Obama Couldn't Even Qualify for A Secret Service Agent Position...



I see you're real big on morals huh.
hahaha..this post is kinda funny..except for rex coming thru dropping knowledge as usual.....yall went 5 pages long in responding to an idiot..whichdoesn't even know why weed is illegal in the first place...

*smirks as to say this world will never change*
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Since when is breaking a law considered moral?

The answer is when it is a bad law, when it violates your natural rights, when the law causes harm, when the law does little or nothing positive, when it is an unjust law, when it is a law rooted in superstition and racism and misinformation. If anyone of those conditions are met, you have no moral obligation to follow a law and bans on drugs meet every single of those conditions.

Also it is circular reasoning to say that an activity is immoral because it is illegal. In the US we have had the Alien and Sedition Act, making it illegal to criticize the president; we have had the Fugitive Slave act, making it illegal to help escaped slaves; we had internment of Japanese American citizens on the West Coast and more recently we have have had a series of anti-drug laws that had imprisoned blacks at a higher per capita rate then even Apartheid era South Africa. These examples are just from the US. If you look across all of history and all societies, you really could make a case that most or at least a majority of all laws that have ever existed are immoral and directly opposed to human freedom and human dignity.

Legal does not equal moral or right or just.

Originally Posted by bns1201

How the hell is this man gonna be the leader of our nation when he wouldn't even get accepted into any abbreviated department in the government (FBI, CIA,
you do realize that the FBI and CIA is filled with ex Navy Seals and Green Berets?
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Horrible post. SMH if you think any president has a clean sheet. The best dirt you can get on this guy is that he smoked?

So what if he doesn't qualify for a secret service position. What does that have to do with him running for president?
If this is what concerns you, you seem really distracted with reality.

how can you be the boss if you are unable to be a worker? seems so damn illogical to me
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Horrible post. SMH if you think any president has a clean sheet. The best dirt you can get on this guy is that he smoked?

So what if he doesn't qualify for a secret service position. What does that have to do with him running for president?
If this is what concerns you, you seem really distracted with reality.

how can you be the boss if you are unable to be a worker? seems so damn illogical to me

Originally Posted by flight club sucks

This is dumb, Bush was a coke head

great input. We're straying away from the real fact I was trying to convey, which is how can you become the boss if you are unable to be a worker underyour hypothetical self?
Man I wish I could say the "F" word on NT. SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! YOU'RE ARE JUST STUPID. First off, it's a little, no, WAY too late for this arguement to becoming up. Secondly, if you think that all of our presidents have been saints, you're sadly mistaken. You don't think Obama should be pres, Bush shouldn't be pres, Clintonshouldn't have been pres. But I bet you didn't know that McCain admitted to trying drugs when he was younger. Apparently you don't know much. WatchMcCain Revealed on youtube. It's there. Showed on CNN for the world to see as well. And let's not forget Cindy McCain is an ex-drug addict. Butthat's beside the point. She's not even running for office. Bottomline, you're just another stupid, close-minded individual looking for a differentway to say, "I don't want Obama as President because he's black."

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]***Just out of curiosity, what presidents rightfully owned their position as President of the US? Imean, under the standards that you're going by of course.[/color]

Not to mention, you think Sarah Palin is any more qualified to serve as President than Obama. That is, if McCain were to die. God-forbid. I yeile my respects.That right there alone should scare you into voting Obama.
To the OP, I am not looking to insult, or belittle you. I am not trying to be like a few of the people in this thread who are just looking to pile on youand your ideas. I can respect your ideas even if I disagree with them.

I am wondering though how you address the undeniable reality that many laws have flown in the face of justice and the most basic principles of human freedomand human dignity. We can all agree that laws that have legitimized slavery, for example, were wrong. How can you be so certain that in this particular timeand place that an activity's being illegal makes it immoral? Why do you have so much confidence in legislators today, when past congresses and parliamentshave created laws that we can all agree were, beyond any doubt, unjust?
Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Man I wish I could say the "F" word on NT. SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! YOU'RE ARE JUST STUPID. First off, it's a little, no, WAY too late for this arguement to be coming up. Secondly, if you think that all of our presidents have been saints, you're sadly mistaken. You don't think Obama should be pres, Bush shouldn't be pres, Clinton shouldn't have been pres. But I bet you didn't know that McCain admitted to trying drugs when he was younger. Apparently you don't know much. Watch McCain Revealed on youtube. It's there. Showed on CNN for the world to see as well. And let's not forget Cindy McCain was an ex-drug addict. But that's beside the point. She's not even running for office. Bottomline, you're just another stupid, close-minded individual looking for a different way to say, "I don't want Obama as President because he's black."

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]***Just out of curiosity, what presidents rightfully owned their position as President of the US? I mean, under the standards that you're going by of course.[/color]



yeah again, read all my statements saying that I don't like either of them. Oh and about that whole, "I dont want Obama cuz he's black"


work on it, cuz ur way off...
Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Man I wish I could say the "F" word on NT. SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! YOU'RE ARE JUST STUPID.


Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by bns1201

JBug88 wrote:

and Bush was a coke head....


but to allow this dude
in to the highest office is ridiculous....i mean is there even a backround check for the damn presidency?

How old are you.

18., and wanting to get at me for making such an outlandish statement as asking if there is a backround check for a presidency...dont even try, it wasnt meantas a 100% DEAD SERIOUS question cuz it was in no means that.
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Man I wish I could say the "F" word on NT. SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! YOU'RE ARE JUST STUPID. First off, it's a little, no, WAY too late for this arguement to be coming up. Secondly, if you think that all of our presidents have been saints, you're sadly mistaken. You don't think Obama should be pres, Bush shouldn't be pres, Clinton shouldn't have been pres. But I bet you didn't know that McCain admitted to trying drugs when he was younger. Apparently you don't know much. Watch McCain Revealed on youtube. It's there. Showed on CNN for the world to see as well. And let's not forget Cindy McCain was an ex-drug addict. But that's beside the point. She's not even running for office. Bottomline, you're just another stupid, close-minded individual looking for a different way to say, "I don't want Obama as President because he's black."

***Just out of curiosity, what presidents rightfully owned their position as President of the US? I mean, under the standards that you're going by of course.



yeah again, read all my statements saying that I don't like either of them. Oh and about that whole, "I dont want Obama cuz he's black"


work on it, cuz ur way off...

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Man I wish I could say the "F" word on NT. SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! YOU'RE ARE JUST STUPID.



youre going to get banned dude...this is not a good place to show your dislike for obama...
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