NFL Conference Championships In Review...

Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by Joshuatree2192

Vikings play by play Paul Allen


lmfa0 @ the tone of voice ... this is not detroit man ... this is the superbowl
Originally Posted by MPire

You clearly missed my point. To YOU, if the season wasn't a failure, thats AWESOME! But its irrelevant. The fact remains is that once your team acquired Favre you immediately became SB bound/favs. Therefore anything short of that is considered a failure because the expectations became higher once you acquired Favre. So you can tell yourself that your season wasn't a failure and try to ride the "my opinion" argument but at the end of the day, to the NFL, its players, and entire fanbase, the season was a failure. As stated before, the Cowboys of 2008 were SB favs because they came off a 13-3 winning seaosn and many considered the Giants game to be one of those games we could have/should have won. We entered the season SB bound. So not even getting into the playoffs was a HUGE failure. If we went to the playoffs, won a playoff game, and lost in the divisional round it would STILL be a failure because we went into the season with HIGH expectations. This year we went into the playoffs won a playoff game and lost in the divisional round and although its considered a failure because we didn't win the big chip, EXPECTATIONS were EXTREMELY low so it wasn't an issue in the least. We were a 7-9 team coming into the season with huge ?s marks because we got rid of our biggest playmaker and had no idea that Miles Austin would produce just as well as the guy we let go.

In regards to the calls in OT, just let it be. Refs decide big games all the time, word to the Stealers.
^ There's SO much wrong with that post I'll just state one thing and then I'm out, because you clearly are an idiot if you believe anything in what you wrote.

-We were not considered Super Bowl favorites when Brett Favre signed. Are you failing to remember EVERYONE saying:

"Favre's washed up"
"Did you see Favre at the end of last year? He threw away the season for the Jets"
"That schism in the lockeroom of players on T-Jacks side and players on Favre's side is going to hurt their chemistry"
"This is slowing down the progresson of Tarvaris Jackson"

Tell me, if we were Super Bowl bound and Super Bowl favorites for signing Favre why would ANYONE in their right mind be concerned about "slowing down the progression of Tarvaris %#$%$+% Jackson"?

Just because a couple of analysts on BSPN stated that "we were only a QB away from contending" doesn't mean they were right, but apparently you bought into it.

Are you aware of our secondary problems? Were you aware of our special teams issues coming into the season? Are you aware we lost the emotional leader of our defense EJ Henderson in Week 12? Are you aware Antoine Winfield has been playing on a broken foot since Week 6? Were you aware that we were coming into the season with a 2008 Sixth Rounder starting at Center and a rookie starting at RT? Were you aware that our #1 WR at the beginning of the season was Bernard Berrian?

Get the +$## out of here with your BS about being Super Bowl favorites at any point. No one actually started seriously believing in us until we beat the overrated and hyped up Cowboys in the divisional round.
Why would you guys bring in a 40 yo QB if you were just going to be content with making the playoffs and maybee winning a game or two though?

I never considered yall favorites, and I honestly have not been reading every word of these long #%+ posts going back and forth, but I was under the impression that Vikings fans and players and coaches were ready to go and win an SB by bringing in the 'legendary' QB as the missing piece...
but I wasunder the impression that Vikings fans and players and coaches wereready to go and win an SB by bringing in the 'legendary' QB as themissing piece...
Just because a couple of analysts on BSPN stated that "we were onlya QB away from contending" doesn't mean they were right, but apparentlyyou bought into it.

Are you aware of our secondary problems?Were you aware of our special teams issues coming into the season? Areyou aware we lost the emotional leader of our defense EJ Henderson inWeek 12? Are you aware Antoine Winfield has been playing on a brokenfoot since Week 6? Were you aware that we were coming into the seasonwith a 2008 Sixth Rounder starting at Center and a rookie starting atRT? Were you aware that our #1 WR at the beginning of the season wasBernard Berrian?
Obviously, the Super Bowl is the ultimate achievement every year, but it's never "Super Bowl or Bust". How can it be when only 1 of the 32 does it every year? I don't care what ESPN declared us in August. Come on, a lot of you have said over and over that they slurp Brett Favre like no other but when they say "they brought in the final and missing piece" and "saying we're the favorite in the NFC" you're putting stock into that? They called us Super Bowl favorites after we signed a guy that had 22 TDs and 22 INTs the year before.
Now I certainly thought Favre was going to put up better #s than 22 and 22, but no one expected this type of year out of him.

Go seek out another Vikings fan, because you are going to have to come up with one hell of a case in order to convince me this was not a successful season. No one has come close to that yet.
JPZ... I don't watch much ESPN anymore but it makes ZERO sense to have Sage Rosenfels and T Jackson riding pine while a 40 year old man is personally escorted by the HC from the airport to practice while eating up $10M+ of team salary for a year or two.

If bringing in Favre wasnt a statement saying "we want to WIN NOW", then honestly I don't know what is.

I know all about the Vikes struggles in the secondary, and ESPN doesnt talk about that anyways, I actually pay attention to other teams in the NFCN and know whats going on
I don't leave it up to Merril Hoge to tell me that Asher Allen being in the game for Minny in OT was not a good thing.

Gonna be extremely tough convincing me that bringing in Brett wasn't something they did in order to put something more than dustballs in the Vikings trophy case....

They called us Super Bowl favorites after we signed a guy that had 22 TDs and 22 INTs the year before.
Now I certainly thought Favre was going to put up better #s than 22 and 22, but no one expected this type of year out of him.
but he wasnt supposed to be BRETT in Minny... he was supposed to be a VETERAN LEADER that came in and handed the ball off to AP 30 times a game and not make many mistakes.

So you made the NFCCG... YAY!! Maybe Brett comes back next year... SB or BUST????

Or Brett retires for real and then what? T Jackson and Sage gonna throw 33 and 7 for you and bring a title to Minny? I dont think so.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

They called us Super Bowl favorites after we signed a guy that had 22 TDs and 22 INTs the year before.
Now I certainly thought Favre was going to put up better #s than 22 and 22, but no one expected this type of year out of him.
but he wasnt supposed to be BRETT in Minny... he was supposed to be a VETERAN LEADER that came in and handed the ball off to AP 30 times a game and not make many mistakes.

So you made the NFCCG... YAY!! Maybe Brett comes back next year... SB or BUST????

Or Brett retires for real and then what? T Jackson and Sage gonna throw 33 and 7 for you and bring a title to Minny? I dont think so.

The Vikings had 9 straight games or whatever it was where Adrian Peterson didn't reach 100 yards. In those nine games, I think he had three or four games where he had under 20 yards.

Things change.

Think if both of those things had come together though. Favre throwing for 33 and 7 AND AP living up to those high expectations of 2000 yards. Now, he still had a good year STATISTICALLY (1300 and 18 TDs) but everyone knows that those stats do not tell the whole story. He was our third or fourth most effective offensive threat in the second half of the season.
So you made the NFCCG... YAY!! Maybe Brett comes back next year... SB or BUST????

OrBrett retires for real and then what? T Jackson and Sage gonna throw 33and 7 for you and bring a title to Minny? I dont think so.
To be honest, the only two people I see under center for us next season is Brett Favre and Donovan McNabb. We heard Andy Reid give McNabb a vote of confidence in saying he will be back next year, but I wouldn't take that as the full truth. If the Eagles front office and owner doesn't feel that they can win a Super Bowl with what they have in place, you better believe they are going to start the future soon. Could be as early as next season. Kolb is ready to go. In every start this season, he threw for over 300 yards.
If bringing in Favre wasnt a statement saying "we want to WIN NOW", then honestly I don't know what is.
but it makes ZERO sense to have Sage Rosenfels and T Jackson riding pine while a 40 year old man is personally escorted by the HC from the airport to practice while eating up $10M+ of team salary for a year or two.

Exactly.  This is the same thing that I told this guy earlier in this thread.................

The Vikings tried to cash in on a legend this year and it just didn't quite work out the way you wanted it to at the end.

Either way, I didn't think we were shoe-ins for the Super Bowl. Nor should have anyone else. We had far too many other holes that may have been considered minor but ended up being exposed by season's end.

Sidenote, I don't think being picked up by the head coach is that big of a deal. The OD thing was for cameras and choppers to be following the car from overhead like some OJ Simpson White Bronco type of thing.
You don't want McNabb. I think he's a great QB, but if we're talking about playoffs, you don't want McNabb. Hell, try and steal Sanchez from the Jets.
JPZx, if you didnt bring in a 40 year old Favre who is only in the league to win RIGHT NOW. Then why did you bring him in. Favre isn't playing to be apart of an improving team for the future.

You're just flat out wrong that he wasn't there for a superbowl.

So tell me why did you bring him in then. Other then to piss off Packers management.

Edit: O yea please have your answer at a 3 sentence maximum. I dont want to read another one of your essays. I enough of that at mid terms not too long ago.
To bring in the best QB available Jacob Ehlers. It's really that simple. Whoever gives you the best chance to win games. You're not bringing him in to solely win a Super Bowl though.

how does it feel that Brett Favre kept you from a division title and beat you 2x this season two years after you had given up on him. The way our running game was this season, there's zero chance we would have won the division with bum %$% Tarvaris Jackson and career backup Sage Rosenfels as our QBs. He's the reason we got all the way to the NFC Championship game this season and he's the reason you fell to us twice this year.

I'd say that's a pretty good consolation for not advancing to the Super Bowl

*Like I said, I don't see any QB under center for us next season other than Brett Favre or Donovan McNabb. SMH at any of you already making up your mind on whether he's finished or not. If he is done, it's not going to come out until July or August. His body might be feeling bad right now, but as the summer nears and then the season starts getting closer and closer, I have a pretty good feeling he'll get that itch to play again. I don't see him leaving the game on a interception and I don't see him being able to leave the game after finishing a season on such a high level.

You can't read a couple of paragraphs? I shouldn't have expected much more from a drunken 'sconnie
^^ I think he's still fried from that loss over the weekend. Dude is obviously getting emotional and can't control his baby-like feelings. You can always tell when you're getting to someone when they do two of the following:

Start throwing insults.
Say "This is the last time I'm going to post on this" and then have 3-4 more replies later.

I actually feel bad for JPZx because that loss has got to seriously burn. What he's trying to do is tell himself that he wasn't expecting his team to be in the SB and that the season was still a success in order to help cope with the pain.

-We were not considered Super Bowl favorites when Brett Favre signed. Are you failing to remember EVERYONE saying:

"Favre's washed up"

Since you seem to think I get my info from ESPN...


"Did you see Favre at the end of last year? He threw away the season for the Jets"

Wasn't the 40 year old man playing with a torn bicep? And oh my, Favre sure had plenty of weapons on that Jets offense. Those weapons obviously rival those on the Vikings.

Again, you're opinion on the matter is irrelevant. Every team has holes. Even ones that are SB favorites lmao. $@%% isn't making sense now and its clear you're saltyness from the loss is beginning to kick in. Everyone else addressed the issue well enough for me to keep my reply short.

I guess you go out and invest in a 40 year old QB for one year just to win a divisional playoff game...

Edit: Hold up...I just realized that you're the same person that said Sidney Rice is unguardable

*exits thread*
Originally Posted by JPZx

To bring in the best QB available Jacob Ehlers. It's really that simple. Whoever gives you the best chance to win games. You're not bringing him in to solely win a Super Bowl though.

how does it feel that Brett Favre kept you from a division title and beat you 2x this season two years after you had given up on him. The way our running game was this season, there's zero chance we would have won the division with bum %$% Tarvaris Jackson and career backup Sage Rosenfels as our QBs. He's the reason we got all the way to the NFC Championship game this season and he's the reason you fell to us twice this year.

I'd say that's a pretty good consolation for not advancing to the Super Bowl

*Like I said, I don't see any QB under center for us next season other than Brett Favre or Donovan McNabb. SMH at any of you already making up your mind on whether he's finished or not. If he is done, it's not going to come out until July or August. His body might be feeling bad right now, but as the summer nears and then the season starts getting closer and closer, I have a pretty good feeling he'll get that itch to play again. I don't see him leaving the game on a interception and I don't see him being able to leave the game after finishing a season on such a high level.

You can't read a couple of paragraphs? I shouldn't have expected much more from a drunken 'sconnie
If he is done, it's not going to come out until July or August
how does it feel that Brett Favre kept you from getting another QB (McNabb) and you're stuck with T-Jack

The only thing i can say is cool, you're content with winning...nothing.
Dude called me a drunked 'sconnie

Apparently we've met? You wanna kick it this week and have a soda? Seeing that alcohol is against your morals.
I guess now i need to check myself before i drink a beer.
I thought I was done, but then people kept responding and then Jehlers actually said "JPZx..." when he posted so am I just going to sit there and be silent even if I have something to say on which I was personally addressed?
Originally Posted by MPire

Edit: Hold up...I just realized that you're the same person that said Sidney Rice is unguardable
Have you ever seen a ball thrown up to him?

Oh wait...Gerald Sensabaugh, Mike Jenkins...


MPire, we beat you. It's alright. I would have thought you would have gotten over it by now though.

The only people who are coming in here, trying to revel in the Saints win, and saying the Vikings season wasn't a success are fans from the teams we beat.

Cowboys, Packers 2x, 49ers, etc....

651 says the loss hurts. I wasn't happy about it either but I got over it the next day. Sports is too unpredictable to get depressed over and be mad about it for weeks at a time like you MPire.

Are we done now? I mean if people keep addressing me I'm going to respond, but I really think we've covered the subjected.
The only people who are coming in here, trying to revel in theSaints win, and saying the Vikings season wasn't a success are fansfrom the teams we beat.

Cowboys, Packers 2x, 49ers, etc....
Oh word? I shouldn't be saying anything now because I follow the Pack?

... Cmon man.
I'm more talking about Jake Ehlers and youngmoney.
Kix worded it best:
Nothing islamer than taking pride in another mans pain. Glad you take things sopersonally, and instead of being proud of your team making theplayoffs, nothing made you smile more than seeing Favre fail.

Ithink a lot of you wouldn't care to even spend 30 seconds on thissubject if you hadn't gotten beaten by the Vikings this season.Otherwise, why would you care so much about the Vikings losing to the Saints and trying to convince others the whole year was a failure? I mean, really? If you it didn't matter to any of you so much, you would give your view, I would disagree, and that would be it. Not the whole "I don't think you understand" bit. Are you serious with that? I understand completely. This is the team I've been following forever and I've been following them closer than any of you. Just because I didn't share the ridiculous Super Bowl or bust scenario doesn't mean "I don't understand".

%!!%, I think that means I was the only one being realistic.

Anyone want to talk about the Jets now? Or the Saints? The Jets proved a lot of people wrong (including myself) and they have a bright future. One of the best O-Lines in the league, promising young players at key positions in Sanchez, Green, Revis, etc. I believe they'll win the AFC East next year. The Patriots are close to unraveling. Although, I still see them getting in as a Wild Card.
JPZx wrote:

The only people who are coming in here, trying to revel in the Saints win, and saying the Vikings season wasn't a success are fans from the teams we beat. 

Cowboys, Packers 2x, 49ers, etc....

Actually I was saying that your season isn't a success and Last i remembered we just knocked you guys out of the playoffs and almost killed brett Favre
Originally Posted by erupt107th

Actually I was saying that your season isn't a success and Last i remembered we just knocked you guys out of the playoffs and almost killed brett Favre
And you've heard a lot of people in this thread saying the Vikings got jobbed by the referees. I'm not one of them, I'm just saying that's what some people with no loyalty to either teams  are saying. We had our chances to win, so no excuses from me.

Congrats on making it to the Super Bowl. I'm going to be cheering for ya'll, because you're representing the NFC. Good luck.
651 says the loss hurts.
Hey, what did I do? Don't bring me into this.

I will add though, that I was one who was thinking SB or bust with Favre. It was a fun ride, and a successful season, but we've had some of those before, so it's pointless to me.
Originally Posted by JPZx

I thought I was done, but then people kept responding and then Jehlers actually said "JPZx..." when he posted so am I just going to sit there and be silent even if I have something to say on which I was personally addressed?
Originally Posted by MPire

Edit: Hold up...I just realized that you're the same person that said Sidney Rice is unguardable
Have you ever seen a ball thrown up to him?

Oh wait...Gerald Sensabaugh, Mike Jenkins...


MPire, we beat you. It's alright. I would have thought you would have gotten over it by now though.

The only people who are coming in here, trying to revel in the Saints win, and saying the Vikings season wasn't a success are fans from the teams we beat.

Cowboys, Packers 2x, 49ers, etc....

651 says the loss hurts. I wasn't happy about it either but I got over it the next day. Sports is too unpredictable to get depressed over and be mad about it for weeks at a time like you MPire.

Are we done now? I mean if people keep addressing me I'm going to respond, but I really think we've covered the subjected.
Are we done now? I mean if people keep addressing me I'm going to respond, but I really think we've covered the subjected.

You remind me of a you gotta have the last word or something...or in this case, last post
. That comment sounded so feminine.

So two things are clear at this point:

Sydney Rice is unguardable

Vikings season was a success

Oh and please believe I am not in the least bit hurt about that loss. Check the Cowboys Official Thread. I've been more negative towards Dallas than Marley. We got rid of our biggest playmaker and I still think we're a better team with him than without; he woulda done a helluva lot more than Roy. Season was a failure, as was yours but not nearly to the same degree. A 6-10 bound team making it to the Divisional Round against a SB fav, I'll take it.

But keep preaching that your season was a success. I'm sure Favre agrees
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