****** is wylin!!!!

That new guy seemed cool. Seems he's dead or out of it for a while.

Did not expect them to come through and just waste some CIA agents like that :wow:

They're really making this season the best they can make it.
this show looks so amazing.... like a darker, more drama less action 24.

i just don't have the time to watch it right now with the current shows im watching :/

i'll get to it soon though. always catch glimpses before / after dexter
So all of the CIA died except Peter in that tailor shop.

Galvez died and a lot of you thought he was playing on the other side.

:wow: at them taking out the CIA like that
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i was like... damn the fbi got there hella fast, then i thought why are they in swat gear?
then i was like why are they coming in hot... then :wow:
omfg no way all this planning is to just destroy a embassy building seems too small
i don't know about the bad guys but wouldn't they try to... 1 up each other :\
Nazir's side figured out the FBI were eyeing the tailor's place for some time.

You'd think they'd be more covert about it.
Nazir's side figured out the FBI were eyeing the tailor's place for some time.

You'd think they'd be more covert about it.

Brody's fake intel is what sent Nazir's stormtroopers through the tailer's shop like they did. I fell a sleep during the episode & woke up not long before that scene. Need to go back & watch the middle 10 mins or so. Why did that one guy have a blood on the side of his head when he took the mask off?
Brody's fake intel is what sent Nazir's stormtroopers through the tailer's shop like they did. I fell a sleep during the episode & woke up not long before that scene. Need to go back & watch the middle 10 mins or so. Why did that one guy have a blood on the side of his head when he took the mask off?

People were shot and blood spashed on him, or maybe he was grazed with some glass or debri through his mask or something and its why he took it off since he was hurt.

But it wasn't Brody's intel that triggered it. That was already going on, she told him about it as if it was already going to happen. I believe she said that FBI was in there for 2 hours, so she already knew they were there before Brody's intel and chances are that it was all in motion beforehand. I'm thinking its more along the lines that the meet she had with the dude that they tried to record was her ordering him to retrieve the trunk, but once Brody told the CIA that the shopowner was dead and they went in to search the place it cause the whole sequence of events. Instead of them going in just to get the trunk out, which the CIA lookout might have caught them doing, it turned into a full out assault mission. Just theorizing anyways.

I understand calling FBI assualt/Swat team, but once they realized that they were compromised and might be in danger, why not bring in local PD for immediate backup? You now know they knew you were there for the last 2 hours, no need to be covert anymore. Then again at end of day a hand full of cops with 9mms probably wouldn't be that helpful versus the dudes with body armor and assault riffles.
^ calling local PD, especially the Gettysburg PD would've been like calling keystone cops. There's no way local police could handle an assault team like that. You see how they sliced through CIA agents...It would've been like shooting fish in a barrel...

What was in the case they got? It couldn't have been just C4...
I'm going to go back & watch it anyway, but I think it was Brody's fake intel to Roya that triggered the raid on the tailer's shop because Carrie specifically said she wanted to see what comes back...

Anyone else annoyed with Mike and Lauder? I was nervous that Mike would find Brody's Qur’an...Lauder just annoys me. I don't know how anyone can be around such a belligerent person like that...

I'm learning that we should always follow Carrie & her hunches. She really hasn't been wrong yet. It's like the writers are basically telling us viewers that...
I actually think that the plan was in motion before Brody talked to her. I was so angry when the terror swat went in to murk the CIA. Also, in the preview, it shows Brody and Carrie getting close which I don't like so we'll see what's up with that.

Man, full-tactical gear, bustin' in on all those Federal agents! 

But as Roya mentioned, they were already onto the Feds at the shop... I guess it was a matter of time before those guys came shooting in.  

As for the giant case, with Carrie saying "that much C4" in the promo, I guess that's a safe assumption.

Lauder's an ***, but I guess you had to have expected Mike to keep digging after being stone-walled. 

I really hope they're going somewhere with Dana's side-story and that it's not just there for creating unnecessary tension... 
^ Dana's got to play a bigger role in the overall plot. I don't think the writers would waste time on her storyline if it didn't mean anything in the long run

Bold prediction: Because Dana and the VP's son (forgot his name) have been focused on, maybe the VP's son dies as sort of a revenge for the death of Issa (sp?). Just a thought...
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Makes sense that the C4 is what was in the case... Too bad Galvez was KIA... I thought Peter was done too.

Damn Carrie gonna get mixed up in her damn feelings again for Brody.
^ Dana's got to play a bigger role in the overall plot. I don't think the writers would waste time on her storyline if it didn't mean anything in the long run

Bold prediction: Because Dana and the VP's son (forgot his name) have been focused on, maybe the VP's son dies as sort of a revenge for the death of Issa (sp?). Just a thought...

Just saw last weeks and I scared my girl when I was like *ohhhh ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!* when those dudes rolled up on the CIA guns blazing :wow: :wow: I was not expecting that AT ALL...and yeah I agree Dana is gonna have some kind of role in the bigger theme, she has to, they've been developing her and Finn too much (I almost forgot Brody had a son for a while :lol:) but this episode was :smokin :smokin :smokin
Things had to tone down from how each ep was escalating one from the next but this was another strong ep that made the subplot with Dana actually matter.

I feel like that side story with white girl terrorist has been done in so many other dramas (one comes to mind is Dexter cuz they did it earlier this season). Lie about info just to enjoy something most ppl take for granted and then kill yourself. **** is sad

I was waiting for Brody's wife to catch him and Carrie in the woods :lol: His lies are about to unravel again with Dana seeing her.
"what like you've never seen a d**k before?" :rofl:

was it wrong for me to feel bad for the white girl terrorist? i could understand she was one of the bad guys... but to be locked 24 hours a day for who knows how long?
at the very end i felt that she had a good bond with Saul to actually give up the real information on that guy, but i guess she didn't know anything as well.

it was funny how brody's wife was like "i can take it if it's the truth, but i can't take another lie" i'm like >D :rolleyes
and right when he told her about Tom she was like wtf!

wonder where the veeps son was going?

that one dudes wife asking brody all those questions :smh: what a dumb *****...

i think in the end game carrie is going to have to decide to be with brody or to stick with the cia... it would be good tv if she picked brody, that would be a goooood shocker and at the very end we'll know she's actually crazy
I think Carrie is just fooling around with Brody to get his trust and get more inside information about a terrorist attack from Roya Hammad. Carrie may still have feelings for Brody but she wants her job back.

it was funny when Quinn said "Like you've never seen ____ before" to Carrie

Brody's son is such an idiot, he said: "Dana are you going to ride a horse? you could break your neck" like wtf he is annoying worthless character.

Saul trusted that her and sh8t happened
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