it is very hard to beat a gun charge in NYC. I know a dude right now doing like 3 years for just possesing an illegal firearm. PLUS dude was in a place thatserves alcohol? plax is going to jail for a bit.

damn i just seen some dude in a suit going off about burress ... talkin about if you carry a loaded firearm it is a mandatory 3.5 year sentence ... and yellinabout if hes not put in jail for the full sentence its a mockery of law and blah blah blah ... i really didnt think this was gonna be that serious ... lookslike dude is about to get the axe ...

and what about GOoDell? i mean this guy had a gun and it went off ... going off pacmans punishment, this is a minimum 1 year ban ...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

damn i just seen some dude in a suit going off about burress ... talkin about if you carry a loaded firearm it is a mandatory 3.5 year sentence ... and yellin about if hes not put in jail for the full sentence its a mockery of law and blah blah blah ...

That was Mayor Bloomberg.

And Plax is about to get the Mike Vick treatment.

Did something dumb and now will get crucified for it for the rest of his life.
^ dude did something way beyong "dumb". Imagine what would have happened if he accidently shot a bystander

better yet if someone picked a fight with him he was gonna pop off? and then what? you go to jail as well. what good was gonna come out of this

My boys in jail for the same charge and didn't fire a shot. Why dhould plax be saved?
I don't know what more pathetic. Him being lead in cuffs, or the fact that he used the alias "Harris Smith"
they are blowing this way out of proportion
dude shot himself.... let him be already ....maybe pay a fine but serve time? its the black athletes who getcrucified
Originally Posted by yungchamp

they are blowing this way out of proportion
dude shot himself.... let him be already ....maybe pay a fine but serve time? its the black athletes who get crucified
I take you're unfamiliar with NYC law? Certain things they're not playing with regardless of the outcome and intent, this happens to beone regardless of color.
Originally Posted by yungchamp

they are blowing this way out of proportion
dude shot himself.... let him be already ....maybe pay a fine but serve time? its the black athletes who get crucified

i agree dude...but the gun laws in new york are no joke...
Originally Posted by repinqueens

^ dude did something way beyong "dumb". Imagine what would have happened if he accidently shot a bystander

better yet if someone picked a fight with him he was gonna pop off? and then what? you go to jail as well. what good was gonna come out of this

My boys in jail for the same charge and didn't fire a shot. Why dhould plax be saved?
I'm not condoning Plax's actions. I'm saying that he did something dumb and should definitely get some sort of punishment for it. Butdudes are already on tv yapping about him getting suspended by Goodell and getting kicked out of the NFL...

Gun laws in NYC are a whole other topic. 3.5 is crazy..
That's not a typo either. You get caught carryin' heat, you doin' a shade under a presidential term. They have it posted on the subways and buseshere

Damn, Plax's lawyer is gonna really earn his money, if he can untangle this noose around Plax's neck. And Plax is a clow, because he should know how itis here in the NY/NJ area. I guess he does know, since he chose to carry heat.
Somebody tell me something. If NYC gun laws mandate a 3.5 year sentence for what he is accused of doing, why on earth were these corny ESPN "legalanalysts" saying the last two days that he probably wasn't going to get any time for being a first time offender?
I'm still going to be shocked if dude serves more than a month. Goodell will get him really bad though, he's a no-tolerance guy like that, but how manychances can Pacman get? I know he's down to his last straw now, but it took A LOT for that to happen. This is Plaxico's first time involving somethingwith the Commish I believe. Every else was team oriented.

To me, it's not even a big deal either. And you can't be going by what COULD have happened. He didn't kill anyone, he only harmed himself. Gun lawsin NY are hell strict though. That could bite him in the %@*.
people pullin a vick now ... let me get this out there early ...


vick fought dogs in an area where fighting dogs was illegal, plax was carrying a loaded gun where carrying a loaded gun is against the law and gives you 3.5... the *##@ is cut and dry ...
I understand it's a big deal, but damn!! 3.5 years?!?! NYC gun laws are no joke. I mean, i definitely dont believe in special treatment for him because heis a superstar athlete but that seems excessive. That said, if everyone else is getting 3.5 for the same exact thing then i guess he should go down too. Stillseems a little crazy that you can straight cheddar bob yourself and then still have to do a 3.5 bid.
^^^Cut and dry? He has the right to a fair trial, and the law will be interpreted then. You never know what is going to happen. Sure, it looks bad for Plax,but time will still tell.
Trust that it won't be hard for the guy who caught the pass to bring a ring to NY to sway a jury.

I really don't see him serving any time.

@Harris Smith.

Ron Mexico > Harris Smith.
Originally Posted by yungchamp

they are blowing this way out of proportion
dude shot himself.... let him be already ....maybe pay a fine but serve time? its the black athletes who get crucified

Stop with that race *@%@ man.

What if the gun fell out and shot someone and killed them?

Dude did not have a permit for the gun which is a felony = 3.5 years.

If the gun isn't registered its a wrap for him.

So quick to pull the race card, man. What is happening to Plax is because HE BROKE THE LAW. What ever the law states HE BROKE IT.

Mike Vick goes to jail because of dog fighting, HE BROKE A FEDERAL LAW and served his time, on top of it he probably got off easier because of his defenseteam.

I dont want Plax to go to jail and it was hard for me to look at one of my favorite players to be taken in handcuffs, but damn thats why teams have "headof security" for *@%@ like this. You make millions a year, what is couple hundred bills for a bodyguard?
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by yungchamp

they are blowing this way out of proportion
dude shot himself.... let him be already ....maybe pay a fine but serve time? its the black athletes who get crucified

Stop with that race *@%@ man.

What if the gun fell out and shot someone and killed them?

Dude did not have a permit for the gun which is a felony = 3.5 years.

If the gun isn't registered its a wrap for him.

So quick to pull the race card, man. What is happening to Plax is because HE BROKE THE LAW. What ever the law states HE BROKE IT.

Mike Vick goes to jail because of dog fighting, HE BROKE A FEDERAL LAW and served his time, on top of it he probably got off easier because of his defense team.

I dont want Plax to go to jail and it was hard for me to look at one of my favorite players to be taken in handcuffs, but damn thats why teams have "head of security" for *@%@ like this. You make millions a year, what is couple hundred bills for a bodyguard?

I agree Fede DPT. Both a stupid and racist statement to make. I knew I had this dude on ignore for a reason.
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