So is Chris Duhon gone or not??????

realgm says he's staying in Chicago...?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?
good trade for all teams involved.
seattle cuts salary and are clearing a ton of capspace at years end. probably for the move.
cleveland gets a pg in west and an otuside shooter in wally and you keep a defensive presence at the 4 (not that gooden was one).
chi gets hughes which i assume is there to replace gordon when gordon leaves to another team. i think hughes can play well there.
The one-for-one, East-altering deal I mentioned last night where Cleveland would also get a first round pick was revealed to be Hughes for Wallace.
deal has gone through. I like Hughes, thought he was a very solid player. cavs made out on that one even tho they have ben on the incoming. Never been a fan ofGooden and always felt dude was more of a burden to the team.
NKEAIR - good lookin

In a minor trade at the NBA's trade deadline at 2 p.m. today, the Wolves were putting the finishing touches on a deal that will send reserve forward -- and former slam dunk champion -- Gerald Green to Houston for Kirk Snyder and a second-round pick.
chi gets hughes which i assume is there to replace gordon when gordon leaves to another team. i think hughes can play well there.
NO.....i don't want Larry Hughes on this team especially not to replace much does Hughes make?

Where the hell does Hughes play when he's on the court with BG?? Hughes doesn't want to play the point, and BG doesn't handle the ball wellenough....

NO NO NO!!! Damn it Paxson....i swear, if you made a move just to make a move, I'm gonna hunt you down. Getting rid of Wallace was great....should'veleft it at that.

Oh god..........I'm not happy.
The thing is though Wallace and Hughes' deals come off the books the same year I believe. So, it doesn't really matter.

I believe they did this move to get some expiring contracts that is up after this season, and to free up room for Ty Thomas to get playing time.
Originally Posted by aRog27

chi gets hughes which i assume is there to replace gordon when gordon leaves to another team. i think hughes can play well there.
NO.....i don't want Larry Hughes on this team especially not to replace much does Hughes make?

Where the hell does Hughes play when he's on the court with BG?? Hughes doesn't want to play the point, and BG doesn't handle the ball well enough....

NO NO NO!!! Damn it Paxson....i swear, if you made a move just to make a move, I'm gonna hunt you down. Getting rid of Wallace was great....should've left it at that.

Oh god..........I'm not happy.

Why? We didn't gut the team, we got rid of Wallets. Check and Check. People are jumping around saying Hughes is our replacement for BG at the 2. Sorrybut nothing has even been made official and that was just a guess. Who knows why Pax made this deal and if it will include Hughes getting shipped with othernext year for a big name star. He is more attractive than Wallets has been. Gooden frees up some room to resign someone like Deng or Gordon. Nocioni is now thekiller contract on the team. He and Hugheson the court at the same time is going to cause headaches. Oh well. The deal was good for us. I am happy.
Originally Posted by aRog27

chi gets hughes which i assume is there to replace gordon when gordon leaves to another team. i think hughes can play well there.
NO.....i don't want Larry Hughes on this team especially not to replace much does Hughes make?

Where the hell does Hughes play when he's on the court with BG?? Hughes doesn't want to play the point, and BG doesn't handle the ball well enough....

NO NO NO!!! Damn it Paxson....i swear, if you made a move just to make a move, I'm gonna hunt you down. Getting rid of Wallace was great....should've left it at that.

Oh god..........I'm not happy.

Gordon is threatening to take a one year deal to become an Unrestricted FA next offseason. Insurance in case he should jet?
"The 12 mil Wally deal and the 7 mil snow deal and the 3 mil jones deal are all looking like we add a all star next year. " - cleveland forum
I want a freakin star on my team.

Damn it !, what the hell are we doing? What the jimminy hell are we doing?? really...Larry Hughes?? really....that's the big trade we make......for Larryfreakin Hughes.....word is Cleveland fans are ecstatic to see him gone. What the does a team get so close only to free fall into oblivion. Goodgod, what the hell are we doing???!?!?!?!?!?!?! Crap....pure crap.

I'm tired of this #!$*+@!*. Seriously, tired of this.
/\ are you a real fan of your team? You just don't get big name players overnight...especially with your main trade assets being the youngest and bestplayers on your team. You get a Kobe Bryant and your team is still going to suck because you gave up the rest of the core to get him.
Originally Posted by aRog27

Whatever.....I don't feel good about the trade. We should've gotten Kobe Bryant.

You guys were never going to get Kobe Bryant because the Lakerswere never looking to trade him. Were they listening to offers? Sure, of course they were, any team would listen to offers if there superstar basicallydemanded out. All those rumors Bucher was reporting were %#%%#%%!. Though I find it funny that Bulls fans were opposed to giving up Deng in a deal to get Kobe.With that kind of mindset even if those rumors were true your chances were 0.
So that's pretty much it right?

Hughes isn't as bad as most Cavs fans make him out to be.

Yup, he just didn't flourish in Cleveland, I'll be looking forward to him in Chicago, and I REALLY like Gooden. He's a good all around player.
Damn it !, what the hell are we doing? What the jimminy hell are we doing?? really...Larry Hughes?? really....that's the big trade we make......for Larry freakin Hughes.


im sad miami didn't move smush parker,
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