NFL Conference Championships In Review...

Originally Posted by erupt107th

You were doing this all season word to your "xx:xx pm: who's better the vikings or saints" thread when it looked like the saints were gonna lose to the ********. 
What are you talking about
....I didn't make a thread on that.
All I did was ask "Who's better? Vikings or Saints?" in the Week 12 in Review thread when we were 11-1. I thought we were the best team in the NFC at that point. Sue me. I guess I shouldn't have been excited at that point. My expectations changed WK13-WK17 back to what they were before Week 10 or so. Do I have to keep the same outlook on my team from August to January?

And you're acting like that was an absurd question. It's a general consensus that we outplayed you guys on Sunday. Look at every stat category (Time of Possession, Total Yards, First Downs, etc.). Turnovers killed us. I think asking people's opinion on who was better at that point in WK12 when we were 11-1 was perfectly fine then and now is again after what happened on Sunday.
Originally Posted by erupt107th

What kills me the most is that if favre was still on the packers andhaving this type of year you would be hating and posting rolling facesand posting screencaps of packers fans hyping him up.
You're making yourself sound stupid as $#%@ right now


I rocked this when he retired from the Packers after the 2007 season. I had the utmost respect for Favre his whole career and I was actually sad to see him leave the game. In a game full of people who were solely money hungry, his reason for playing was just to play (cliche, i know you've heard it a million times). People need to stop saying I didn't like Favre when he was with GB. I will give you $100 if you can find me a quote where I said "I hate Favre" or anything close to that during my time on here.


Don't include my name in your foolishness again if you have no idea what you're talking about.

I don't think you get it.

Yes the Cowboys season was a failurebecause you play to win the chip. However, no one and I mean NO ONEexpected them to get as far as they did especially after losing Owensand having to rely on Roy Williams to step up. How many people back inMarch 2009 said "Miles Austin will step in and have 13 Tds and 1200yards in only 12 games. Everyone said we would be 6-10/8-8 and we werethe hottest team going into the playoffs after the Saints win. So withthe Cowboys not winning the chip, even though the season is a failurenaturally because you play to win the SB, many people don't make a bigdeal out of it because we were a 6-10 team coming into the season.Hell, we were a 6-10 team until Roy got his ribs cracked in the Denvergame which allowed Miles Austin to get a start.

The Vikings onthe other hand were different. Once they acquired Favre, they wereautomatically elevated to SB status. Whether they were elevated to thatstatus by YOU is irrelevant. The primary hole on your team was QB. Youguys made the playoffs with Tavaris the year before, yet, it was agiven that he was a bum @ the position. Once you guys acquired Favre,they immediately became super bowl favs. Again, if you didn't elevatethem to that status yourself, its irrelevant. To top it off, they were11-1 by week 13 and looked better than the Saints despite them beingundefeated. So when yall got knocked out last week, of course it was ahuge failure. Just like the Cowboys of 2008. Everyone was preaching"SUper bowl or bust" well before training camp. The fact that we didn'tmake the playoffs despite being huge favs to go and win the SB is afailure.

Whether you want to see it that way or not doesn'tmatter. But thats just the wat it is. Thats why its better to go in asunderdogs.
The only time I ever said "Super Bowl or Bust" was from Week10-Week12. Anytime before or after that I was just hoping to continue on our success from last year.

Someone answer me on this. Was the Miami Dolphins 2008 season a failure?


Are we done with this +!#%? I think the Vikings season was a success. Would I have liked to win the Super Bowl? Yeah. But it didn't happen. It's whatever. If Brett Favre returns, or if we somehow acquire McNabb from the Eagles like some are saying, then we could be right back here next year. It's all an unknown right now. We'll see, time will tell.

I'm sitting here watching NFL Live and the Vikings got jobbed all throughout overtime. Dear God...

Wasn't a pass interference. Wasn't a first down when Pierre Thomas jumped over everyone. Wasn't a Meachem catch. Just...yuck. Wow.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

and that was the 1 true element that will keep Deion from being called the GOAT at his position.


Mannnn just leave it alone Deuce, let it go  
I tried to Dre let it go the other day but I see  he spazzed
Originally Posted by YO GetOFFmyKickZ

Originally Posted by YO GetOFFmyKickZ

-Manning is indeed the greatest to ever play.. SB RING #2 and more to come..

-Coach Caldwell about to be 17-2 and SB CHAMPION in his rookie year as a head coach..

-Rex Ryan is hella fat..

-Sanchez had a good game.. props to him.. bright future ahead for the Jets.
-why Farve..??
although im happy they loss due to the fact that that Vikings D is scary..

-im not worried about the Saints.. AT ALL.. were already SB XLIV CHAMPS as far as im concerned.

-someone please make a gif of that SHAKE N BAKE move Wayne put on revis.. PLEASE!!!!


someone please make the got damn gif.!!!

Revis is the best CB in the L right now

but son is no where the all around shut down corner and threat that the high stepper was.

to much time has passed if this was 95 and they said reevis was better than deion dudes would be

deion could play both sides of the ball and score if givin the chance.

Sanders>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reevis

jets fans going a lil crazy after a mini run this year.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315


I'm sitting here watching NFL Live and the Vikings got jobed all throughout overtime. Dear God...

Wasn't a pass interference. Wasn't a first down when Pierre Thomas jumped over everyone. Wasn't a Meachem catch. Just...yuck. Wow.
I never blame games on referees, but yeah, this was really, really, really bad.

Zero excuses for the loss though. We had the ball on the Saints 35 with 1:00 left to play in the fourth quarter. We should have taken care of business then.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by Deuce King

and that was the 1 true element that will keep Deion from being called the GOAT at his position.


Mannnn just leave it alone Deuce, let it go  
I tried to Dre let it go the other day but I see  he spazzed

I hear ya Gunna, it's just so entertaining coming across all this new QOTW material that I've seen on here this week.  Take this recent gem for example................

I'll never understand the infatuation with Elway... yeah, sure, dude went out on top. But he was bum status for a large portion of his career.

prime time had the game on LOCK from 89-about 98 .

and the viks did get jobbed that whole series of events was

i hate NO so much
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

This thread is just out of hand right now.

Guys, i got a new sig

prime time had the game on LOCK from 89-about 98 .
You're including his time at Florida State?

he must be.. otherwise, dude has NO idea what hes talking about..
Deuce King wrote:
I hear ya Gunna, it's just so entertaining coming across all this new QOTW material that I've seen on here this week.  Take this recent gem for example................
I'll never understand the infatuation with Elway... yeah, sure, dude went out on top. But he was bum status for a large portion of his career.

Who in the hell said this? 

I can take the Brady riders who try to say Tom > Peyton... I can take the Jets fans who try to say Revis > Primetime... but calling John Elway a bum? Are you serious? 

Then again, I have seen people who think Aikman > Elway... 
Who called Elway a bum......are you serious?!
Wasn't a pass interference. Wasn't a first down when Pierre Thomasjumped over everyone. Wasn't a Meachem catch. Just...yuck. Wow.
That is why you never want to leave the game up in the air and possibly in the hands of the refs.  Gotta take care of business when you can
Im losing it in here. Prime < Revis? Elway = Bum?

A reasonable person cant look at Elway and see that he made 5 superbowls and say hes a bum .

I would say you had to know more of the game to see that Deion is so much better than Revis.

I would to have a slightly more interesting discussion about Deion and Rod Woodson
Ill say it again: Peyton will go down as the greatest football player ever to live if he gets this next ring. He makes it look too easy and is just a surgeon picking apart defenses. I'm grateful that he played in my lifetime.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I'll never understand the infatuation with Elway... yeah, sure, dude went out on top. But he was bum status for a large portion of his career.
That's 8 bum years in 15 seasons. Okay, you've got me in that all I've ever watched of his is highlight tapes...but can you please enlighten me as to what was so great about him?
PlatinumFunk wrote:
That's 8 bum years in 15 seasons. Okay, you've got me in that all I've ever watched of his is highlight tapes...but can you please enlighten me as to what was so great about him?

The greatest arm in NFL history, elusiveness, went to 5 super bowls, 40+ 4th quarter comebacks...and he did it all with mediocre talent. Dude was the total package.
I know it's cliche to say, but stats don't tell the whole story. John Elway was on another level. 
Wait, what? 

Who said Elway was a bum?  Is this another virus or something?  Gotta be......... 
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