seattle should go after marion or elton brand have d rose at the pg green,durant marion or brand at the pf wilcox at the center.. strongggggggggggg
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Say whatever you clowns want, we have $28 million in cap space this summer and $24 the summer after that. Not to mention the player's we've gotten are very decent and better than what we're used to. Overpaid? Sure. Who isn't anymore? I'd be the first one harping on here if I didn't like this deal for the Cavs but I do. If things don't work out well the rest of the season, we go and spend some $ and get some bigger named players.

Already with LBJ on our team, who wants to argue they wouldn't want $52 million in cap room over the next 2 years?

I don't know where you're hearing this...
People are getting the numbers all *+%*%$ up. Obviously including myself. I'll get it straightened out.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

People are getting the numbers all *+%*%$ up. Obviously including myself. I'll get it straightened out.
The Cavs aren't going to be anywhere near under the cap next year... The cap will probably be set around 57 mil next year, and the Cavs surpassthat with Bron, Ben, Ilgauskas, Wally and Varejao...

They do have trade assets for the offseason and this time next year, though. Wally's 13 million dollar expiring, along with Snow, Joe Smith and Damon Jonesrunning out as well. They'll have about 25 million worth of expiring contracts to play around with, unless some of these guys get extensions. But thosedeals are really only valuable through trade, because even if they let all of them expire, they'd only be able 10 million under the cap the followingoffseason, which isn't near enough to make a major move anymore.
Bad news for Cavs fans.
Gibson is going to be out for 6 weeks with a severly sprained ankle
I don't see how getting Ben Wallace makes the Cavs any better. Maybe Cavs fans are falling into the false sense of hope that we Bulls fans had when wethrew a boat load of money at Big Ben........oh well, Bulls still suck.
If they use Lebron, Wally, Wallace, and Z all in the starting lineup, that's a very big, slow-moving lineup.

Sure, they can all stand stationary in their spots and let Lebron do his thing, but despite how good he is at passing, that's their main problem.
Originally Posted by you big dummy

Nuggets finally make a move,

Denver Nuggets traded Von Wafer to Portland Trailblazers for Taurean Green

Originally Posted by aRog27

I don't see how getting Ben Wallace makes the Cavs any better. Maybe Cavs fans are falling into the false sense of hope that we Bulls fans had when we threw a boat load of money at Big Ben........oh well, Bulls still suck.

atleast we got rid of Wallace
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