This makes the cavs good, West is a great player. Joe Smith has been solid this season for the Bulls. Ben Wallace finally gives them some defense. I dont knowabout Wally thhough.
I really don't see how this deal is one that will alter the East from the Cavs perspective, but maybe I'm wrong. Seems like they threw away all their tradable assets (their expirings/Gooden's deal for next year) for Ben Wallace, and flipped Hughes for a guy that isn't even an upgrade in Szcerbiak... I really think they jumped the gun here a bit. The Gooden/Marshall expirings could have netted more than this in the offseason, couldn't it? They're still probably at best the 3rd team out East...
exactly, and that Ben Wallace guy plays Center right???? Don't the Cavs have this other character who plays center???? Oh yeah, they now howBen Wallace and Big Z who is much better than Ben Wallace. I dont get it. Either Ben Wallace is coming off the bench or he is playing PF, either way theytraded a much better PF for either a PF or a bench player with a HORRIBLE contract. The only part that is good about this trade is they get Wally, who if heplays like he did with the Twolves next to KG, then they got a steal there.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by franchise3


Ben Wallace
Wally World
Joe Smith
Delonte West

Larry Hughes
Drew Gooden
Cedric Simmons

Chris Duhon
Ira Newble
Donyell Marshall

Not happening. Joe Smith is actually playing well for us and isn't making all that much money. I think Chris is unrestricted FA this off season
ESPN News -
The Cavaliers have acquired Ben Wallace, Joe Smith, Delonte West and Wally Szczerbiak ina three-team trade.

The Bulls receive Larry Hughes and Drew Gooden, while Seattle gets Chris Duhon, Ira Newble and Cedric Simmons.

The deal is currently under league review. [READ]
ok, Joe Smith and Delonte are in the deal also. That makes it better then seeing as they finally get a PG. How this trade turns out though will depend on howwell Wally plays.
Interesting tidbit for Philly fans

Billy King, who is now an analyst for ESPN, revealed a trade he had agreed upon with the Raptors when he was GM of the Sixers.

The Sixers would have sent Larry Hughes to Toronto for Tracy McGrady and a first round pick.

Stephen A. Smith broke the trade and the Raptors ended up getting cold feet and the deal fell through
Originally Posted by adidas All Day I Dream About Shoes

Not happening. Joe Smith is actually playing well for us and isn't making all that much money. I think Chris is unrestricted FA this off season
Oh, it's happening.

all these players in the trade are
. Joe smith is the only playerplaying good ball this year
I wanted Joe Smith to remain a Bull. I guess that's the price you pay to trade Ben "MVP" Wallace.

The Cavs are absorbing a lot of contract in this deal.

Ben Wallace: 2 years remaining after this season, 29.5 mil
Wally: 1 year remaining after this season: 13 mil
Originally Posted by Tha Murdera 2001

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Sonics are in GREAT shape now... Bunch of first rounders, Wally's contract off earlier than expected... Pretty decent deadline for the Sonics looking forward.

I really don't see how this deal is one that will alter the East from the Cavs perspective, but maybe I'm wrong. Seems like they threw away all their tradable assets (their expirings/Gooden's deal for next year) for Ben Wallace, and flipped Hughes for a guy that isn't even an upgrade in Szcerbiak... I really think they jumped the gun here a bit. The Gooden/Marshall expirings could have netted more than this in the offseason, couldn't it? They're still probably at best the 3rd team out East...
if joe smith is included in the deal,then its a great deal for the they got delonte west when they desperately needed a PG

But Smith really isn't an upgrade over Gooden, at least not in my opinion. Getting West makes sense and fills a need, but he's still not any betterthan an average starting PG, if that... I think Ben will play inspired ball now, and swapping Hughes for him is a good move for the Cavs... But then going andgetting Wally World? I guess this could be a move with an eye towards what they can do with the Smith/Wally contracts (about 18 mil expiring) this offseason orcloser to next years deadline... It makes them better right now, but it's definitely not a power-shifter, at least not in my eyes.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Interesting tidbit for Philly fans

Billy King, who is now an analyst for ESPN, revealed a trade he had agreed upon with the Raptors when he was GM of the Sixers.

The Sixers would have sent Larry Hughes to Toronto for Tracy McGrady and a first round pick.

Stephen A. Smith broke the trade and the Raptors ended up getting cold feet and the deal fell through
He's just trying to make himself look good. "See! I almost had ONE!"
wally can be as good as mike miller would have been for the cavs. he has a wet ball out of this world. he will knock down open 3 after open 3 with lebron andhim in the lineup
where are you guys seeing this Gerald Green to houston trade?! i havent heard about it at all yet and i live in MN!!
Originally Posted by BubbleGUMxSOLES

You guys think Tyrus Thomas' minutes will increase?

This is the number 1 reason why Ben Wallace was traded. Ben Wallace plays the 4. You have to play him because he'll fracture the team anyway he can ifyou don't play him. But when Chicago is losing games playing Ben Wallace and sitting Tyrus Thomas, you have to trade Ben Wallace if you can.
I'mpumped. No more Wallace. Lots more Thomas. Chicago fans should feel really good right now. The kids are our most productive players.
Wallets can play as inspired as he wants, his body will tell him otherwise after the game. He is not an elite defender or rebounder anymore. Boobie gets buriedeven deeper on the bench and they gain another chucker in Duhon. The only plus is Wally. He should fit well with Bron.

I like the Bulls getting rid of Wallets and Duhon. 2 guys that don't do much for the team except take minutes away from people. Much respect to Joe Smith.The guy was good for us this year and the most consistent player on our team. I hope he gets some good run there. I am lookinf forward to see what Gooden andHughes do for us.
Great trade for Chicago, got rid of that horrific contract that Ben Wallace has (plus hes DONE).

Wally is not an upgrade over Larry Hughes, but both are mediocre players to begin with.

Delonte West at least get a PG which they need, its a decent trade for CLE but it doesn't make them TOP contenders in the East all of a sudden, it justmakes them a bit better (mainly defensively, but that wasn't the problem for them to begin with). Its not a BAD trade for them, but its not a great oneeither, just OK.
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

wally can be as good as mike miller would have been for the cavs. he has a wet ball out of this world. he will knock down open 3 after open 3 with lebron and him in the lineup
where are you guys seeing this Gerald Green to houston trade?! i havent heard about it at all yet and i live in MN!!
I posted a link a few pages.

Page 1 has all the deals.
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

wally can be as good as mike miller would have been for the cavs. he has a wet ball out of this world. he will knock down open 3 after open 3 with lebron and him in the lineup
where are you guys seeing this Gerald Green to houston trade?! i havent heard about it at all yet and i live in MN!!
I posted a link a few pages.

Page 1 has all the deals.
Confirmed on ESPN radio.

Pax dumpin salary - I love it. I just wonder if all the dough is going to Luol and/or Gordon now.
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