People bringing up pac are stupid. If plax is convicted he should be suspended. Although PAC has had numerous run ins with the law , he's never beenconvicted of anything.

And yes New York gun laws is no joke. Dude served 3 and a half years despite his gun being registered. Although it was registered it had to be registered inNy. His was registered in Weat Virginia.
When Deron Williams was arrested, he used the alias "Torrey Ellis".
he deserves the max penalty if it is proven he carried it inside.............i cant believe guys are vouching for him.............gawd forbid if a bullet firedfrom the gun hit someone else...........i cant see how he beats this charge anyway, because the laws are very strict......true , this lawyer he hired got puffyoff, but this is gonna be a lot harder......and if the d.a cuts a deal with plaxico(not likely), then these laws are a flat out joke..............
he can forget playing for the giants again...........they'd be crazy to let him come back to the team.........
Originally Posted by yungchamp

they are blowing this way out of proportion
dude shot himself.... let him be already ....maybe pay a fine but serve time? its the black athletes who get crucified
thats the dumbest comment by a long shot. maybe.. just maybe pay a fine but why serve time? I'd love to hear your logic on that. lets say hisaccidental shot hit someone you loved, would you still be saying maybe a fine but why serve time?

your IQ makes pacman jones look sensible in comparison
Aint no way a dude should be doing almost 4 years for just carrying a loaded weapon...dude is a celeb he gotta protect if he would haveaccidently shot someone else then that would be a different story but he shot himself...let the dude be
Originally Posted by philly5fan

Aint no way a dude should be doing almost 4 years for just carrying a loaded weapon...dude is a celeb he gotta protect if he would have accidently shot someone else then that would be a different story but he shot himself...let the dude be

Homie, do you not understand that it is ILLEGAL to carry a weapon without a permit? Do you not understand that it is ILLEGAL to carry a gun if it is NOTregistered?

Who cares if he's a celeb, he's better and entitled to do ILLEGAL things because he play football professionally? If you have to carry a gun to a club,someone with common sense would NOT go to the club at all.
Giants don't need him, they are still going to win the super bowl. They'll forget about him just like Tiki.

I told my dad about his comments and how irrational they were and he started to take Bloomberg's side. The argument that he should get equal treatment likeanyone else and spend 3 1/2 years in jail is not the point. The point to me is that someone who is not a threat to society doesn't deserve 3 1/2 years injail for this type of crime. Possessing a handgun is not worth 3 1/2 years, its worth probation at most as long as there's no criminal history. Plaxicodoesn't deserve to get off because he's a famous football player, he deserves to get off because he's not a threat to society. And throwing him injail won't teach him a lesson, it will just $#%+ up his life.
damn son. im trying to see the bright side in all of this.
but damn its a wrap for plaxico. homie is done for. he shouldn't be doing that.

he was at latin quarters too. WITH PIERCE & BRADSHAW what in the world is really going to pop off !?!? he crazy. he's dumb for that one. but damn...
plex is done, guaranteed 3.5 for even carrying a loaded handgun and a max of 15, damn...
Originally Posted by BirdsIView


I told my dad about his comments and how irrational they were and he started to take Bloomberg's side. The argument that he should get equal treatment like anyone else and spend 3 1/2 years in jail is not the point. The point to me is that someone who is not a threat to society doesn't deserve 3 1/2 years in jail for this type of crime. Possessing a handgun is not worth 3 1/2 years, its worth probation at most as long as there's no criminal history. Plaxico doesn't deserve to get off because he's a famous football player, he deserves to get off because he's not a threat to society. And throwing him in jail won't teach him a lesson, it will just $#%+ up his life.

[Puffy voice] Welcome to New York *%$%%%+%%$%#, where we don't play [/Puffy voice]
I don't believe that this punishment fits the crime, no matter who is facing the charges

Good to hear the NFL is investigating alongside the police, they must be a huge help

Bloomburg doesn't need to be opening his mouth, last time people were talking like this before the trial, Kobe got off and they looked like an idiot
Plax is an idiot....and smh @ dude pulling the race card
...get a damnbodyguard....i dont see the thought process behind carrying and being the famous guy in the crew...what you gonna do...split somebody wig and get away withit?
...if im famous...the 6'10 dude next to me has the thing onhim...not me
Bloomberg is not playing with this one..he's even going after the hospitalfor not reporting the gun shot to the police sooner

If you have to bring a gun to the club...STAY HOME!

On a brighter note....
she's a lawyer too
Bloomberg is not playing with this one..he's even going after the hospital for not reporting the gun shot to the police sooner
The only thing about Bloomberg is dude seems like he grandstanding like none other. Where was dude at when his cops were running wild pluggingdudes up with this same type of talk. Thats the only problem with this type of tough talk you have to be like this all the time or people are going to callyou out on it first chance they get. With all that being said Plax did it to himself and I'm not condoning what he did at all.
Sal Pal was on M&M this morning talking about Plax is gonna have to take the stand and try to CONVINCE the jury that he wasn't out to hurt someone withhis gun. He's $*$$##. Mandatory 3 1/2 years???
the hell was he thinking??? Also, Antonio Pierce might be in more trouble than people expect.
Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

Originally Posted by BirdsIView


I told my dad about his comments and how irrational they were and he started to take Bloomberg's side. The argument that he should get equal treatment like anyone else and spend 3 1/2 years in jail is not the point. The point to me is that someone who is not a threat to society doesn't deserve 3 1/2 years in jail for this type of crime. Possessing a handgun is not worth 3 1/2 years, its worth probation at most as long as there's no criminal history. Plaxico doesn't deserve to get off because he's a famous football player, he deserves to get off because he's not a threat to society. And throwing him in jail won't teach him a lesson, it will just $#%+ up his life.

[Puffy voice] Welcome to New York *%$%%%+%%$%#, where we don't play [/Puffy voice]
Yeah, that's why there's a good argument against all strict liability laws. Bloomberg is a moron, he's coming out all vocal nowbecause the law is his baby and he feels like he needs to defend it here because this is a situation where the strictliability law is going to catch someone whose actions don't warrant the full punishment.

I think the D.A. will/should just cut a deal, maybe 1 year of jail time + probation. It's not worth the hassle for the city... or at least it wouldn'thave been until Bloomberg came on to the scene. Fool doesn't realize that something like 90+% of these cases don't go to trial.
But he seems to want this one to... times like this I wish I had gone in to workfor the D.A.'s office.
The irony here is that if Plax was a regular joe... he would get a pass and skip a trial.
@ Bloomberg. Like someone said above... picking this case to get allvocal? I haven't seen/heard from him in ages and it's not like this is the worst thing to go down in NYC.

If he continues along his route, he's going in my book with hypocrites like Sharpton.
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