass basically admitted the whole muslim ban was illegal and Trump asked him how to make it "legal"?

Rudy was on his break from Barron's tutoring session on all things cyber.
How the likes of Egypt,Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are ignored when this whole bs is supposed this be about "terrorism" is where the jig doesn'the hold up :lol:

Those are arguably 3 of the biggest exporters of Wahhabist extremists and extremist ideology in the world but who really gives a **** as long as Trump has business interests in this oh whose countries right?

National security my black *** :lol:
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Anyone see that Rudy interview where his dumbass basically admitted the whole muslim ban was illegal and Trump asked him how to make it "legal"?

Interview made me sick.

"He wanted to ban Muslims, but then he asked me how to do it legally. So we picked these particular countries, so we can legally argue it's about danger. Not religion."

How did we get to this point. History will look back and see this for what it is, for the few people who are pretending it's not what it is (I don't know how it's possible to have your head that deep in the sand).
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Anyone see that Rudy interview where his dumbass basically admitted the whole muslim ban was illegal and Trump asked him how to make it "legal"?

Interview made me sick.

"He wanted to ban Muslims, but then he asked me how to do it legally. So we picked these particular countries, so we can legally argue it's about danger. Not religion."

How did we get to this point. History will look back and see this for what it is, for the few people who are pretending it's not what it is (I don't know how it's possible to have your head that deep in the sand).

How is it immigration reform to suddenly block ppl who have been working in the United States legally for years, some of whom have wife and kids living here legally, from stepping in us soil, based on where they were born. Ppl literally coming back to the US from vacation thinking it's all good and getting the shock of their life when they get deported.

How is it not an immigration ban on Muslims when it came out the horses mouth that they will give more priority to Christians.

'The president should talk less, do more' is your response. :lol:

He talks a lot of **** He claims this is a ban on terrorism but nobody from the 7 banned countries has ever committed an act of terrorism in us soil. 15 of the 19 hijackers that were responsible for 9/11 come from Saudi Arabia, and they're not on the banned list. Your president is full of ****
How is it immigration reform to suddenly block ppl who have been working in the United States legally for years, some of whom have wife and kids living here legally, from stepping in us soil, based on where they were born. Ppl literally coming back to the US from vacation thinking it's all good and getting the shock of their life when they get deported.

How is it not an immigration ban on Muslims when it came out the horses mouth that they will give more priority to Christians.

'The president should talk less, do more' is your response. :lol:

He talks a lot of **** He claims this is a ban on terrorism but nobody from the 7 banned countries has ever committed an act of terrorism in us soil. 15 of the 19 hijackers that were responsible for 9/11 come from Saudi Arabia, and they're not on the banned list. Your president is full of ****


You made it nice and easy for King Koopa to understand.

And before folks bring up Obama, yes, he had a similar ban in Iraqi's, but it didn't apply to folks with visas or green cards. That's a BIG difference between what's going on today and a few years back. What we're seeing now is nothing more than misguided xenophobia, which folks have already poked holes through in the fact that Trump didn't put this same ban on countries that he has business dealings in. You gotta have your head SO far up your *** to not see how messed up this is on a number of levels.
Breitbart fromt page:

Terror-Tied Group CAIR Causing Chaos, Promoting Protests & Lawsuits as Trump Protects Nation

"Terror tied" by literally non other than scumbag Ted Cruz. It's an organization that fight's for the civil liberties of Muslims and that piece of **** wanted to put them on the terror list...

Can't believe the guy behind the WS propagandist site known as Breitbart has top level national security clearance as well as the ear of the president :x :x

From all the leaks coming from inside the WH,dude sounds like the Sith lord version of Cheney
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CAIR has past links to Hamas and da Muslim brotherhood...da FBI doesn't even formally work with them for this, so it's no surprise da hawks speak real muscular against them.
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