Mitchell Report Press conference at 2; Clemens to be named

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

i mean theres no test for HGH so what's to stop players from taking that?
morals homey, morals.

shouldnt this show you, $$$$ over morals. these same Owners that are voicing their opinions about these players who are "linked to P.E. Drugs" are the same owners who were signing the same players to HUGE $$$ LONG TERM CONTRACTS.
so at some point, their morals have to show also

Everybody is culpable. You should know what your employees are doing on the side ( word to Arthur Blank). You need to take note of increased bodysize, increased stamina and recovery time, increased longevity.

Without a doubt, there was a blind eye turned towards this mess.
Roger Kasack (ESPN Lawyer) is digging in Bud's chest about his "I'll discipline players at my discretion"


he's gonna pick and choose who he will slap on the wrist
this gets better and better
"case by case basis" ????

he's full of crap. theres going to be hundreds of players by the time this is up. how's he going to find out how much each player took? some of theseguys will be retired by he time he finds that out.

edit: he wished more ppl came forward to show they cared about the game....
ah man some of this is indeed hearsay. everyone is NOT linked by checks or paperwork or even eyewitness, like I originally thought. I m not reeading anymore ofthis %*$%


Clemens legal team is TAKING AIM AT DOMES!

this is ultra ugly.

I guess Im the lone skeptic here. Im not buying this entire show nor the credibility of these cooperators who are name dropping to cop pleas without anypaperwork attached to some names.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

ah man some of this is indeed hearsay. everyone is NOT linked by checks or paperwork or even eyewitness, like I originally thought. I m not reeading anymore of this %*$%


Clemens legal team is TAKING AIM AT DOMES!

this is ultra ugly.

Its true though, there is no paperwork to trace Clemens. Everyone comparing him to Bonds need to calm down.
lololol ... why doesnt everyone just say, look ... I did it and everyone else did except griffey and arod .. move the f on ... i dont wanna hear about itanymore ... and%%@# is synthol???? im trying to use like 100th of that dose and gain a lil bulk lololol
I like what Peter Gammons said.

"Over 7 percent of the players were tested positive for performance enhancing drugs, and not even 1 percent was mentioned. What was the point?"

Theres so much lack of evidence, they have checks, but it doesnt even say what the checks are for. Granted they were MOST likely for steroids or HGH, but thatwouldnt even hold up on court.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

I like what Peter Gammons said.

"Over 7 percent of the players were tested positive for performance enhancing drugs, and not even 1 percent was mentioned. What was the point?"

Theres so much lack of evidence, they have checks, but it doesnt even say what the checks are for. Granted they were MOST likely for steroids or HGH, but that wouldnt even hold up on court.
If the checks say who was paid the could hold up

But a lot of these analysts or ESPN personalities don't seem impressed.
It's not even about the cold, hard evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that ______________ cheated.

For me, today was about getting the word out in credible form that there is an ABUNDANCE of cheating going on.

Some of those that STILL choose to deny that (Peter Gammons, Steve Phillips, Tim Kirkjian, etc.) do so because they love the game too much; they love it to afault, like a wife that refuses to admit that highschool sweetheart husband that she loves with all her heart is a crack addict.

Others that still choose to deny what this report is saying and what today means to MLB are doing so simply because they're naive.

I love baseball.

More than any other sport, I love baseball.

And I love today, and the implications that today brings. Bringing this to light was necessary, and cracking it open is an example of the old addage"Sometimes you have to take a few steps backwards in order to move forward."
This sucks, Im at work and the internet was slowing down during Seligs conference, sounded like he took a dump on himself

Since its Steriod/Peformance Enhancing Season Ive been watching this interview with Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams, pretty good stuff if ya have thetime.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

I like what Peter Gammons said.

"Over 7 percent of the players were tested positive for performance enhancing drugs, and not even 1 percent was mentioned. What was the point?"

Theres so much lack of evidence, they have checks, but it doesnt even say what the checks are for. Granted they were MOST likely for steroids or HGH, but that wouldnt even hold up on court.
If the checks say who was paid the could hold up

But a lot of these analysts or ESPN personalities don't seem impressed.
Yeah, true. But from what Krucky was saying earlier this morning. The dudes supplying the drugs were in the club house and did stuff for them i.e.getting them food, dry-cleaning, picking up GFs from the airport, ect. and would "tip" them thousands and thousands of dollars. Personally, I dontthink anything was accomplished. You cant discipline players, most of the players arent even in the league anymore, and the ones that are what are you gonnado? They used the drugs BEFORE they were banned, such a waste of time. I think this whole thing is a crock and was a total WASTE OF TIME.
a black eye on the sport today. but its like ska said, need to take a few steps back to go foward. hope baseball learns its lesson and does what it takes tonot get embarassed like this again.
23ska909red02 wrote:
It's not even about the cold, hard evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that ______________ cheated.

For me, today was about getting the word out in credible form that there is an ABUNDANCE of cheating going on.

Some of those that STILL choose to deny that (Peter Gammons, Steve Phillips, Tim Kirkjian, etc.) do so because they love the game too much; they love it to a fault, like a wife that refuses to admit that highschool sweetheart husband that she loves with all her heart is a crack addict.

Others that still choose to deny what this report is saying and what today means to MLB are doing so simply because they're naive.

I love baseball.

More than any other sport, I love baseball.

And I love today, and the implications that today brings. Bringing this to light was necessary, and cracking it open is an example of the old addage "Sometimes you have to take a few steps backwards in order to move forward."
I agree with this...however you've gotta wonder if anything will change.
Bud Light has proven time and again that he doesn't really care to change anything. The players association doesn't want anything to change.
Despite the owners saying that they want change, you know that they don't. The casual fan loves power. The casual fan would rather see a 13-12 designatedhitter, steroid filled American League slugfest then a 1-0 pitchers duel between Jake Peavy and Brandon Webb. So, while the owners say they want change -ratings and ticket sales say that they don't.

MLB's testing program is a joke...The only players that fail tests are worthless guys like Guillermo Mota. There has been exactly one name player that hasfailed a test. Rafael Palmiero. He's the only one. MLB used him as an example to show that even stars can test positive, but then the only guys that testedpositive are guys like Jay Gibbons that nobody outside of Baltimore and hard core baseball fans knows.

Players are still going to be taking they won't be dumb enough to use personal checks and will take stuff that tests can't detect. Idon't think anything will really change.
Bud Light is all about appearences. He will make it appear that MLB is making an effort to change stuff...but he'll just sit back and do nothing likehe's done his entire tenure as commissioner.
He only takes action on things that don't need to be done - like making the ASG winner have home field advantage in the World Series.

Bud Selig and David Stern make Jewish people everywhere look bad (Not a racial slur...I'm Jewish so I was pointing out how they look from within)
Nothings gonna change from this. Still no good test for HGH players will just get smarter. No good or surprising names just people that have long beensuspected of steroids. I was hoping it would actually be big names not Clemens who everyone knew about and Pettitte which somewhat destroyed my childhood.
this is wack....i mean ppl say this whole thing is a good start, but there are players on this list that are on the list from pure speculation....if you'regoing to spend millions of dollars you better be damn sure that you're information is based on more than TWO ppl's testimony. not to mention the factthat your ruining people's reputation forever.
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