Kevin Samuels Thread

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If people chose to engage in unprotected consensual sex, and use no form of contraception, then both parties bear responsibility for what results from that.

Women having extra veto power over parenthood after the fact doesn't really negate the fact that men have the power to make chooses about what sexual activities they engage in
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I think you are confusing facts with your opinion.

Famb, you decide where you wear a condom or not. You have agency over your body. Not the woman, YOU.

Your whole argument is that you/men can't be held anyway accountable for your actions because women have veto power over your poor decision. And sometimes they don't exercise it.

So you are all for personal accountability, all long as it is not for men. :lol:

Nah famb, that seems like a flimsy argument to me.


"I feel like" ...

Its Ok for you to have these feelings.

Thanks for sharing.
If Draya wants to have sex w/ me, I hold myself 100% accountable if it doesn't happen w/o a condom. I did something wrong, maybe I didn't beg enough. Idk, but its my fault :smh:
Since this now seems like the de facto thread for these types of topics :lol:

Legitimately feel bad for jits born after 2000 with young parents :lol:

She has the right to wear whatever she wants, but she is kinda being an a-hole to her son

Like as a parent, why do something you know will cause your kid public embarrassment and make them feel uncomfortable.

Being a teenager is rough. Any lil thing that happens can result from it a kid's life becoming hell from teasing.

I think any mother can teach their son that women have the right to dress how they please, yet still be considerate of his feelings in these situations.

And for ****s sake, don't put the kid on social media so it becomes even more likely that people that might tease him about it
Had this conversation with two women last year. Basically saying that if I had a daughter I would emphasize the importance of using discretion and protection when deciding to have sex. Would do the same with my son but at the end of the day the consequences are much more severe for a female. They got all in their feels talking about double standards and all kinds of irrelevant ****. One of the girl's sisters has two kids with two different dads and is raising them by herself. You'd think someone like her would understand but nah. Their perspective boiled down to the idea that if it's ok for men to sleep around it should be for women too. Don't know why the point was so difficult to grasp

All this **** can be boiled down into whether one subscribes to internet argument logic where semantics and word games and double standards and imaginary **** like that matters or actual real world survival logic :lol:
I never knew as a man I was this helpless :lol:

As you should be.

Yeah you can’t blame a woman for a pregnancy when you deciding not to protect yourself.

Cant get with that.
A man can impregnate a woman and be completely oblivious to it. Women can't do that. I know a woman who has a child in high school and has no idea who or where the father is. Women need to be careful because the burden of bearing a child is much heavier on their end. That's not excusing men of anything. It's just the way it is. Life aint fair
A man can impregnate a woman and be completely oblivious to it. Women can't do that. I know a woman who has a child in high school and has no idea who or where the father is. Women need to be careful because the burden of bearing a child is much heavier on their end. That's not excusing men of anything. It's just the way it is. Life aint fair

Her body her choice...but with all due respect. She was WILDING.
All this **** can be boiled down into whether one subscribes to internet argument logic where semantics and word games and double standards and imaginary **** like that matters or actual real world survival logic :lol:
I think telling dudes that they gotta be responsible for the choices they make when it comes to sex, and should wrap up their **** up if they don't want to be a dad, also fits into real-world survival logic

At the end of the day, a judge isn't gonna entertaining these 'it was out of my hands' arguments dudes to want to engage in.

Beacuase if were that easy, then NT would not be having these "baby father support group" threads popping off like once a year.
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African American single households will be over 70% in the next few years as predicted. It's hitting around 67% right now at the moment. No matter how much ya'll try to Cape/White Knight for our women, the majority of their attitudes/decisions is a huge problem in our culture/race. Education and economics has nothing to do with this because their motives, actions, and attitudes are basically all the same when we're talking about the majority. I personally think that's the main reason why Kevin Samuels decided to choose this specific path in showing the world how our woman thought processes are as a collective.

Alot of ya'll want to think it's just a specific crowed/percentage of women who think like the ones that pop up on his show. Sorry to tell ya'll, but this is the majority of how women think period. Alot of men are just straight up betas because of how they've been raised to think, so they're just happy to have any type of woman with them, as they accept any type of actions from women. But then you have men who are the complete opposite, those are the ones who don't get married or fall for the BS that their mothers and society has told them, because they know how the story is going to end after being with someone for so long. They're individuals that have been raised the right way to know how to choose the right Husband and Wife, but due to freedom, feminism, and how our entertainment and media has psychologically transformed the way we think and live, these discussions mean nothing because nothing is going to change as far as our people going backwards in the way we operate as a family unit.

I believe the majority of people, not even race based, shouldn't even be married nowadays. Everybody is wearing a mask without being their true selves. The crazy things ive seen married people do or say once alone is crazy. A low percentage of people will find the right one, the majority of people will only be with someone that they're comfortable with.
Had this conversation with two women last year. Basically saying that if I had a daughter I would emphasize the importance of using discretion and protection when deciding to have sex. Would do the same with my son but at the end of the day the consequences are much more severe for a female. They got all in their feels talking about double standards and all kinds of irrelevant ****. One of the girl's sisters has two kids with two different dads and is raising them by herself. You'd think someone like her would understand but nah. Their perspective boiled down to the idea that if it's ok for men to sleep around it should be for women too. Don't know why the point was so difficult to grasp
Yeah, unfortunately you can't reason with people like that. My hombres little sister got knocked up by a low life and she thought that by having the kid he would "change ". Now she is surprised that he doesn't give a damn about her and the kid. Instead of owning up to her part for even laying with this cat despite the signs, she's on this "men ain't ****" foolishness.
I haven't eaten meat in over 4yrs b/c of a goal haven't fulfilled. I'm okay w/ not being okay w/ me choosing principle over coochie. I still live the regret of not smashing the girl that told me "shut up before I ride your ****" anytime I'm horny & optionless. I'll be fine.
I haven't eaten meat in over 4yrs b/c of a goal haven't fulfilled. I'm okay w/ not being okay w/ me choosing principle over coochie. I still live the regret of not smashing the girl that told me "shut up before I ride your ****" anytime I'm horny & optionless. I'll be fine.
Famb it was a joke

You don't need to take me seriously right now :lol:
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