Mysonne talkin about T.I. teamin up with the police

Originally Posted by yungmatt

By the way,Blue Davinchi just got 5 years. Lived the ILLEGAL fly and flashy life with Meech and BMF and when %!@+ hit they plead guilty and didnt cooperate
Only 5?

He got off light.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Man some of yall dudes on here
.... Yall dont understand real life. Yall are so brainwashed by "rappers" and "entertainers" that its unbelievable. Im watching people actually support the fact that a convicted felon got 1 year and community service for having illegal weapons just because Mysonne is a %++*# whos career never took off cause he caught a case and didnt tell and did 7... But like ^ said, If it was Jay or Jeezy or even Joe Budden for his fans on here, yall followers would say "hell yea T.I. snitched how he get 1 year and blah blah blah" . Get yall own !$#%%@ minds. I know deep down all of yall know the LAW .Even if you were brought up in the burbs yall whole lives and didnt come outside at all yall should know that the man is Cooperating with the FEDS and that goes against what he spits. Dont turn a deaf ear just cause its Mysonne whos makin sense.

But then again not everyone believes in the same @+@+ so yall just might think that if you choose a life of crime cooperating with the police is cool if your back is against the wall

i said it before an ill say it again. my dude you one of the realest cats on NT.

NT suttin else, i dont even need to comment.

edit: Seymore i cant deny nuttin you sayin, thats 100% true. Hell TI could be a damn puppet for the Police right now, he gotta do what he gotta do. Butyungmatt point is a valid point its what Mysonne said basically. I dunno at the end of the day its like what would yall cats do in that position?
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by yungmatt

By the way,Blue Davinchi just got 5 years. Lived the ILLEGAL fly and flashy life with Meech and BMF and when %!@+ hit they plead guilty and didnt cooperate
Only 5?

He got off light.


Originally Posted by lurkin2long

i said it before an ill say it again. my dude you one of the realest cats on NT.

NT suttin else, i dont even need to comment.

edit: Seymore i cant deny nuttin you sayin, thats 100% true. Hell TI could be a damn puppet for the Police right now, he gotta do what he gotta do. But yungmatt point is a valid point its what Mysonne said basically. I dunno at the end of the day its like what would yall cats do in that position?
Good lookin...These type of topics erk me because of all the *!+$!+ followers in the world.I just tell it how it is no matter who agrees
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

That commercial seemed like another condition of his plea, they can ask him do one hundred commercials, appear at event after event, give speech after speech and guess what? He HAS to do it. Yet he's labeled a snitch for????

Until that man's name appears on an affidavit as an informant or he appears in a trial and points the finger at somebody then I can't call him a "snitch" You _'s throw that word around way too loosely and 3/4's of those who use it don't even understand what a snitch is.

In this world the one thing I do know is that Money Talks. It affords you various opportunites that those without it couldn't even dream of... and that lil _'s money is long

Say T.I. didnt "snitch"(which i think he did), your saying that its OK for him to tell America that "snitching" is COOL??? I mean thats what hes doing in these commercials...Thats what your saying,correct???

Here we go this is specifically what I was talking about right here. In order to "SNITCH" that individual has to partake incriminal activity be arrested for said criminal activity and in turn tell on another individual who's partaking in criminal activity in order to reduce theinitial punishment that would've been given for the crime committed. How many criminals do you know that have thoughts about calling crime stoppers? Iknow a lot of criminals but I don't know any do that. That commercial and his statement on that commercial was geared toward everyday individuals thatabide by the law, and may have "WITNESSED" or have information about a crime.

A witness and a snitch are two totally different things, and this is where the problem lies. It has become taboo to label a witness, someone completelyindependent of that lifestyle a "snitch" because they came forward because they volunteered information. Take the situation Jennifer Hudson is goingthrough, while I hate to used useher situation as an example but it rings true and is relevant, I gurantee you its a person right now that can come forward andsay."I saw so and so hop outta that suburban that same night " If you were in her situation you would want that person to tell what they saw or knew,I KNOW I DAMN SURE WOULD IF I WERE IN HER SHOES. But more than likely that wont happen because we as a culture have twisted and tangled that and dubbed it"SNITCHING" _'s got the game all wrong these days
that psa is an obvious condition of his think he volunteered to do that?

I cant knock Mysonne for how he feel tho, cuz he a jail N'. So of course he gon feel a way about any sensitive subject regarding any type of agreementwith the law. But TIP aint done anything out-of-bounds that Ive seen/heard. I mean, N's know what it is with that PSA... I know dude got millions, but thepolice job aint to try to protect somebody name for "credibility" sake.

And Im not bout to go into this fareal (because everytime I do, somebody feels offended), But I dont know where yall get off with all this. You dont goaround callin somebody a snitch without any proof in the hood, thats a no go. Thats not a term you play around with. YOU can get got for that. My N' wannatalk about dudes having no rules, look at all these lil N's runnin round here, its cute to these dudes...

and btw, for those not from the hood in here, why yall even care/feel the need to have imput? What does it even mean to you? Something I always wanted toknow...
people wont admit it cause TI,,, is TI

but put all the side stuff asside,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mysonne is right.
Seymore you gettin way to technical my dude.

like you said before an i agree with you MONEY TALKS, its damn sure workin in TI favor.

You really gonna disagree with what Mysonne is sayin? I mean yungmatt said it for me thats why I had no need to comment.

EzFlash26...................................son like what are you talkin about? you sound like you just addin in 0.02 cents. I dont care if its part of a PSA,TI a grown man that can make his own choices. He know what it is. Im not even gettin at TI but you dont gotta be from the hood or burbs to just comment on thetopic at hand. TI hisself know what he doin an tellin the public to do, an only reason is cuz the situation he got hisself in.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Here we go this is specifically what I was talking about right here. In order to "SNITCH" that individual has to partake in criminal activity be arrested for said criminal activity and in turn tell on another individual who's partaking in criminal activity in order to reduce the initial punishment that would've been given for the crime committed. How many criminals do you know that have thoughts about calling crime stoppers? I know a lot of criminals but I don't know any do that. That commercial and his statement on that commercial was geared toward everyday individuals that abide by the law, and may have "WITNESSED" or have information about a crime.

A witness and a snitch are two totally different things, and this is where the problem lies. It has become taboo to label a witness, someone completely independent of that lifestyle a "snitch" because they came forward because they volunteered information. Take the situation Jennifer Hudson is going through, while I hate to used useher situation as an example but it rings true and is relevant, I gurantee you its a person right now that can come forward and say."I saw so and so hop outta that suburban that same night " If you were in her situation you would want that person to tell what they saw or knew, I KNOW I DAMN SURE WOULD IF I WERE IN HER SHOES. But more than likely that wont happen because we as a culture have twisted and tangled that and dubbed it "SNITCHING" _'s got the game all wrong these days
We all know a snitch is diff than a witness.(Well I do). The Jennifer Hudson situation (R.I.P. to all 3) is not even comparable because it was asenseless @!%%+% up act and innocent people were involved.Damn right I woulda said yo i saw so and so jump out a white SUV.That aint snitchin IMO.But forinstance if I decide go Down South to a Gun store and buy some hammers for cheap and come back to NY and Triple up and the car gets pulled over I knew what myrisks were so im not Snitchin of becoming a C.I. to lessen my time. Thats not in my character
Originally Posted by EzFlash26

that psa is an obvious condition of his think he volunteered to do that?

I cant knock Mysonne for how he feel tho, cuz he a jail N'. So of course he gon feel a way about any sensitive subject regarding any type of agreement with the law. But TIP aint done anything out-of-bounds that Ive seen/heard. I mean, N's know what it is with that PSA... I know dude got millions, but the police job aint to try to protect somebody name for "credibility" sake.

And Im not bout to go into this fareal (because everytime I do, somebody feels offended), But I dont know where yall get off with all this. You dont go around callin somebody a snitch without any proof in the hood, thats a no go. Thats not a term you play around with. YOU can get got for that. My N' wanna talk about dudes having no rules, look at all these lil N's runnin round here, its cute to these dudes...

and btw, for those not from the hood in here, why yall even care/feel the need to have imput? What does it even mean to you? Something I always wanted to know...

Because this is a public internet message board and people can comment on %%%* they know absolutely nothing about
. But In this case you dont even gotta be from the hood to see whats in front ofyour face
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Here we go this is specifically what I was talking about right here. In order to "SNITCH" that individual has to partake in criminal activity be arrested for said criminal activity and in turn tell on another individual who's partaking in criminal activity in order to reduce the initial punishment that would've been given for the crime committed. How many criminals do you know that have thoughts about calling crime stoppers? I know a lot of criminals but I don't know any do that. That commercial and his statement on that commercial was geared toward everyday individuals that abide by the law, and may have "WITNESSED" or have information about a crime.

A witness and a snitch are two totally different things, and this is where the problem lies. It has become taboo to label a witness, someone completely independent of that lifestyle a "snitch" because they came forward because they volunteered information. Take the situation Jennifer Hudson is going through, while I hate to used useher situation as an example but it rings true and is relevant, I gurantee you its a person right now that can come forward and say."I saw so and so hop outta that suburban that same night " If you were in her situation you would want that person to tell what they saw or knew, I KNOW I DAMN SURE WOULD IF I WERE IN HER SHOES. But more than likely that wont happen because we as a culture have twisted and tangled that and dubbed it "SNITCHING" _'s got the game all wrong these days
We all know a snitch is diff than a witness.(Well I do). The Jennifer Hudson situation (R.I.P. to all 3) is not even comparable because it was a senseless @!%%+% up act and innocent people were involved.Damn right I woulda said yo i saw so and so jump out a white SUV.That aint snitchin IMO.But for instance if I decide go Down South to a Gun store and buy some hammers for cheap and come back to NY and Triple up and the car gets pulled over I knew what my risks were so im not Snitchin of becoming a C.I. to lessen my time. Thats not in my character
That's not snitchin period... like Cake said, when you do a crime with somebody and you're one of the people to get caught, if you tell onanother person who did the crime with you(whether they get caught or not) in order to reduce your punishment, that's considered snitchin..
Or if you get caught hustlin' and you tell on the dudes out there hustlin with you, or who you getting your work from, that's snitchin..
If a n_ come in my house and murder my sister(god forbid) and I have information about it, then you damn right Ima tell on him.. and you would too, if you sayyou wouldn't tell me how it feels to look in the mirror everyday at a LIAR!!!
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

That commercial seemed like another condition of his plea, they can ask him do one hundred commercials, appear at event after event, give speech after speech and guess what? He HAS to do it. Yet he's labeled a snitch for????

Until that man's name appears on an affidavit as an informant or he appears in a trial and points the finger at somebody then I can't call him a "snitch" You _'s throw that word around way too loosely and 3/4's of those who use it don't even understand what a snitch is.

In this world the one thing I do know is that Money Talks. It affords you various opportunites that those without it couldn't even dream of... and that lil _'s money is long

Say T.I. didnt "snitch"(which i think he did), your saying that its OK for him to tell America that "snitching" is COOL??? I mean thats what hes doing in these commercials...Thats what your saying,correct???

Here we go this is specifically what I was talking about right here. In order to "SNITCH" that individual has to partake in criminal activity be arrested for said criminal activity and in turn tell on another individual who's partaking in criminal activity in order to reduce the initial punishment that would've been given for the crime committed. How many criminals do you know that have thoughts about calling crime stoppers? I know a lot of criminals but I don't know any do that. That commercial and his statement on that commercial was geared toward everyday individuals that abide by the law, and may have "WITNESSED" or have information about a crime.

A witness and a snitch are two totally different things, and this is where the problem lies. It has become taboo to label a witness, someone completely independent of that lifestyle a "snitch" because they came forward because they volunteered information. Take the situation Jennifer Hudson is going through, while I hate to used useher situation as an example but it rings true and is relevant, I gurantee you its a person right now that can come forward and say."I saw so and so hop outta that suburban that same night " If you were in her situation you would want that person to tell what they saw or knew, I KNOW I DAMN SURE WOULD IF I WERE IN HER SHOES. But more than likely that wont happen because we as a culture have twisted and tangled that and dubbed it "SNITCHING" _'s got the game all wrong these days

Stop!!! everyone should mind their own business
Originally Posted by yungmatt

lurkin2long wrote:

i said it before an ill say it again. my dude you one of the realest cats on NT.

NT suttin else, i dont even need to comment.

edit: Seymore i cant deny nuttin you sayin, thats 100% true. Hell TI could be a damn puppet for the Police right now, he gotta do what he gotta do. But yungmatt point is a valid point its what Mysonne said basically. I dunno at the end of the day its like what would yall cats do in that position?
Good lookin...These type of topics erk me because of all the *!+$!+ followers in the world.I just tell it how it is no matter who agrees

trust my dude - you will learn to just say your piece andkeep it moving or ignore threads like this...i try my hardest to stay out of threads that have to do with drugs/crime/prostitution etc-

not even worth it - you end up arguing with cats that speak from what they heard/read/think not what they seen/did/know

i already had a bunch of posts on the whole TI thing when it first popped up and homeboy got off...i also got peeps in ATL that are closer to thesituation....but its whatever -
Originally Posted by Kingtre

i already had a bunch of posts on the whole TI thing when it first popped up and homeboy got off...i also got peeps in ATL that are closer to the situation....but its whatever -

Originally Posted by Rhymestein

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Here we go this is specifically what I was talking about right here. In order to "SNITCH" that individual has to partake in criminal activity be arrested for said criminal activity and in turn tell on another individual who's partaking in criminal activity in order to reduce the initial punishment that would've been given for the crime committed. How many criminals do you know that have thoughts about calling crime stoppers? I know a lot of criminals but I don't know any do that. That commercial and his statement on that commercial was geared toward everyday individuals that abide by the law, and may have "WITNESSED" or have information about a crime.

A witness and a snitch are two totally different things, and this is where the problem lies. It has become taboo to label a witness, someone completely independent of that lifestyle a "snitch" because they came forward because they volunteered information. Take the situation Jennifer Hudson is going through, while I hate to used useher situation as an example but it rings true and is relevant, I gurantee you its a person right now that can come forward and say."I saw so and so hop outta that suburban that same night " If you were in her situation you would want that person to tell what they saw or knew, I KNOW I DAMN SURE WOULD IF I WERE IN HER SHOES. But more than likely that wont happen because we as a culture have twisted and tangled that and dubbed it "SNITCHING" _'s got the game all wrong these days
We all know a snitch is diff than a witness.(Well I do). The Jennifer Hudson situation (R.I.P. to all 3) is not even comparable because it was a senseless @!%%+% up act and innocent people were involved.Damn right I woulda said yo i saw so and so jump out a white SUV.That aint snitchin IMO.But for instance if I decide go Down South to a Gun store and buy some hammers for cheap and come back to NY and Triple up and the car gets pulled over I knew what my risks were so im not Snitchin of becoming a C.I. to lessen my time. Thats not in my character
That's not snitchin period... like Cake said, when you do a crime with somebody and you're one of the people to get caught, if you tell on another person who did the crime with you(whether they get caught or not) in order to reduce your punishment, that's considered snitchin..
Or if you get caught hustlin' and you tell on the dudes out there hustlin with you, or who you getting your work from, that's snitchin..
If a n_ come in my house and murder my sister(god forbid) and I have information about it, then you damn right Ima tell on him.. and you would too, if you say you wouldn't tell me how it feels to look in the mirror everyday at a LIAR!!!
Did you NOT read what I wrote???
Originally Posted by yungmatt

We all know a snitch is diff than a witness.(Well I do). The Jennifer Hudson situation (R.I.P. to all 3) is not even comparable because it was a senseless @!%%+% up act and innocent people were involved.Damn right I woulda said yo i saw so and so jump out a white SUV
EzFlash26...................................son like what are you talkin about? you sound like you just addin in 0.02 cents. I dont care if its part of a PSA, TI a grown man that can make his own choices. He know what it is. TI hisself know what he doin an tellin the public to do, an only reason is cuz the situation he got hisself in.

No, they made that choice for him, thats why the video was made. If part of a deal get less time is to go on camera and say some bs they want you to say, thatsnot somethin you would think twice about, you would be gleeful about that *$*%. Anybody (who had as much to lose as him) would take that, you think he give a*%#% about coming off hypocritcal/contradictory in his music? Thats not snitching...

And PTNY, Im not a TIP fan neccessarily, def not to the degree that dudes is on here...Mysonne had a valid point overall, but it was coming from a realslighted point of view honestly...

I am just addin my 2 cents N's, thats what everybody doin.

you dont gotta be from the hood or burbs to just comment on the topic at hand.
you dont have to be, but when the topic at hand is about STREET ethics (as Mysonne tryin his best to stress in the beginning of the video), andyou not from there, like, you know you shouldnt have much to say. you understand?
Originally Posted by ej205

Like a OG told me "snitchin is wrong but so is the stuff u doin how u gone do whatevers necessary to survive but tell him not to do whatevers necessary to survive or stay out of jail when its all said and done street ethics is an oxymoron"

I feel both sides but when its all said in done if u cant stand the heat get the fok

And last time I checked...all of this "street @@@" was killin my people off and putting my brothers in jail...
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by yungmatt

lurkin2long wrote:

i said it before an ill say it again. my dude you one of the realest cats on NT.

NT suttin else, i dont even need to comment.

edit: Seymore i cant deny nuttin you sayin, thats 100% true. Hell TI could be a damn puppet for the Police right now, he gotta do what he gotta do. But yungmatt point is a valid point its what Mysonne said basically. I dunno at the end of the day its like what would yall cats do in that position?
Good lookin...These type of topics erk me because of all the *!+$!+ followers in the world.I just tell it how it is no matter who agrees
trust my dude - you will learn to just say your piece and keep it moving or ignore threads like this...i try my hardest to stay out of threads that have to do with drugs/crime/prostitution etc-

not even worth it - you end up arguing with cats that speak from what they heard/read/think not what they seen/did/know

i already had a bunch of posts on the whole TI thing when it first popped up and homeboy got off...i also got peeps in ATL that are closer to the situation....but its whatever -

Im learning slowly but surely
. I been on NT for 4 yearsbut didnt start posting till about a year ago. The ignorance and lack of common sense in these threads amazes me
... Im convinced that too many fictional movies are being watched by these dudes
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Seymore you gettin way to technical my dude.

like you said before an i agree with you MONEY TALKS, its damn sure workin in TI favor.

You really gonna disagree with what Mysonne is sayin? I mean yungmatt said it for me thats why I had no need to comment.

Naaaaah... I'm really not because I understand what Mys was saying and where he come from with it, but he was wrong when he said that T.I.P.'scommercial was geared toward Street _'s or Gangsta's or _'s who live a criminal lifestyle. It was geared at EXACTLY who he said canpartake in that action... CITIZENS, TAX PAYERS, LAW ABIDING INDIVIDUALS, and to think otherwise is reaching.

On everything I love I grew up in the HOOD, not the make believe oh every nieghborhood has a hood hood, but area's where parents didn't really wanttheir kids to play outside for fear of some *%!! happening and them being caught up. and I grew up with real street _'s, I'm not one never claimed tobe one, but I grew up with these _'s and these is still my _'s Matter fact my _ Stretch was on Crime Stopper... That commercial was not geared toward_'s in the streets. ITS NOT! I understand Mys point about _'s who do dirt turning and telling on another _ who doing dirt, YEA I TOTALLYDISAGREE WITH THAT, CAN'T CONDONE IT IN ANY SENSE.

But thats just it, HE WASN'T TALKING TO THOSE WHO DO DIRT, thats where the confusion is taking place. People can't be thatstupid that you just misconstrue that. And for the record this has absolutely 8=====D to do with T.I because I don't know Clifford Harris. Ifcitizen would've called the crime stoppers and said "That person "Stretch" hangs out on yada yada yada block by the rec" and theywould've locked my G up, that would've been that. I wouldn't hold anytype of feeling toward that person who came forward because he felt he wasdoing his part to clean up his nieghborhood. I woulda been sick (and was sick when they did catch him) and prayed that he held his head up.

Mysonne made something so small so BIG with this %$%. It ain't even that serious. TIP was seein' more than 10 years. At this point he doin'whatever it takes to stay a free man and just get that 1 year in prison. Let him live. I'd expect Mysonne to understand since his lame *** served time.He's so gassed up because he served time. Like that make him an official street like he Nay Nimsley or some %$%. You just got caught. That don't makeyou no street N.
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

Originally Posted by ej205

Like a OG told me "snitchin is wrong but so is the stuff u doin how u gone do whatevers necessary to survive but tell him not to do whatevers necessary to survive or stay out of jail when its all said and done street ethics is an oxymoron"

I feel both sides but when its all said in done if u cant stand the heat get the fok
aint that the truth...

Hell, he wants to know who shot Big Phil. I would do that too.
iight im clear.

an you right, at the end of the day TI a grown man who make his own choices, an i said before what would yall do in the situation. TI a dude with money also.Avg cat do some stuff like that he better turn incognito.

But for instance if I decide go Down South to a Gun store and buy some hammers for cheap and come back to NY and Triple up and the car gets pulled over I knewwhat my risks were so im not Snitchin of becoming a C.I. to lessen my time. Thats not in my character-yungmatt


its like if a kid in school get answers for a test along with others, an he get caught cheatin, if he go tell the teacher/admin where he got the answers fromso he dont get the punishment............we all make our own choices.

but if you ask me that dude is a sucka, he knew what he was gettin himself into.

cheesy example but yea.
Originally Posted by All Ready

SMH at cats thinking everything is done thru paperwork, ruthlessness is on both sides of the law, get acquainted gentlemen
true. Its a cold world

wow @ Bleu only getting 5!?
to me a snitch is somebody who does dirt......get caught and then rats out all his homeboys so he dont have to do a lot of time......that is a snitch....dontdo the crime if you scared to do the time....dont bring another n' down w/ you....

telling on somebody killing an innocent person isn't snitching in my eyes...cause you dont need people like that out here any !%$%$%% way...

if me and my n's started selling dope today......and i go down....i'm not going to bring them down w/ me.......

Frank Lucas is a snitch

T.I. isnt a snitch until there is proof that he told on somebody

honestly Jeezy might be the one snitching......cause i'm still wondering why he didnt go down w/ BMF....Meech own damn father had to do time because hebought #%@$ w/ that dirty money....and everybody know Meech was giving Jeezy hella money back then....hell the lambos in Jeezy first video came from Big Meech
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