***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Election update from Canada;

the leftist party has embraced NIMBYism

and the Conservative’s are proposing mandating worker representation on company boards.

and the liberals plan for housing is to ban foreign buyers…

They are really tryna force me to vote Conservative.🙃

We were already going to do that famb. Libs in here don't want da conservative smoke.
Royce has been an anti-vaxxer. He's rapped & spoke on it numerous times. I believe his son has autism, which likely triggered his beliefs on the subject. Probably a coping mechanism. And Busta is a 5%er, so idky ppl are surprised. The outrage may not be completely fake, but the fake outrage from "fans" are.
I forgot he was a 5%.

Funny story one time I shared a Uber pool with a 5% driver and a Jehovah Witness co-passenger as they discussed very politely God, mystery religions, and what happens when we die as a afterlife. It was one of the few times I realized immediately that I was completely out my depth, shutupped, and sat back to listen.

It was a beautiful conversation. I told them so as I got out, and then both of them asked if I wanted to join their individual churches.
I forgot he was a 5%.

Funny story one time I shared a Uber pool with a 5% driver and a Jehovah Witness co-passenger as they discussed very politely God, mystery religions, and what happens when we die as a afterlife. It was one of the few times I realized immediately that I was completely out my depth, shutupped, and sat back to listen.

It was a beautiful conversation. I told them so as I got out, and then both of them asked if I wanted to join their individual churches.
Did u take up the offer?
Serious question, what is it with the rights/evangelicals obsession with the end times. It’s wild.
the end times starts off paradise times.

Demand drives the economy

You take away money, you lower demand, it hurts the economy. These Republicans get so drunk off being cruel they do clearly dumb nonsense like this

Another thing hurting demand is the Covid spike. Mask mandates and having a vaccinated population will not only keep people alive, but will also strengthen the economy

The problem is, Republicans refuse to live in a world where they can use the threat of poverty to force people to work crap jobs for low pay.
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^can’t use

In a way, contemporary mega church prosperity theology is the formalization of the traditional stupid American morality around poverty and wealth. Punishing the poor is simply giving them what they deserve. helping them is aiding the wicked. Even people whose own well-being is a result of collectivism can join in the hate by convincing themselves that they are the exception that proves the rule. It’s amazing that these people largely claim to follow the teachings of Christ when one of their most deeply held beliefs is that each individual Is responsible for themselves only and that it’s evil for society to help out.
Serious question, what is it with the rights/evangelicals obsession with the end times. It’s wild.
Pretty much two options
They want to be proven right

2)They are stuck in a rut and look forward to change even though they dont vote for it. If Jesus was a republican he wouldnt have handed us salvation. Let them make heaven on earth themselves lol

I am a Christian and I focus on making this world better for all humanity. Jesus first fed the people and then he preached to them.

Evangelical Republicans want to starve them, bomb them and then preach to them.

As for the end times
James 5:7
Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-3
Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.
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^can’t use

In a way, contemporary mega church prosperity theology is the formalization of the traditional stupid American morality around poverty and wealth. Punishing the poor is simply giving them what they deserve. helping them is aiding the wicked. Even people whose own well-being is a result of collectivism can join in the hate by convincing themselves that they are the exception that proves the rule. It’s amazing that these people largely claim to follow the teachings of Christ when one of their most deeply held beliefs is that each individual Is responsible for themselves only and that it’s evil for society to help out.
It’s the prosperity gospel. If you’re rich, it’s cause you’re blessed and have been blessed by god. If you’re poor, it’s cause you are wicked and undeserving.

Conservative Black-on-Black crime?


I may need the address of this alleged strip club, for research purposes :nerd:
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