Kevin Samuels Thread

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African American single households will be over 70% in the next few years as predicted. It's hitting around 67% right now at the moment. No matter how much ya'll try to Cape/White Knight for our women, the majority of their attitudes/decisions is a huge problem in our culture/race. Education and economics has nothing to do with this because their motives, actions, and attitudes are basically all the same when we're talking about the majority. I personally think that's the main reason why Kevin Samuels decided to choose this specific path in showing the world how our woman thought processes are as a collective.

Alot of ya'll want to think it's just a specific crowed/percentage of women who think like the ones that pop up on his show. Sorry to tell ya'll, but this is the majority of how women think period. Alot of men are just straight up betas because of how they've been raised to think, so they're just happy to have any type of woman with them, as they accept any type of actions from women. But then you have men who are the complete opposite, those are the ones who don't get married or fall for the BS that their mothers and society has told them, because they know how the story is going to end after being with someone for so long. They're individuals that have been raised the right way to know how to choose the right Husband and Wife, but due to freedom, feminism, and how our entertainment and media has psychologically transformed the way we think and live, these discussions mean nothing because nothing is going to change as far as our people going backwards in the way we operate as a family unit.

I believe the majority of people, not even race based, shouldn't even be married nowadays. Everybody is wearing a mask without being their true selves. The crazy things ive seen married people do or say once alone is crazy. A low percentage of people will find the right one, the majority of people will only be with someone that they're comfortable with.

Perfectly stated!!
Not saying the onus is on the man but doesn't this mean that in addition to wrapping it up that maybe a conversation should be had about what would happen in the case of a pregnancy? Or if one simply assumed that she would keep the baby if she was impregnated then perhaps this would happen less often?

They have the choice to keep it. That is undeniable. I think where the sides are disagreeing is the accountability in getting to that situation in the first place.


A lot of folks here speaking in the abstract but I actually lived it.

My GF who I loved and cared a great deal for and I were having relationship issues and were trying to work things out when she called me up saying she wanted to come by for a visit.

She called me from the parking lot asking me to come down.

I asked her why she didn't just come up to my apartment and she said she had something for me.

I had no idea what she was talking about.

Wasn't my birthday or anything but she was the type to surprise me with gifts / food so I thought nothing of it.

When I got to her car she told me to open the rear door and take the bag but not to open it until I got back upstairs.

I kissed her goodbye and she drove off.

I get upstairs, open the bag, and inside was a day planner with dates that we had sex circled with hearts, a pink pair of baby timberlands , a blue pair of baby timberlands, (my favorite shoes at the time) and a positive EPT test.

Here I am at the literally "holding the bag" not knowing what to say or do.

Called her and asked her why she didn't stay so we could talk / work things out but she really didn't have an answer.

The next time we met up I told her how I felt and that I wanted us to do it right or not do it at all, meaning the full marriage, commitment, relationship counseling, the whole nine, because I didn't want to be a "baby daddy" or her second "baby daddy" because she was divorced and already had a son.

She never said yes or no...but that she would think about it.

Days turn into weeks and weeks turn a into month w/o hearing a word from her or her answering my calls.

Went to her Mothers house and everything but no luck.

Eventually she reached out to me but never said anything about having an abortion...which she chose to do w/o my knowledge.

I kept those baby shoes for 7 years.

Don't have kids to this day.

He / she would have been 18 by now.

I know my lived experience doesn't impact this discussion - but neither should yours. Its all anecdotal.

The fact is no matter what a man does or doesn't do, Its a woman's choice.
For some reason I didn't think ****** would go full on misogynist in the Kevin Samuels thread :lol:
We made it a decent amount of pages with mostly light misogyny, I thought we were good :rofl:
This reminded me of the Scorpion and the Frog for some reason :lol:

NT gonna NT famb. It is its nature.
This is the guy who claims he "cares " about women.What is wrong with you? I said it a few weeks ago and I'll say it again. There are cats out there who are lying and pandering to women to appear to be an ally. This is one of them.
You have don't like that extreme, yet enjoy spreading extremely fully of **** narratives that has effected a group of ppl for generations. Had it made a difference if I said "black" woman instead? It's cool since you like to blame them for everything "negative" in ther world.

A lot of folks here speaking in the abstract but I actually lived it.

My GF who I loved and cared a great deal for and I were having relationship issues and were trying to work things out when she called me up saying she wanted to come by for a visit.

She called me from the parking lot asking me to come down.

I asked her why she didn't just come up to my apartment and she said she had something for me.

I had no idea what she was talking about.

Wasn't my birthday or anything but she was the type to surprise me with gifts / food so I thought nothing of it.

When I got to her car she told me to open the rear door and take the bag but not to open it until I got back upstairs.

I kissed her goodbye and she drove off.

I get upstairs, open the bag, and inside was a day planner with dates that we had sex circled with hearts, a pink pair of baby timberlands , a blue pair of baby timberlands, (my favorite shoes at the time) and a positive EPT test.

Here I am at the literally "holding the bag" not knowing what to say or do.

Called her and asked her why she didn't stay so we could talk / work things out but she really didn't have an answer.

The next time we met up I told her how I felt and that I wanted us to do it right or not do it at all, meaning the full marriage, commitment, relationship counseling, the whole nine, because I didn't want to be a "baby daddy" or her second "baby daddy" because she was divorced and already had a son.

She never said yes or no...but that she would think about it.

Days turn into weeks and weeks turn a month w/o hearing a word from her or her answering my calls.

Went to her Mothers house and everything but no luck.

Eventually she reached out to me but never said anything about having an abortion...which she chose to do w/o my knowledge.

I kept those baby shoes for 7 years.

Don't have kids to this day.

He / she would have been 18 by now.

I know my lived experience doesn't impact this discussion - but neither should yours. Its all anecdotal.

The fact is no matter what a man does or doesn't do, Its a woman's choice.

That sounds like cold blooded and calculated manipulation.
I love the many branches of this thread.

Pure entertainment.

The black dude that "reviews" KS videos is so pointless man. :lol: -
The hard truth is that black women are failing all around. The stats prove this. Now we can sit here and argue semantics and attempt to window dress this all we want, but it doesn't negate this fact. Brothers are starting to wake up to this current reality.
You have don't like that extreme, yet enjoy spreading extremely fully of **** narratives that has effected a group of ppl for generations. Had it made a difference if I said "black" woman instead? It's cool since you like to blame them for everything "negative" in ther world.
My views are extreme because I quote evidence that proves the Goverment used welfare to destroy the black family? Between you advocating for men to kick women in the stomach and disrespecting your mother for likes on the internet, it is clear you're unhinged.

A lot of folks here speaking in the abstract but I actually lived it.

My GF who I loved and cared a great deal for and I were having relationship issues and were trying to work things out when she called me up saying she wanted to come by for a visit.

She called me from the parking lot asking me to come down.

I asked her why she didn't just come up to my apartment and she said she had something for me.

I had no idea what she was talking about.

Wasn't my birthday or anything but she was the type to surprise me with gifts / food so I thought nothing of it.

When I got to her car she told me to open the rear door and take the bag but not to open it until I got back upstairs.

I kissed her goodbye and she drove off.

I get upstairs, open the bag, and inside was a day planner with dates that we had sex circled with hearts, a pink pair of baby timberlands , a blue pair of baby timberlands, (my favorite shoes at the time) and a positive EPT test.

Here I am at the literally "holding the bag" not knowing what to say or do.

Called her and asked her why she didn't stay so we could talk / work things out but she really didn't have an answer.

The next time we met up I told her how I felt and that I wanted us to do it right or not do it at all, meaning the full marriage, commitment, relationship counseling, the whole nine, because I didn't want to be a "baby daddy" or her second "baby daddy" because she was divorced and already had a son.

She never said yes or no...but that she would think about it.

Days turn into weeks and weeks turn a into month w/o hearing a word from her or her answering my calls.

Went to her Mothers house and everything but no luck.

Eventually she reached out to me but never said anything about having an abortion...which she chose to do w/o my knowledge.

I kept those baby shoes for 7 years.

Don't have kids to this day.

He / she would have been 18 by now.

I know my lived experience doesn't impact this discussion - but neither should yours. Its all anecdotal.

The fact is no matter what a man does or doesn't do, Its a woman's choice.
Disagreements aside

I'm am sincerely sorry you had to go through this famb
Kev is repackaging a lot men rights advocate stuff but for a black audience, and is monetizing the hell outta it

Elite level scam when you think about it

A lot of folks here speaking in the abstract but I actually lived it.

My GF who I loved and cared a great deal for and I were having relationship issues and were trying to work things out when she called me up saying she wanted to come by for a visit.

She called me from the parking lot asking me to come down.

I asked her why she didn't just come up to my apartment and she said she had something for me.

I had no idea what she was talking about.

Wasn't my birthday or anything but she was the type to surprise me with gifts / food so I thought nothing of it.

When I got to her car she told me to open the rear door and take the bag but not to open it until I got back upstairs.

I kissed her goodbye and she drove off.

I get upstairs, open the bag, and inside was a day planner with dates that we had sex circled with hearts, a pink pair of baby timberlands , a blue pair of baby timberlands, (my favorite shoes at the time) and a positive EPT test.

Here I am at the literally "holding the bag" not knowing what to say or do.

Called her and asked her why she didn't stay so we could talk / work things out but she really didn't have an answer.

The next time we met up I told her how I felt and that I wanted us to do it right or not do it at all, meaning the full marriage, commitment, relationship counseling, the whole nine, because I didn't want to be a "baby daddy" or her second "baby daddy" because she was divorced and already had a son.

She never said yes or no...but that she would think about it.

Days turn into weeks and weeks turn a into month w/o hearing a word from her or her answering my calls.

Went to her Mothers house and everything but no luck.

Eventually she reached out to me but never said anything about having an abortion...which she chose to do w/o my knowledge.

I kept those baby shoes for 7 years.

Don't have kids to this day.

He / she would have been 18 by now.

I know my lived experience doesn't impact this discussion - but neither should yours. Its all anecdotal.

The fact is no matter what a man does or doesn't do, Its a woman's choice.

Damn man, that's brutal. I'm sorry you had to go through. Definitely "the other side" of this choice conversation. I hope you get to experience being a father one day playboy.
My views are extreme because I quote evidence that proves the Goverment used welfare to destroy the black family? Between you advocating for men to kick women in the stomach and disrespecting your mother for likes on the internet, it is clear you're unhinged.
You love narratives.
Disagreements aside

I'm am sincerely sorry you had to go through this famb

Appreciate you Fam.

Disagreements are natural.

All of us have our own lived experiences but that doesn't entitle us to our own facts is all I'm trying to say. Roe v Wade is the law of the land.

Went through all the stages of hating her, hating myself, thinking about birthdays, seeing other peoples kids playing / growing up, having women ask me why I dont have kids, etc etc. The hardest part is not knowing why she chose the road she chose...for all three of us.

Took years to get over it and still sometimes I wonder what could have been.

I guess that's why its hard for me to read some of these comments knowing full well how powerless men truly are when it comes to whether or not a child is born...while still supporting a woman's right to chose.

I can hear some Captain Save'em dude even now saying "Well you should have worn a condom and this wouldn't have happened" , saying nothing about my Ex's ways and actions...all while labeling me a "misogynist" when all I wanted was a family with a black woman.
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First off, sorry you went through that and not trying to blame you at all but did you and your partner have a discussion about whether y'all wanted to have kids? She was definitely in the wrong for springing it on you the way she did but it seems like there wasn't much communication going on judging by how blindsided you felt before/afterwards.
First off, sorry you went through that and not trying to blame you at all but did you and your partner have a discussion about whether y'all wanted to have kids? She was definitely in the wrong for springing it on you the way she did but it seems like there wasn't much communication going on judging by how blindsided you felt before/afterwards.

We never talked about it before, but I made it clear after the fact that I supported her decision either way.

It was my choice to marry her and make a family or at the very least go to counseling so we could create the best possible outcome for our child.

I saw how the divorce impacted her son / she was already having "baby daddy" issues with her ex husband.

I'm old school when it comes to family and believe in tradition so I wanted us to be a family.

Just didn't work out that way.

My bad for all the back and forth - I'm the one that has to control my triggers.

Evidently I still have some issues relative to the subject.

I'm just a hit dog hollering at these comments about men's responsibility / accountability when for me it didn't matter one bit what I wanted.
We never talked about it before, but I made it clear after the fact that I supported her decision either way.

It was my choice to marry her and make a family or at the very least go to counseling so we could create the best possible outcome for our child.

I saw how the divorce impacted her son / she was already having "baby daddy" issues with her ex husband.

I'm old school when it comes to family and believe in tradition so I wanted us to be a family.

Just didn't work out that way.

My bad for all the back and forth - I'm the one that has to control my triggers.

Evidently I still have some issues relative to the subject.

I'm just a hit dog hollering at these comments about men's responsibility / accountability when for me it didn't matter one bit what I wanted.
I am certain that your situation has made you rethink the parameters, the rules within a relationship, correct? I read a story you've told of a relative killing himself due to an unfair situation as well, right?
KHUFU KHUFU Is going to pop up any minute now.
I've been reading a whole lotta bull on this thread over the past few days, laughing my butt off because nobody has brought up why these so called Black men are still trying to live the family life depicted by white christian men. Why do they think that this is what a family is supposed to be, with men in charge?

I find that puzzling.
It seems to me that modern feminist women have a collective action problem.

Let's say I accept and agree with, the modern progressive feminist lens of socitey.

-beauty standards are socially constructed phenomenon of the patriarchy.
-and it needs to be challenged and torn down to achieve true equality.

if the patriarchy is as a dominant a force as feminist believe it to be;
that means dismantling beauty standards
getting men to expand their lens of attraction to fatter bodies, older bodies,
and place less value on women's looks

that type of fundamental shift in culture will take decades I would think...

Is a fat women willing to wait,...stay fat and possibly die alone to achieve this shif?

or will she act in her own self interest, drop the weight, attract more men
...further retrenching, patriarchal beauty standards?

and there's always the risk that feminist are wrong, and somewhere encoded in men's DNA is an attraction to submissive women with flat stomachs. :lol:

if i was a women I wouldn't be willing to take that risk.
plus exercising and losing weight has benefits beyond its ability to attract men.
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