NFL Conference Championships In Review...

You have a 40 year old dieing qaurterback who wont be doing this much longer, and Jackson as a back up, and your saying this year was a success?
Brett was playing for a Superbowl ring not a final four exit. You went and got Brett to win a Superbowl.
Now hes done and your Superbowl chances have been slimmed tremendously.
This year was a fail for the Vikings, not a success. But if you tell yourself it was a success, then whatever makes you feel better i guess.

Im gonna laugh when Favre holds out holds out holds out, flakes at the end and your stuck with Tavaris Jackson. You guys really will be looking at Superbowl next year then looking at how this year went with all your improvements.
Originally Posted by JPZx

You qouted Deuce King but im not sure you read his post. He said themagic carpet ride is over the clock struck midnight. That magic carpetride was your regular season which you just posted like 10 picturesfrom. JPZx its over...congrats on your regular season wins against thePackers 49ers etc. but you did not win Superbowl. Its over....JPZx
That's cool. I realize it's over. Where have I complained or put the blame anywhere but the team? I've solely placed the blame on the Vikings own personnel for the loss yesterday. What people don'trealize is that this team exceeded my 2009 expectations tremendously.

Ya'll have to realize that we as Vikings fans were heading into theseason with Sage Rosenfels and Tarvaris Jackson as our starting QBs.

Horrible. Awful. Disgusting.

With that in mind, making it to the NFC Championship game and being apart of the "FinalFour" is a MAJOR success in my eyes. Some of ya'll need to stopputting so much emphasis on Super Bowls. Sure, you might believe I'm onlysaying that because the Vikings don't have even one,but I'm serious. You can't just turn over a new leaf over night. Youhave to improve every season and work towards the ultimate goal by making gradual improvements every season.

Check this out:

2006: 6-10
2007: 8-8
2008: 10-6 (Won Division, Lost in Wild Card Round)
2009: 12-4 (Won Division, Lost NFC Championship)

That's steady improvement every year. Back in 2006 when the Vikings were a6-10 ballclub, I was pissed off like a lot of you Raider, Chief, Brownsfans, etc. are right now. At that point, if someone had told me (in 2006) that three years from now my teamwould be playing in OT of the NFC Championship Game, I would have taken that in heartbeat or I would have called that person a liar.

Every year is not about the Super Bowl. You may think it is, and youmay say if you don't win the Super Bowl that particular season is not a success,but I really think that's a wrong way of looking at things. The Dolphins, 1-15 in 2007, were 11-5 in 2008. Now,they lost in the Wild Card Round that year, but would you really mark theirseason a failure because they didn't reach/win the Super Bowl? Nah,that season was a success.

I have no problem with the Vikings failing to win the Super Bowl thisyear. I would have loved it for reasons that are obvious, but if we just continue to show improvement we will be there at some point. That's all I'masking for as a fan right now.

This I have to agree with. Yes, the Vikes didnt make the superbowl. But the continual improvement for the past four years has been... slipped under the rug if you will with their loss last night. Props to the vikes for a good season, no question about that. Just gotta get over that hump.
I love S&T.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Lets see here...

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Glad to see
you among the land of the living champ.  I wasn't sure if you decided
to end "it" after that devastating loss yesterday.  Yes you and your
team go back to being mediocre, you know it, I know, and this entire
message board knows it.  The magic carpet ride is over, you've
been awaken from your dream, and the clock has finally struck midnight
on Cinderella.  The Vikings tried to cash in on a legend this year and
it just didn't quite work out the way you wanted it to at the end. 
The Vikings might have sold more jerseys and home tickets this year in
comparison to past years but now all of that is over, it's back to
the drawing board.  So dust off your Tarvaris Jackson jersey cause he
is now your quarterback of the future.  I know this years Super Bowl
will be difficult for you to watch, but if by chance Manning or Brees
get sacked during the game feel free to imitate Jared Allen's hog tie
in your house if that's makes you feel closer to the Vikings being in
the Super Bowl this year.

Also, I'm glad you bring up the past
and the 49ers playoff record over the past few years.  With that being
said how many Super Bowls have the Vikings won?? 


Originally Posted by KnockoutNed

Originally Posted by youngmoney


nicely put...


Originally Posted by jrp44

MPire wrote:





Why ya'll so mad, though?

holla at me when ya get one.....
Originally Posted by YO GetOFFmyKickZ

-Manning is indeed the greatest to ever play.. SB RING #2 and more to come..

-Coach Caldwell about to be 17-2 and SB CHAMPION in his rookie year as a head coach..

-Rex Ryan is hella fat..

-Sanchez had a good game.. props to him.. bright future ahead for the Jets.
-why Farve..??
although im happy they loss due to the fact that that Vikings D is scary..

-im not worried about the Saints.. AT ALL.. were already SB XLIV CHAMPS as far as im concerned.

-someone please make a gif of that SHAKE N BAKE move Wayne put on revis.. PLEASE!!!!


Man, I don't know JP. The Super Bowl is all that matters. Getting to the NFC Championship game does nothing for me no matter how bad this team was a few years ago.

I'm dejected as a Vikings fan today and I still think Favre is the man and that's that. What's to argue?....Some of you guys need to get a life.
I'm not quite understanding why people are getting on Favre for his age, saying that he's dying and that he'll crumble after the next big hit. As far as I'm concerned, statistically, Favre had the best season of his career at age 40, so is age really a factor for Brett if he's performing as well or maybe even better than most of the elite young quarterbacks in the league? I'll give you guys a hint, the answer is no. What I see in this thread is pure salt and hate, nothing else.
JPZ is my dude and all...

but you acquired Brett Favre for ONE reason only.

And that was for an SB shot. And you didn't even get to that point.

Now if Favre retires, you guys will revert to being the same team with the stout defense, monster running back, but below average quarterback.

You are praising your guys' steps forward...and yes within the last 4 years, it's evident. But without the old man, you guys take that step back again.
Ah yes, the typical "Get back to me when you win a Lombardi Trophy" response.

Repeatedly discrediting the Minnesota Vikings for not having Super Bowls has gotten old to me. It's funny though, a lot of the people that come at me on NT with those responses are the ones that weren't old enough/weren't alive to see their team win theirs 
(talking to Raiders/********/Chiefs/Jets etc. fans). The fans that I just listed haven't witnessed their team win a Super Bowl in their lifetime, as I haven't. So what do you have to boast about? 
....neither of us knows what it's like to have our favorite NFL team win a championship. All that tells me is that you became a fan of the team BECAUSE of their championships.
but you acquired Brett Favre for ONE reason only

I keep hearing that, but my expectations didn't skyrocket to Super Bowl aspirations like everybody else. When we signed him, there were still question marks on the offensive line, at WR, and in the secondary. Ironically, two of those three problems still exist and that's part of the reason the Vikings are where they are.
Lets see here...

This dude happy cause his team finally made it to a championship game but didn't win it.  I guess the banner that reads "Loser of the 2009 NFC Championship Game" will be hanging from the rafters from the Vikings stadium any day now. You're right champ, they say a picture is worth a thousand words and with that being said let's take a look at the Minnesota Vikings trophy case with represents everything that this organization and a good majority of their fans represent..........

Truly a sight to see don't you agree.
JPZx its over...congrats on your regular season wins against the Packers 49ers etc. but you did not win Superbowl. Its over....JPZx
Finally made it to a conference championship game? We were there in 1998, 2000, and now 2009.

Am I supposed to apologize for thinking this was a successful season?

This much is clear to me...

Some of you believe your team owes you. Owes youa championship. Owes you a mistake free game. Ya'll are probably the same people who expect not to have to work for themselves.You revel in the celebrations with the true fans, but when the goinggets rough, you start pointing fingers. Even at those who justbrought you the joy and thrill of a win a week ago. You expect theplayers to never fumble, never throw a pick or never commit a penalty.You cannot wrap your minds around the fact that these playersand coaches will make mistakes, unlike yourselves.

Ya'll need to get a life. In the end, it's just football and it's for entertainment purposes. Some of you are acting like I should just off myself because the Vikings failed to win the whole thing, as if it's an easy thing to do.

As if there aren't 32 teams to sift through and emerge as the only one to win it each year.

With that in mind, making it to the NFC Championship game and being apart of the "FinalFour" is a MAJOR success in my eyes. Some of ya'll need to stopputting so much emphasis on Super Bowls.
Every year is not about the Super Bowl. You may think it is, and youmay say if you don't win the Super Bowl that particular season is not a success,but I really think that's a wrong way of looking at things.
LOL. Years and years of being mediocre will make people actually believe this crap...
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Big Ben no, Brady no. Rivers and Rodgers are close, but after Rodgers just put up 420 yards and 5 TD's in his first playoff game ever i give him #3

Regardless he is very very good. And i wouldnt want anyone else on my team when looking at his future.
Either way, the point is, QBs this good dont usually fall in your lap like this when you lose a HOFer.

I care because to a Packers fan, the Vikings are the most hated franchise in sports. You gave Packers fans ##%# all year and hyped the Vikings. Now that you lost the way you did with the QB you have im laughing.

I didnt even call you out via PM, i just asked you how buisness went this week. I did it to nnarum too. Posting "business as usual" every week like you guys are coasting to a ring.

You never answered me though. How did business go?

You're just mad you didn't think of it first.


It starts...Favre reports a return is highly unlikely.

Im telling you guys just drop him and get McCoy. T-Jack aint where it at although im gonna be happy as hell when your stuck with him.
Originally Posted by S4L3

LOL. Years and years of being mediocre will make people actually believe this crap...
You took what I said out of context. Based on my expectations, this year was a success despite not making/winning the Super Bowl.

So was the Cowboys season a failure? I mean ya'll won a playoff game, but it's still a failure right? I would like to hear you say that this year was a failure for the Cowboys.
Maybe the Jets? They didn't make it to the Super Bowl either. Everyone was talking about Super Bowl after the first three weeks and they didn't make it. Failure?

There shouldn't be any double standard


McCoy though? I'm hearing McNabb or Kolb. Someone on one of the Vikings message boards said Clayton reported sometime post-Eagles loss two weeks ago that there might be a Favre/Rodgers situation in Philadelphia, and that one of them will end up being shipped off/forced out.
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by emkay

Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

I'll say this, Deion was the ultimate shutdown corner, but i'll still take Revis over him bc he is the more COMPLETE corner ala open field tackling, coverage, speed, seeing the football before the receiver does.
That quote wasn't from me, but I don't see what is so absurd about it.  It's a known fact that Prime couldn't tackle for !%!+.
That quote was mine. Thanks Chester for nominating me, ur a real pal

It's not absurd and i'll stick by it.  You guys get gassed by primetime bc of his razzle dazzle dancing, but as a COMPLETE football player, gimme Revis over him ANYDAY

Exactly... I still wanna hear these haters' response to why your comment is so outrageous
I think McCoy would be i said i personally think hes the best QB in the draft but people aren't putting him as high as I expected. Like i said all trash talk aside theres no doubt the Vikings offense is nice. You're relying on Favre and i think thats the worst thing to do. Go get a QB with a good future. Your offense is young and explosive. I simply dont see you winning anything with Favre.

Favre/Rodgers situation in Philly? Huh?
McNabb being Favre.
Kolb being Rodgers.

In one hand you have the up and coming guy, the guy you have a feeling is the future and is ready to take over the starting position.
In the other you have the guy that's been there forever, has done a lot for the franchise, and can still play.

There's going to be some sort of ultimatum.
You dudes are madd lame for all this bickering. On the other hand JPZ has had this one coming all year so.. Both teams played hard, but Brett Favre was Brett Favre and 19 out of 20 times that aint been enough.
I don't see anything wrong with trash talking when it comes to sports. It's part of what makes sports so exciting.
As a Packer fan i heard it when we lost to the Bengals, the Vikings twice, and the Cardinals. I'm gonna do the same when i see a team like the Vikings, especially the Vikings, end up losing.

Im not gonna be irrational and say the Vikings are trash though. Team is dam good. My hatred towards Favre adds to it all though.
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